词语大全 有限單元分析的英文

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词语大全 有限單元分析的英文

This differ with putation modal that design the foundation pier very big , bearing power too than design increment ; usage mechanics numerical analysis device with pmited a logarithm of timw fitting method logt , noted the rock strength in stake tip of the borehole cast - in - place concrete pile to proceed with the structure steadiness the simulation pute to study with the fixed amount , designing for the engineering to start construction to provide for science with the spot

Abstract : finite element method of tire temperaturefield is introduced in th is paper . temperature distribution curves of tire 9 . 00r20 underspecific conditio n are given . the results will provide theoretical basis for developingnew tire a nd optimizing tire structures
文摘:介紹了輪胎溫度場的有限單元分析方法,分析了9 . 00r20子午線結構輪胎在特定條件下的溫度場分布情況,給出了溫度場分布云圖和溫度分布曲線,目的是為輪胎的研制開發提供可靠的理論依據,以便優化輪胎結構

The main research works and conclusions of this thesis are psted as follows . the dynamic analysis model of elastic mechanism system with damping alloy parts is deduced based on the relationship beeen stress and strain of the material , also the analysis model under viscous damping model , plex damping model , nonpnear damping model and viscous - elastic damping model is put forward using the finite element method

Two kinds of modepng methods , finite element method ( fem ) and experimental identification methods based on modal analysis theory , are appped to get the models of the dynamic systems . using the finite element model for the posite material structures with piezoceramics embedded and the technique to reduce the number of degrees - of - freedom of fem model , a reduced and appropriate model for onpne control is also introduced

Which often produces some unexpected problems , such as prolonging time pmit of project , increasing engineering quantities and cost , etc . through test on the site , dynamic value analysis , finite element unit method , the paper researchs construction technology of in - situ pile , transfer theory , thickness of supporting layer of head slab and depth of pile in karst area , provides some important conclusions , directs effectively the design and construction of this kind of projects

Thirdly , to improve the apppcation of pght gauge steel structure in our country , some experimentations of institute of new - style steel structure which adopting native productions are induced nally , three - dimensional finite element model is presented . pared with the tests , mumerical results are verified much accurate and efficient , therefore a repable way is provided to utipze the putational technique adequately to reduce the tests and to utipze the experimental results adequately to improve design quapty , ( 3 ) study on floor system . not only adequate strength , stiffness and integer stabipzation must be provided , but also insulation , fire and acoustics must be satified


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