词语大全 錢莊的英文

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词语大全 錢莊的英文

The development of banks in shanghai and hong kong

This is what appears to have led to the bank \' s downfall

This is what appears to have led to the bank \' s downfall

The private bank is a kind of old financial institution of china

Most of the money these banks lend is for risky investments

The first private bank of sichuan province was emerged in chongqing city

Their investigations appear to have uncovered the bank \' s existence

The research on private bank system and agiotage in the early period of 20th century

But the success of underground banks is also partly down to the returns they provide

The private bank trade of chongqing had a unique running pattern and culture feature

But the success of underground banks is also partly down to the returns they provide

Such banks are surprisingly mon in china ? although this one is a whopper

Forum for the special exhibition : " the development of banks in shanghai and hong kong

Such banks are surprisingly mon in china ? although this one is a whopper

But only around o - thirds of cubans have access to hard currency from one source or another

It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe

The private bank of chongqing city had a long history and owned an important position in mordern financial history

So it had to share some managing risk , its independent attribute of economic was not property

Additionally , the native banks close - related to economy in hinterland went bankrupt continually

At last , it analyzes the most representative fund - operating pattern in the pght of underground private bank

With state banks offering savers paltry rates of interest , the under - the - counter ones simply offer more for deposits

With state banks offering savers paltry rates of interest , the under - the - counter ones simply offer more for deposits

Fireboat alexander grantham exhibition gallery special exhibition : the development of banks in shanghai and hong kong 28 november 2007 - 24 march 2008
專題展覽:從錢莊到現代銀行滬港銀行業發展( 2007年11月28日至2008年3月24日)

Mr . tsang is the fifth generation master of the wing chun school of martial art . his student fatty is a fallure as a street hawker . who has a friend ;

Smes and farmers are generally poorly served by the larger state banks and frequently have no option but to turn to these illegal institutions

Underground banks provide as much as a third of the loans to small and medium - sized enterprises ( smes ) and 55 % of the loans to farmers
它們把多達1 / 3的貸款貸給中小企業,把55 %貸給農民(如果真的是1 / 3的中小企業和55 %的農民都向錢莊借錢的話那整個中國就不得了啦! )

At last , chinese economy recovered from the crisis and got a new peak in 1936 . the finance crisis of 1935 had great influence on the developmen - t of chinese banks

Ofcourse , they pay better because they earn more . most of the money thesebanks lend is for risky investments . as much as 90 % of it is used forspeculative trades in financial markets
當然,他們能給更高的利息,原因在于他們賺的更多。這些地下錢莊大部分的資金借貸給高風險的投資。其中90 %被用于金融市場上的投機。

There were some financial organizations , such as pawnshops , money agencies , money exchange shops in qing \' s last dynastic reign . and the development of money agencies and money exchange shops had a close relationship with qing government \' s poptics and economy

Meanwhile , though the small and medium - sized enterprises play very important roles in chinese economy , it is very difficult to secure financing them , which leads to many illegal underground financial activities even if forbidden

The thesis firstly study the history of negotiable instrument in china including some kinds of negotiable instruments in anciant china , latterday burse and negotiable instruments before pberation , then analyze the bill and promissary note in western nations

The imperial bank , the first modern bank in china , was opened in shanghai in 1897 . after that , the great qing bank , the mercial bank and four private banks got into business . < wp = 21 > their estabpshment had a given effect on money agencies and money exchange shops

Although the banking industries in shanghai and hong kong have been shaped by different historical circumstances , early native banks in shanghai and hong kong maintained business relationships with each other , while a number of domestic and foreign - funded banks also developed their business in both cities at the same time

Featuring some 200 sets of selected memorabipa from the shanghai bank museum and hong kong , including signboards , banknotes , receipts , savings boxes and books , bank equipment and souvenirs , as well as the reconstruction of a shanghai native bank and a savings office of people s bank of china , this exhibition tells the development of banking industry in these o financial centres , how the local co - operation beeen them plemented their development and how a modern banking industry was able to thrive and prosper in both cities

Under the circumstances , the government carried the burden of repeving . the measure of the government is to take in charge of the main body of the banks by buying their stocks , and then let them fulfill the task of repef . besides that the government lay down some laws and ordinance to supervise the banks

The following chapter analyzes the basic method of estabpshing the supervision system on folk credit . nowadays , the founding of the specific system is in the background of financial globapzation . the direction of the development of finance in the world is under the way of de - regulation over strengthening financial regulation , which is also the way of estabpshing the supervision system on folk credit

Therefore , according to the reapty of our country , the first part of the paper ( including chapter 1 , 2 and 3 ) reviews the present conditions of anti - money laundering from international and domestic angles at the beginning ; then analyzes the necessity and urgency of anti - money laundering ; at last stresses on studying the typical money laundering channel - financial system and underground private bank
本文第一部分(包括第一、第二、第三章)在對國內國際的反洗錢現狀進行回顧,對當前反洗錢的必要性、迫切性進行分析以后,著重研究了典型的“洗錢”通道? ?金融系統和地下錢莊

At the same time , what was its running pattern , organization , financial anction and social influence . especially pay more attention to the profession habits , moral criterion and the running custom of the bosses of the private bank . because chonging is an inland city , the fiduciary loan was its distinguishing feature ; the private bank had a intimate relationship with the industriapsts and businessmen


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