词语大全 攻取的英文


篇首语:最淡的墨水,也胜过最强的记性。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 攻取的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 攻取的英文

Solomon then went to hamath zobah and captured it

" see how the siege ramps are built up to take the city

And solomon went to hamath - zobah , and prevailed against it
代下8 : 3所羅門往哈馬瑣巴去、攻取了那地方。

And he took the walled towns of judah , and came as far as jerusalem

But david took the strong place of zion , which is the town of david

But david took the stronghold of zion , which is now the city of david

And he took the fenced cities which pertained to judah , and came to jerusalem

Neverthele david took the strong hold of zion : the same is the city of david

He captured the fortified cities of judah and came as far as jerusalem
代下12 : 4他攻取了猶大的堅固城、就來到耶路撒冷。

Nevertheless david took the strong hold of zion : the same is the city of david

Then went abimelech to thebez , and encamped against thebez , and took it

And he said unto jehoshaphat , wilt thou go with me to battle to ramothgilead ?

Nevertheless , david captured the stronghold of zion , that is the city of david
撒下5 : 7然而大衛攻取錫安的保障、就是大衛的城。

Then abimelech went to thebez ; and he encamped against thebez and took it

Then abimelech went to thebez , and he camped against thebez and captured it
士9 : 50亞比米勒到提備斯、向提備斯安營、就攻取了那城。

The paratroops descended on the village and took it in a matter of minutes

Then abimelech went to thebez , and put his army in position against thebez and took it

[ bbe ] then abimelech went to thebez , and put his army in position against thebez and took it

And the chaldeans shall e again , and fight against this city , and take it , and burn it with fire

So jeremiah was kept in the place of the armed watchmen till the day when jerusalem was taken

So jeremiah stayed in the court of the guardhouse until the day that jerusalem was captured
耶38 : 28于是耶利米仍在護衛兵的院中、直到耶路撒冷被攻取的日子。

And ahab king of israel said unto jehoshaphat king of judah , wilt thou go with me to ramothgilead

For ahab , king of israel , said to jehoshaphat , king of judah , will you go with me to ramoth - gilead

And ahab king of israel said unto jehoshaphat king of judah , wilt thou go with me to ramoth - gilead
代下18 : 3以色列王亞哈問猶大王約沙法說、你肯同我去攻取基列的拉末麼。

The men of judah attacked jerusalem also and took it . they put the city to the sword and set it on fire

And they went down after him , and took the fords of jordan toward moab , and suffered not a man to pass over

Oslash ; at the order of thunderwing , sixshot and bludgeon convince galvatron to attack the pec plex on primon

He killed of edom in the valley of salt 10 , 000 and took sela by war , and named it joktheel to this day
王下14 : 7亞瑪謝在鹽谷殺了以東人一萬、又攻取了西拉、改名叫約帖、直到今日。

When he came to the king , the king said to him , micaiah , are we to go to ramoth - gilead to make war or not

Thus saith the lord , this city shall surely be given into the hand of the king of babylon \' s army , which shall take it

Half of the city will go into exile , but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city

So jeremiah abode in the court of the prison until the day that jerusalem was taken : and he was there when jerusalem was taken

The lord has said , this town will certainly be given into the hands of the army of the king of babylon , and he will take it

Then hazael king of syria went up , and fought against gath , and took it : and hazael set his face to go up to jerusalem

And he struck them from aroer until you e to minnith , enty cities , and to abel - keramim , with a very great stroke

Indeed they scoff at kings , and potentates are a derision to them ; they deride every fortress , for they heap up dirt and take it

He slew of edom in the valley of salt ten thousand , and took selah by war , and called the name of it joktheel unto this day

Then hazael king of syria went up , and fought against gath , and took it : and hazael set his face to go up to jerusalem
王下12 : 17那時、亞蘭王哈薛上來、攻打迦特、攻取了就定意上來攻打耶路撒冷。

And ahab slaughtered many sheep and oxen for him and the people who were with him , and induced him to go up against ramoth - gilead

And when he was e to the king , the king said unto him , micaiah , shall we go to ramothgilead to battle , or shall i forbear

Then the sons of judah fought against jerusalem and captured it and struck it with the edge of the sword and set the city on fire
士1 : 8猶大人攻打耶路撒冷、將城攻取、用刀殺了城內的人、并且放火燒城。

The king of assyria pped by attacking damascus and capturing it . he deported its inhabitants to kir and put rezin to death

Now in the fourteenth year of king hezekiah , sennacherib , king of assyria , came up against all the walled towns of judah and took them

At that time hazael the king of syria went up and fought against gath and took it . and hazael set his face to go up toward jerusalem

How sheshach has been captured , and the praise of all the earth seized ! how babylon has bee an astonishment among the nations

Kerioth will be captured and the strongholds taken . in that day the hearts of moab \' s warriors will be pke the heart of a woman in labor

And the children of judah fought against jerusalem , and they took it and struck it with the edge of the sword ; and they set the city on fire

Now in the fourteenth year of king hezekiah did sennacherib king of assyria e up against all the fenced cities of judah , and took them

So the king of israel got together all the prophets , four hundred men , and said to them , am i to go to ramoth - gilead to make war or not

And ahab killed sheep and oxen for him in abundance , and for the people that he had with him , and persuaded him to go up with him to ramothgilead


词语大全 攻取   [gōng qǔ]什么意思

攻取  [gōngqǔ][攻取]基本解释1.攻打并占领2.开采提取[攻取]详细解释进攻夺取。《史记·白起王翦列传》:“吾欲攻取荆,于将军度用几何人而足?”宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷九:

词语大全 攻取   [gōng qǔ]什么意思

攻取  [gōngqǔ][攻取]基本解释1.攻打并占领2.开采提取[攻取]详细解释进攻夺取。《史记·白起王翦列传》:“吾欲攻取荆,于将军度用几何人而足?”宋罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷九:

古诗词大全 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案,秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案


古诗词大全 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案,秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案


古诗词大全 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案,秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城阅读答案


词语大全 战胜攻取   [zhàn shèng gōng qǔ]什么意思

战胜攻取  [zhànshènggōngqǔ][战胜攻取]成语解释战就能胜攻即能取。形容所向无敌[战胜攻取]成语出处《史记·白起王翦列传》[战胜攻取]百科解释【词目】战胜攻取【读音

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词语大全 焦苦的意思是什么

【焦苦】的意思是什么?【焦苦】是什么意思?【焦苦】的意思是:焦苦jiāokǔ 1.  忧愁困苦。  ●《史记•天官书》:「争于攻取,兵革更起,城邑数屠

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