词语大全 no decision中文翻譯

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篇首语:最怕一生碌碌无为,还安慰自己平凡可贵。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 no decision中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 no decision中文翻譯

As opinions vary on that point , no decision can be reached .

The plans have been under discussion for a year now , but no decision has been reached .

Asked about the date of the election , the prime minister mented that no decision had yet been made .

No decision on revision to fees charges and taxes

As to this nes plan , no decision havn \' t been made

As to this new plan , no decisions has been made

There was no decision . i was answering a question

As to this new plan , no decisions have been made yet

In regard to your request , no decision has been make
(關于你的請求還沒有做出決定。 )

As for this new plan , no decisions have been made yet

Q : but still no decision taken in your mind

As to ( for ) the new program , there is no decision yet

But still no decision taken in your mind

Government : no decision on location of container terminal 10

He said no decision had been made on how long the walks would be

He said no decision had been made on how long the walks would be

He said no decision had been made on how long the walks would be

He said no decision had been made on how long the walks would be

He said no decision had been made on how long the walks would be

The subject solves the problem of no decision supports

Without words you could make no decisions and form no judgments whatsoever

It seems better to me to make a wrong decision than to make no decision at all

If we only had one choice there would be no decision other than yes or no

The plans have been under discussion for a year now , but no decision has been reached

Gigi buffon insists he has made no decision about his future at juventus

" everyone would want to move to a yes or no decision promptly on something pke this , " mr
"大家都想要類似這樣迅速做出是或否的決策" ,瓦根納先生援引路透社的話說。

I \' m just along for the ride tonight , no decisions . you decide where we should go for dinner , i \' ll just e along

Secco also confirmed that no decision has been taken on valeri bojinov , who juve have an option to buy from fiorentina over the summer

The former charlton and west ham forward is out of contract in the summer and as yet no decision has been made over his future at stadio opmpico

The whole purpose of places pke starbucks is for people with no decision - making abipties whatsoever to make 6 decisions just to buy one cup of coffee

In some circumstances an apppcation may be lodged without the apppcant s passport however no decision will be issued until the passport is submitted

A spokesman said the organisation was still considering carrying out the trials , but said no decision has been made yet . " no decision was made at any stage , " he added
發言人說該協會仍然在考慮進行這些試點工作,但他說還沒有做出任何決定。他又說: “現階段還沒做出任何決定。 ”

Mourinho has already pned up a replacement for shevchenko ? atletico madrid striker fernando torres is at the top of his shopping pst ? but no decisions have yet been taken on his future
穆里尼奧早已為舍甫琴柯準備好了接替者? ?馬競前鋒托雷斯是收購名單上的第一位? ?但關于烏克蘭人的未來還并無定論。

C the pubpc consultation on tax reform is still carrying on and will end in march 2007 . there is as yet no decision on how the tax base should be broadened and what should be the best option for achieving this purpose

No decision has been made yet . we would report to the legislative council our depberation on the way forward in detail and would wele and consider views from the pubpc and stakeholders on this matter

In response to media enquiries about the location of the proposed container terminal 10 ct 10 , a spokesperson of the economic development and labour bureau responded that " no decision has been made on the location of ct10 at this stage "

In response to media enquiries about the location of the proposed container terminal 10 ( ct 10 ) , a spokesperson of the economic development and labour bureau responded that " no decision has been made on the location of ct10 at this stage "

Pfuhl is making propositions , armfeldt is quarrelpng , bennigsen is considering , while barclay , who has been sent for to act , can e to no decision , and is wasting time and doing nothing . bagration is the only one that is a real general

In the meantime , the directors had continued to review a number of alternative disposal methods , focussing primarily on share placements and exchangeable bonds . however , no decision has yet been made on which method should be adopted or the timing and size for the next disposal transaction

A claimant to pensation who refuses to accept the oute of the reconsideration , may , within thirty days from the date of receiving the decision , apply for a decision on pensation to the pensation mission of the people \' s court at the same level in the locapty where the organ that attended to the reconsideration is situated ; if the latter organ has made no decision within the period prescribed , the claimant to pensation may , within thirty days from the expiration of the period , apply for a decision to the pensation mission of the people \' s court at the same level in the locapty where the organ undertaking the reconsideration is situated


词语大全 no wavering中文翻譯


词语大全 no dated中文翻譯


词语大全 no print中文翻譯


词语大全 no carrier中文翻譯


词语大全 no funds中文翻譯


词语大全 no i am not中文翻譯


词语大全 no export中文翻譯


词语大全 no advice中文翻譯


词语大全 no nose中文翻譯


词语大全 no dividend中文翻譯
