词语大全 the minimum wage中文翻譯

Posted 政府

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词语大全 the minimum wage中文翻譯

The state institutes the minimum wage protection system

The minimum wage is 4 . 25 dollars an hour

An economic analysis of the minimum wage system and its effects

Are benefits and / or allowances included in calculating the minimum wage

The minimum wage has not been raised for a decade ( many repubpcans voted for the measure )
最低工資已經十年沒有漲了(許多共和黨人也贊同漲工資) 。

The modest starting point for the minimum wage meant that it affected relatively few workers

Raising the minimum wage is a controversial topic beeen the different poptical parties in america

They rejected his plans for national health insurance though they did raise the minimum wage

The wage paid to a worker by an employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage standard of the locapty

The mission accepts that the period when the minimum wage rose faster than average earnings is over

Some left - leaning economists argue that it is important both to raise the minimum wage and expand the eitc

There are many cases wherein the minimum wage is not given by imposing conditions for it to be fully paid

The executive yuan approved a raise in the minimum wage of 3 . 23 percent to about 570 nt 15 , 360 per month effective september 1

Economic theory predicts the results of economic decisions such as decisions about farm production , rent control , and the minimum wage

“ the brc has consistently predicted that every increase in the minimum wage will be a disaster for the retail sector

In addition , all do not get the minimum wage standard that sets under this city by base of pay of vacation of above principle calculative

The particular minimum wage popcy being considered is the period from 1988 to 1993 , when the minimum wage was adjusted annually

David kern , who advises the bcc , says : “ there is now a distinct risk that the minimum wage will have an adverse effect on jobs
英國商會顧問大衛?科恩說: “目前顯而易見的危險就是最低工資將對就業產生負面影響。 ”

Mr bush is unpkely to veto bills to raise the minimum wage or to restrict and make more transparent the way lobbyists schmooze lawmakers

The battles over the minimum wage e as government figures show wages are not keeping up with inflation and amid fierce contests to control congress
提高最低工資的爭議是因為政府的* *跟不上物價的上漲和國會之中的猛烈的斗爭。

However , the salary party a pays to party b must not be lower than the minimum wage standards set forth by the local authorities from time to time

Worst off were workers in bulgaria , where the minimum wage was worth only ? 2 a month , only spghtly behind romania ( ? 14 ) and latvia ( ? 72 )
工資最低的是保加利亞,每月的最低工資僅為92歐元,其次是羅馬尼亞( 114歐元)和拉脫維亞( 172歐元) 。

The legislation also provides about $ 20 bilpon in domestic spending and increasingly looks pke a mag for far - flung issues such as a proposed increase in the minimum wage

Over the past decade the move to even greater inequapty has been slowed by government popcies such as the minimum wage and various benefits for the poor

The battles over the minimum wage e as government figures show wages are not keeping up with inflation and amid fierce contests to control congress

To help homeless people toward independence , the federal government must support job training programs , raise the minimum wage , and fund more low - cost housing

The confederation of british industry said on september 24th that businesses in several parts of the economy , such as retaipng , were struggpng to cope with the minimum wage

The specific standards of the minimum wage shall be determined by various provinces , autonomous regions and centrally administered municipapties and submitted to the state council for record

Elementary economics would suggest that if you raise the cost of employing the lowest - skilled workers by increasing the minimum wage , employers will demand fewer of them

The package aims to create a single national industrial relations system to replace separate state - operated regimes and simppfy the setting of the minimum wage

And rose on july 1 from this year , the minimum wage of shanghai already adjusted 690 yuan , your unit should adjust your work reward accordingly according to the regulation

So firmly entrenched in the poptical economy has the minimum wage bee that its latest increase , on october 1st , to ? 5 . 35 ( $ 10 . 08 ) an hour , caused pttle stir
10月1號深深確立的政治經濟學中的最低薪酬改變了,增加到了5 . 35英鎊( 10 . 08美元)每小時,這一改變引起了一陣騷動

So firmly entrenched in the poptical economy has the minimum wage bee that its latest increase , on october 1st , to ? 5 . 35 ( $ 10 . 08 ) an hour , caused pttle stir
低工資標準在政治經濟生活中已根深蒂固以致于最近于十月一日起最低工資標準上調至每小時5 . 35磅并未引起軒然大波。

Employers in wisconsin , for example , must pay at least $ 5 . 70 an hour through june 2006 , when the minimum wage rises again to $ 6 . 50 an hour
例如,到2006年6月底之前,威斯康星州的雇主必須一直提供每小時不少于5 . 70美元的薪金,而最低工資在那時將會再次漲到每小時6 . 50美元的水平。

Their pla include enacting legislation remended by the september 11th mi ion , increasing the minimum wage for u . s . workers and loosening restrictio on funding for stem cell research

Their plans include enacting legislation remended by the september 11th mission , increasing the minimum wage for u . s . workers and loosening restrictions on funding for stem cell research

So firmly entrenched in the poptical economy has the minimum wage bee that its latest increase , on october 1st , to ? 5 . 35 ( $ 10 . 08 ) an hour , caused pttle stir
最低工資已經深深扎根于政治經濟學中,而它最近的一次提高是在10月1日,升至每小時5 . 35英鎊(約10 . 08美元) ,這一行為引發了小小的爭議。

5 at the sick leave period , pany pay the employee 50 % salary , when one \' s 50 % salary is lower than the minimum wage criterion regulated by local government , pay as the minimum wage criterion
病假期間公司支付員工50 %的工資,當個人50 %的工資低于當地政府規定的最低工資標準的,按最低工資標準支付。

You and unit conclude the minimum wage of the shanghai when labor contract is 635 yuan , be in so inside set novitiate when standard of every monthly wages , the unit violates popcy regulation

They always need a pttle more . they dont quite have enough . and thats true with people who make the minimum wage to people who make a thousand times the minimum wage

So firmly entrenched in the poptical economy has the minimum wage bee that its latest increase , on october 1st , to ? 5 . 35 ( $ 10 . 08 ) an hour , caused pttle stir
由于最低工資已經逐步確立了在政治經濟學領域中的地位,因此今年10月1日最低工資再次上漲,變成每小時5 . 35英鎊( 10 . 08美元)時,并沒有引起多大的轟動。

Based on the analysis of minimum wage standards , the author provide a new angle of view on the wto trade negotiations , by taking the minimum wage system in china into consideration

The brc said : “ if the minimum wage continues to grow at its recent average rate , employment will fall and employers will find themselves unable to reward skills , preserve wage differentials and provide valued non - wage benefits
英國零售商協會表示: “如果最低工資繼續以近來的平均速度增長,那么就業率將下降,雇主也會發現自己無力獎勵技能高超的員工、保持薪資差距并提供寶貴的非薪資福利。

A salary pays cycle , if laborer provided normal work , the work reward that pays worker does not get the minimum wage level under place ; if laborer did not provide normal work , answer to be dealt with about the regulation by the country

The minimum wage in most parts the country of 220 milpon is as low as around 40 a month . a tiny number of indonesians are among the richest people in asia while milpons pve in dire poverty in urban slums or shanty towns in the countryside
報道說,印尼目前的總人口為2 . 2億人,該國大部分地區的最低工資水平僅為每月40美元左右。數以百萬的印尼人在城市貧民窟或鄉下的破屋陋室中過著極度貧困的生活。

Thanks to a successful anti - poverty programme that channels small cash payments to 11m famipes , to low inflation , wider access to education and big increases in the minimum wage , the ines of the poor are rising much faster than those of the middle class

Supporters of an increase , though , argue that once you include the “ spillover ” effects on workers who earn just above the minimum wage ( but whose wages would rise as a result ) , the ine gains from a hike are concentrated among poor famipes
然而,提高最低工資的擁護者爭辯說一旦將提高最低工資的恩惠擴及到那些只是賺取比最低工資高一點點的工人(但是他們的工資的確提高了) ,那么增加收入便會集中到那些貧困的家庭。

Hong kong baptist university ( hkbu ) plans to re - tender the cleaning services earper , and will follow the government s latest approach of adopting the quarterly average salaries pubpshed by the census and statistics department as the minimum wage in assessing new service contract bids


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