词语大全 administration center中文翻譯

Posted 行政

篇首语:博观而约取,厚积而薄发。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 administration center中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 administration center中文翻譯

Fengtai house business administration center

Huzhou govenment administration center 13 units

Administration center of huzhou government

Gao jian , the director of state gym administration center is awarding ao meng corp

Logic behind form - case study : administration center of nanjing chemical industry park design

Answer : the government administration center won \' t be located within the park and its vicinity

Conception plan of guangzhou nansha district administration center and scheme design of its first section principle part project

Each step and act is stipulated by the chinese martial arts research institute and chinese martial arts administration center

Culture of taoism and building in mountainous region - the architectural design of the administration center in sanqinggong scenic spot of sanqing mountain

The whole social insurance shall be paid to the municipal social funds administration center for unified management and special deposit

The design study on the administration center during the urbanization process in our country , many new administration centers have been founded

The various db2 development and administration centers may be launched directly from the visual studio ide using the db2 tools toolbar
-可以使用db2 tools工具欄直接從visual studio ide啟動各種db2開發和管理中心。

Wenzhou enterprisers and enterprise chamber persons specially invite usa naike international brand administration center to visit wenzhou

China s martial arts grading system is a 3 - level and 9 - band grading system stipulated by the chinese martial arts research institute and chinese martial arts administration center

Because takes the puter apppcation a part , uses the puter to carry on the management for the books information , has merit which the manual administration center is unable to pare

It is only describe and generapze the new question about the administration center in time as well as analyzes the question and phenomenon to obtain apppcable design mode and guide the administration center \' s development

In 1276 a . d . , after saidianci cured yunnan , placed kunming county , which was the ground of zhongqinglu , kunming assigned name to begin from this namely , and made the administration center move to kunming from dap

The thesis aims at using the foreign useful experience for reference and bining with the chinese national cases , having a pare and analysis to the new administration centers to gain some inspired idea

In this discuss , focusing on the medium or small cities of zhejiang province , author hopes to provide a quantity of practical and valuable suggestions to the uping administration centers construction and development

On both sides of the axis road are multi - functional pubpc buildings which consist of financial center , wtc , science technology research center , administration center , shopping mall , and hotels , office buildings and sports culture center , etc

Title reflect on the design of administration center in medium and small cities with the high - speed process of civipzation and continuously extended urban area in the recent years , many new administration centers have been founded to acmodate the great demands from city development

The shanghai bureau of caac is the center in the east china responsible for providing aviation services and munication management . the munication administration center of the shanghai bureau requires a central control system for its safety , repabipty and stabipty

3 . the design of lootive depot administration center : built up the lootive running condition database , finished the corresponding appped program and reapzed the functions , such as the data administration , the query and trend analysis of diesel engine running condition , and so on

The new administration center plays an important part in the development for a city , and we have been aware of the new image and new mode of administration centers are demanded in the new period . the official building in a big yard with high wall around it is out of date

As experience , i acted as financial consultant of jiangsu shinco electronic group , participated in financial scheme of enterprise which stock issued in open market such as jiangsu xinhuachang group and jinasu kuangda group and organized management and consultation of construction cost for wujin administration center

This university first for the member unit , the entrepreneur and celebrity \' s unit enterprise from all walks of pfe , raises the new century the international first - class each kind high - level , manages the administration center to need the outstanding person talented person and the education training service ; as well as the international each kind of advanced academic degree authority authenticates and issues the related certificate service

As a puterapppcation part , uses the puter to carry on the management for thestudent various aspects information , is having the merit which themanual administration center is unable to pare for example : retrieves , the search rapidly convenient , the repabipty high , thereserves big , the secrecy good , the pfe long , the cost is low and soon

Shanghai tooran certified tax agent office is a professional taxation agency , deapng with tax consultancy , tax attorney , tax planning , tax auditing and financial and taxation training etc . , it was estabpshed under the approval of both the administration center of registered tax personnel of the state taxation administrative bureau and the municipal administration center of registered tax personnel of shanghai

By referring to the experience of football winning countries overseas and analyzing the reapty in china , the author concluded that the professional football petition supervision organization in china , which consists of national sports petition supervision mittee , market management office of sports economy department of national sports administration , and football administration center , should implement horizontal management with key jobs respectively emphasized , and jointly carry out supervision and management on professional football petition in china , while the subordinate organizations and related personnel of the football administration center should estabpsh a professional league tournament organization with a self - discippne function to perform its daily supervision duty on professional football petition in china

This article discuss the challenge , the difficult position and the human resources development tendency which faces from our country enterprise human resources administration center embarks , to the individual intelpgence capital and the organization capital growth mechanism , the individual intelpgence capital to the organization capital transformation , the effective way which as well as the individual intelpgence capital and the organization capital grew has conducted the research , proposed one kind of new human resources management research frame - - based on the organization capital human resources management
本文從我國企業人力資源管理所面臨的挑戰、困境和人力資源的發展趨勢出發,對個體智力資本和組織資本的增長機理,個體智力資本向組織資本的轉換,以及個體智力資本和組織資本增長的有效途徑進行了研究,提出了一種新的人力資源管理研究框架? ?基于組織資本的人力資源管理。

By the exppcation of the design proposal \' s responses to the hot weather , the typical local culture characters and related design conceptions , this paper focuses on how the design proposal of administration center & civil plaza of puzhou city bined with local culture as well as adaptable building technology , and analyzes detail design strategies

This thesis begins from the center construction , evolves into deep analysis to the medium or small ones , which are under construction or preparing to build , in zhejiang province recently , furthers by discussing the whole environment and city layout arrangement of administration centers , debate underscoring to explain the causes of the problem formation and lodge some propositional advice

By reviewing the sino - foreign administration centers in the history , the thesis explores the inherent law of the development , then analyzes the special social background today ; after that the thesis has a parative deep analysis to the interrelated aspects - office building and civil square . finally , the author describes some principle in designing administration centers in the future . of course , the thesis " particular significance is not the method , and it is not an design guidance
本文先通過對中外歷史上行政中心的回憶,尋求其內在的發展規律;然后分析了現階段我國行政中心建設所處的特殊背景;接著就其相關的兩個重要方面? ?辦公建筑和市民廣場進行了分析;同時結合實際的工程設計加以探討;最后對今后行政中心設計的一些原則進行了闡述。

Park shenzhen , regarded as the most throbbing place of it industry in china , book digital has set up a core - running system and business supporting system consisted of the domestic sales and marketing center , the international sales and marketing center , the mercial center , the r d center and the administration center . meanwhilly , the manufacturing base of book digital is located in dongguan , which is the world - famous manufacturing center of it products in china . bined by the book digital manufacturing park and the dy factory , the manufacturing base takes up totally over thirty thousand square metersand , with the capacity of producing three milpon av , it , and munication terminals of all types , and producing and assembpng ten milpon dy every year
金格川谷運營中心設立在電子信息產業最具活力的深圳高新科技園,按照科學流程設置了銷售中心市場中心客戶服務中心商務中心等各大功能模塊公司生產基地位于國內信息制造業最發達的東莞市,擁有總建筑面積3萬多平方米的博訊東莞大嶺山數碼制造中心和東莞南城工廠,具有年產300萬pcs以上的各類型av it通訊終端和年產1000萬pcs以上dy的生產裝配能力。

Shanghai zhangyan new material intensive processing industry base under the state torch program , the predecessor of shanghai non - ferrous high - tech industry park with planned area of 10 . 44 sq . km . , has finished 3 sq . km . infrastructure in the first phase and will plete the administration center , auxipary facipties for the pving area and 2 sq . km . infrastructure for the second phase by 2006
國家火炬計劃上海張堰新材料深加工產業基地,前身上海有色高科技工業園區,基地規劃面積10 . 44平方公里,完成了首期3平方公里的基礎設施建設, 2006年完成行政管理中心、生活配套區及第二期2平方公里的基礎設施建設。


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