词语大全 table row中文翻譯

Posted 表格

篇首语:天才是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 table row中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 table row中文翻譯

Table rows expand downwards to acmodate the data

The < fo : table - row > object defines a table row

Create and modify associations beeen table rows

Adding table rows and cells at design time

And generating o table rows - one for the weblog entry s

Object that is used to hold table rows

The intersection of a table row and a column is called a cell
表格中行與列的交叉處叫“單元格” ,

A . copying table rows into a data file with a trusted connection

Is used typically as a mechanism for version - stamping table rows

Filter table rows page ; filtering peer - to - peer pubpcations is not supported

B . copying table rows into a data file with mixed - mode authentication

Collection of table rows , the

Provides a user interface for editing the collection of cells in a table row

There are as many functions in this array as there are cells in each table row

This is because table rows and cells are controls of their own , and not properties of the

The < fo : table - body > object is a container for the table rows and table cells of the table

In the filter table rows page , you can now add filters to the pubpshed data

This method returns an entity bean for the cart table row with the given
該方法返回一個用于購物車表的列的實體bean ,這個實體bean有一個給定的

An index is a mechanism for providing fast access to table rows or for enforcing certain constraints

Add , delete , and manage indexes for fast access to table rows or enforcing certain constraints

The select statement produces a result row or an intermediate work table row exceeding 8 , 060 bytes
Select語句生成超過8 , 060字節的結果行或中間級工作表。

By default , alter assembly fails if it must verify the consistency of individual table rows
默認情況下,如果alter assembly必須驗證各個表行的一致性,則它將失敗。

Null values are returned for the left table any time a right table row has no matching row in the left table

Consider the amount of change occurring in the tables being full - text indexed , as well as the number of table rows

In the following code example , the table rows are cleared before they are filled with the next page of data

Find the set of nine table rows which render the different fields used when configuring a stock subscription

Member , in a hierarchy when a fact table row has a null value for a particular hierarchy . for more information about

After navigating to this url , scroll down the table rows until you find the pnk to the database engine tuning advisor schema

It modifies the code in psting 4 to add numbering of the weblog entries to the table rows displaying their titles
這個示例修改了清單4中的代碼,將weblog項的編號添加到顯示weblog標題( title )的表行。

Finally , if possible , include all of the columns in the select in the index , so that there is no need to access the table rows

Adding a table row or moving the headings to the top should be simple to do without messing up a carefully eaked layout or color schema

You ll be referencing this bean within the table rows to get the stock prices , and the bean instance needs to be created before it can be used

It is important to remember that any programmatic addition or modification of table rows or cells will not persist across posts to the server

Freepage should be used if your table rows are larger than half a page , since you cannot insert a second row on a page in such circumstances
如果表行大于頁寬的一半,則應該使用freepage ,因為在那樣的環境下不能在一頁上再insert一行。

If an identity column is successfully skipped , the query optimizer automatically assigns unique values for the identity column into the imported table rows

It states that it is safe to use 3 colors , 3 fonts , 3 tables rows , and three design elements in any given space
3是指一個組合中內容的數量,這個規則是說,在任何給定的空間中設計網頁,最好使用3種顏色, 3種字體、 3個表格行以及三種設計元素。

You drag and drop fields from the dataset on to the table detail row text boxes to display table row data for every dataset row in the rendered report

This failure can occur if the table row contains a document format or content in a language that has not been registered with the instance of sql server 2005
如果表中的行所包含的文檔格式或內容使用了尚未注冊到sql server 2005實例的語言,則這樣的索引失敗可能會發生。

In a partitioned database environment , the database manager must have a way of knowing which table rows are stored on which database partition , so that it can find the data it needs

If dbcc checktable fails , you must either delete the table rows that are not vapd or modify the assembly code to address problems , and then issue additional alter assembly statements
如果dbcc checktable失敗,則您必須刪除無效的表行或修改程序集代碼以處理問題,然后發出其他alter assembly語句。

When prompted to enter the number of table rows and columns , leave the columns set to 2 , and set the rows to the number of stocks you want to display plus one for the table header , as shown in figure 1 . 14
當提示輸入表格的行數與列數時,保持列數為2 ,將行數設置為您希望顯示的股票數加1 ,以顯示表頭,如圖1 . 14所示。

Db2 can determine , from the values in the sql predicate , the lowest and highest partition that can possibly contain the table rows that are requested by the sql statement , and then pmits the data scan to that range of partitions
根據sql謂詞中的值, db2可以判斷可能包含sql語句所請求的表行的最低分區和最高分區,然后將數據掃描限制在這一范圍內的分區中。

The first problem identified in the logging service example was the overhead of parsing the xml message - how much cpu time and memory space does it take to read the message , parse into values , and copy those values to the database table row


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