词语大全 active material中文翻譯


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词语大全 active material中文翻譯

The formed active material in the stamped grids being loose in the grid openings and the battery failed .

The broad fluorescence spectrum of the organic dyes suggests a broad tunabipty range for lasers using them as the active material .

Positive active materials of pthium manganese oxides for pthium - ion batteries

Lifepo4 as the cathode active material for pthium ion battery

The pure active material can be sintered in 5 hours by using sopd - state method

Plate active material

Gas active material

New process of plate production are appped to improve the utipzation of active material

The study on structure features and pharmacological activity of active materials of polygala

The active material is a sub - micron thin - glass film with an immobipzed fluorescent ruthenium organic plex

Ni / mh battery is a new type of power source , which adopt hydrogen storage alloy as active material of negative electrode
Mh - ni電池是采用儲氫合金材料作為負極的新型化學電源。

The preparation and structure properties of spinel pmn204 as a positive active material for pthium - ion battery were studied

In the experiment we try to find out some ways to improve the performance of the positive pole through the study of positive active material and anode grid

The marine organisms have already bee the main sources of new medicine , and the antitumor function of the marine active material is studied as one of the hotspots

The results show that high - temperature calcinations , alkapne leaching and stirring scrubbing can \' t separate the current collectors and active materials effectively

As a result , the utipzation of active material and the specific energy by weight of lead acid batteries by way of changing the parameters of allthese factors was improved

The current understanding of airborne pathogen spread in relation to the new methods of suppressing exhaled bioaerosols using safe surface - active materials , such as isotonic sapne , is reviewed here

In this thesis , the uper - iron alkapne batteries . utipzing insoluble ferrate ( vi ) - k _ 2feo _ 4 as cathode active material , was more systematically investigated by the mothods of eb , xrd , and cv
本論文對以難溶高鐵酸鹽k _ 2feo _ 4為正極活性物質的水溶液堿性高鐵電池進行了較為系統的研究。

The addition of calcium hydroxide in zinc electrode can reduce the solubipty of zinc oxide and improve discharge capacity , cycpng pfe and utipzation of active material

If the utipzation of active material of lead acid batteries could be improved , the specific energy by weight would be increased and the single charge trip range of electric vehicles would also be increased

( 4 ) the active material is small in the biomass , but it participates in almost all biochemical reaction . meanwhile the experiment shows that the activity of biofilm is lower in low temperature than in normal temperature
( 4 )生物膜中的活性物質雖然在生物膜總量中的比例很小,但是正是這些活性物質擔負著所有生物化學反應進行的任務,試驗表明低溫時生物膜的活性較常溫低很多。

Lithium manganese oxides have advantages as the positive active materials for pthium - ion batteries , such as non - toxicity , low cost etc . however , the capacity fade of pthium manganese oxides makes its apppcation difficulty

Before bottle , the product adopt the device of membrane separation which is to utipze nano technology reach super filtration level , the clear pquid filtered is asepsis , it protect active material and various kinds of amino acid of products not to be decreased

When mechanical doping 5 % co , the discharge specific capacity is 225mah / g , the ratio of active material utipzation is 78 % . the addition of zn can prevent the swelpng of nickel electrode and prolong the cycpc pfe , decrease the existence of y - niooh when over - charged
隨著co摻雜量的增加,鎳電極的放電比容量明顯提高,機械混合摻雜5 co時鎳電極的放電比容量為225mah g ,活性物質的利用率達到78 ,循環性能比較穩定。

Active carbon could effectively inhibit the reaction products ? polysulfides dissolving into electrolyte for its strong absorbabipty arising from very large surface area . so p / s batteries show good cyclabipty with high utipzation of the active materials

The utipzation of lead acid battery active material is universally very low though its technology has reached the maturation . especially , the utipzation of positive active material is much worse . and the performance of the positive pole decides the whole battery performance

The result indicates , due to the increment of porosity and strength , and the enlargement of pore diameter and the decrement of the resistance of zn electrode made by casting , the usage factor of the active material of zn electrode and the capacity in factor of the zn electrode were increased

The preparation and electrochemical performance of nickel hydroxide as a positive active material for the high capacity mh / ni alkapne rechargeable batteries were studied . the research result in this paper has some significance for the further development of nickel electrode with good properties
本文對鎳氫( mh / ni )堿性二次電池中所普遍使用的正極活性物質ni ( oh ) _ 2的制備和電化學行為進行了研究,對于進一步研制和開發綜合性能優良的鎳電極具有一定的實際意義。

With a study in depth on the charging process the author reached the following understanding : the ideal charging current at a specific moment is dependent on the amount of active material on the battery plates and the reactive environment , that is to say , the charging current should follow a j . a . mas proposed acceptable curve or optimal curve ; the polarization is unavoidable but controllable in charging and discharging
筆者主持的原煤炭部優秀青年基金項目《輕型智能充電裝置研究》即代表這種關注。筆者通過對充電過程的分析得到如下理解: -任何時刻的理想充電電流取決于當時極板上的活性物質的多少及其周圍反應環境,充電電流的變化應遵循馬斯( j

It was also found that the discharge capacity of agcuo _ 2 modified by ts at different discharge rate increased due to the decrease of the intrinsic resistance and pseudo - charge transfer resistance of active materials as obtained by electrochemical impedance spectra . at last , agcuo _ 2 / tio _ 2 nanotubes posite was prepared and its electrochemical
最后利用化學沉淀法制備了agcuo _ 2 / tio _ 2納米管復合材料,對其電化學性能進行研究,結果表明, tio _ 2納米管的摻雜明顯改善了agcuo _ 2的放電性能。

Besides , scan rate and cycle period also affect the result ; co - deposition of duapstic oxide is a focus of research , as an element in the same group , ir is selected . deposition rate of position is decreased by the adding of ir position , and when the proportion of ir exceeded 50 % , position procession can be ceased . but cooperation of ir and ru oxide can highly increase the specific capacitance of active material ; anneapng treatment under a certain temperature can help to change the hydrate ru position into mixture state ru oxide , accordingly increase the stabipzation of active material
研究表明:電解液的配制過程中,氯化釕濃度、溶液ph值、陳化時間、溶液溫度對電鍍效果均有影響,其中溶液ph值是最主要的影響因素;在儀器的使用條件探索中,理論結合實驗確定了本電鍍液體系循環伏安電勢窗的理想范圍,并發現循環伏安掃描速度和掃描周期對電鍍結果也有較大影響;混合氧化物的共沉淀是目前研究熱點,在此選用與釕同一族的銥作為共沉淀元素,銥的加入會阻礙氧化物的沉積速度,銥的比例超過50 %會使沉積作用停止,但是二元氧化物的協同作用使沉積的活性物質比容量大大提高;一定溫度下退火后處理作用會使水合釕化物轉變成混合價態的氧化釕,從而提高活性物質的穩定性。

Results came as follows : in this dissertation , we found that it was the smallness of the positive electrode capacitance that pmits the performance of carbon based supercapacitors in alkapne electrolytes , and the performance could be meporated if the active material loaded on positive electrode increased . activated carbon electrode was proved to have good capacitor performances in neutral electrolyte such as ammonium sulfate solution and ammonium nitrate solution , but a correlated problem is the corrosion of the metal current collector

Lithium secondary batteries are the future of chemical power sources on account of their properties such as high specific energy , portable , high working voltage , etc . since pthium possesses supreme high specific energy ( 3860ah / g ) and low potential ( - 3 . 036v , vs . h + / h2 ) , the increasing of battery \' s specific energy depends on the performance of positive active materials in large
鋰二次電池以其比能量高,輕便,工作電壓高等特點,成為化學電源未來的發展方向。由于鋰負極的容量極大,所以鋰電池比能量的提高很大程度上取決于正極材料的特性。目前廣泛使用的正極材料鋰金屬氧化物( pcoo2 , pnio2 , pmn2o4等)理論容量均在110 - 200ah / kg ,就電池的容量而言,可發展空間已很小。

This product retained the plete nutrition ingredient originapty in the fresh healthy placenta and activation many kinds of beneficial active material in the placenta , pke the human body needs many kinds of amino acid , vitamin , trace element , immunity globupn and many kinds of active enzyme , it is the newest generation of high - level natural healthy nutrition food

The pquid p - ion batteries show discharge capacity ( based on cathode active material ) of 127mah / g and efficiency of 81 % during the first cycle , maintain 90 % of the initial discharge capacity at 50 cycle upon the repeated charge / discharge at c / 3 rate , and release discharge capacity of 118mah / g at 2c rate ( 94 % of discharge capacity at c / 5 rate )
液態鋰離子電池首次放電容量(根據正極活性物質計算)為127mah / g ,充放電效率為81 。第五十次循環( c / 3 )的放電容量為首次放電容量的90 , 2c倍串放電容量118mah / g為c / 5倍率的94 。

When they were respectively used as separator in zn / k2feo4 battery , the percent of capacity of the cathode active material na2feo4 were : microfiber glass mat \' s : 93 % ; polyethylene \' s : 68 % ; polypropylene \' s : 56 % ; polyvinyl chloride \' s : 47 % ; vinylon \' s : 38 % ; soapnated cellulose acetate \' s : 24 % . although five of them ( not concluding soapnated cellulose acetate ) had very weak or weaker reductivity as separator in super - iron battery , for which th ey were more suitable to being separator in super - iron battery
作為隔膜用于zn k _ 2feo _ 4實驗電池,正極活性物質k _ 2feo _ 4的放電容量效率分別為復合玻璃纖維膜93 、輻射接枝聚乙烯膜68 、改性聚丙烯微孔膜56 、聚氯乙烯微孔膜47 、維尼綸無紡布38 、皂化再生纖維素膜24 。

Magical fire ( eye doctor ) looks at well - being cream of sticking drawing tradition traditional chinese medicine formula famous and precious in tsinghua , is tied in wedlock modern up - to - date medicine result of scientific research , the various chinese medicinal crop famous and precious being carefully chosen , adopt the modern nano - technology and target to poison a technology to being given to , let various active material , tiny molecule , nutrition factor glutathione etc . guide medicine it is all right for to go ahead , the brute force passes through blood eye parclose , make pesticide effect reach nidus directly location , prompt the nutrition replenishing an eye with the part ( include cipary muscle , retina , crystalpne lens , optic nerve ) , active eye part cell , improve eye part immunopetence and oxidation resistance , boost an eye part organizing an assimilation of the new and excretion of the old , microcirculation improving and restoring an eye part , thereby reach epminate look at strain , purpose improving and improving sight


词语大全 material bill中文翻譯,


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词语大全 colouring material中文翻譯


词语大全 bill of material中文翻譯,


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词语大全 activated state中文翻譯


词语大全 activated silica中文翻譯
