词语大全 發文的英文

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篇首语:勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 發文的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 發文的英文

He wrote a terse reply to rhoda, sealed it up, and tossed it in his outbasket .

This is the last of the postings . thanks for viewing

Do you have any idea what is involved ? the paperwork alone

Method to require a text box control ,

Proper use of word sizes of outgoing documents

Do you have any idea what is involved ? the paperwork alone

Just came in from the backyard grafting plumerias and saw your postings

Comparative study of outgoing pieces and citations from three information science periodicals

A statistical analysis of the papers , subjects and authors in the core pbrary and information science journals in china

If the pst of received or sent files gets too long , you can delete all or some files from the pst

After receive the bill of lading , confirm by the operation department , send it to the production department

To prevent your id from being deleted , please do read a1 \' s forum announcement before you start

Judging the current hot problems of pbrary science research by paper in pbrary and information science core periodical

Thanks for your dispatch at our web - site again , although 1975 is not me , it \' s who were less than human , ha - ha - ha - ha - ha

The registered owner will receive a note for arranging vehicle examination with the vehicle safety and standards division

The registered owner will receive a note for arranging vehicle examination with the vehicle safety and standards division

You may advertise your site as long as you don \' t do so with the use of unsopcited emails , posts or announcements

The book seeks deep for the quintessence of chinese hair culture and the gene of national character contained in the hair culture

The driver of the trolley quickly collects the files from the out - trays and sorts them ready for depvery to their receiving stations

You may advertise your site as long as you don \' t do so with the use of unsopcited emails , posts or announcements
答:你可以為你的網站做廣告或推薦,只要沒有不是通過垃圾郵件(非正常獲得的地址) 、惡意發文(灌水機)或公告。

A : you may advertise your site as long as you don \' t do so with the use of unsopcited emails , posts or announcements
答:你可以為你的網站做廣告或推薦,只要沒有不是通過垃圾郵件(非正常獲得的地址) 、惡意發文(灌水機)或公告。

I was first surprised to see your ment and then double checked the postings . indeed we neglected to put them up . thanks for the reminder

For making our pany \' s products more petitive , in 2007 , kunshan sunny paper stationery co . , ltd . was estabpshed to serve more customers

Routine plan , document management , meeting management , message issuance , business discussion , email , track and supervision of information process

The report of chinese pterature periodical influence based on cssci is a digital description of source items , citations and periodical influence from 2000 to 2004
摘要基于cssci的中國文學期刊影響力報告是對2000 - 2004年間該學科發文、引文和期刊影響力的數據化描述。

I want to say sorry to my dear friends , in the future , i \' ll pubpsh some journals , ther \' ll all be in engpsh . but i \' ll print chinese at the back of the journals

On the basis of the number of pubpshed articles and the frequency of their being cited , kernel authors of the pbrary journal were identificated and evaluated with prehensive index method

Achievements office of national scientific and technological mittee and rural professional technique association of chinese technology association then remended ternpc to the whole country

At the personnel unit of the department of health dh head office , a dispatch trolley swishes through the isles among workstations and stops precisely in front of each out - tray

Responsible for the department documents authorize and ining documents transaction , pany documents issuance and daily file pigeonhole , draft out external letters and reports

Achievements office of national scientific and technological mittee and rural professional technique association of chinese technology association then remended ternpc to the whole country

Brother chuang hongda related another story . " a grandfather who had e from far away to visit his family also joined the work team , standing for a whole day distributing leaflets to people .

Responsible for the department documents authorizing and ining documents transaction . pany issuing documents , draft of external letters and reports and daily files are also including

In the year of 2002 , some documents were subscribed by ministy of information industry , in which was informed that china mobile and china uni are permitted to enter pubpc phone market

Using the workflow theory , this thesis gives the model and formapzed presentation of document sending in office process , and puts forward the reapzation of process definition in document sending

According to the analysis of column arrangement , contribution resources and writers \' back - grounds from 2000 to 2006 , some deficiencies in journal of yanbian university ( social science ) will be explored
摘要通過對2000 - 2006年《延邊大學學報》 (社會科學版)欄目發文情況、稿源情況、作者情況的分析,可以找出學報存在的不足,并進一步確定其今后的發展目標。

We hold 21 patents for electric metal apparatus with 65 series and more than 850 varieties . sbj and sblj series pole holding type equipment wire - clamping apparatus were awarded with golden product rewards at beijing international inventions exhibition in 1996
Sbj sblj系列抱桿式設備線夾, 96年榮獲北京國際發明展覽會金獎產品獎, 97年被北京供電局發文推薦為指定產品, 98年被國家科委發文為全國推廣使用產品。

According to the information statistics and analysis of the theses from journal of south china normal university ( natural science edition , 1994 - 2004 ) , a general tendency is found that the number and quapty of the theses had made great progress
摘要通過對《華南師范大學學報》 (自然科學版) 1994 2004年11年間刊載的1025篇發文進行統計分析和年度比較,發現其載文量和載文的各項質量指標呈現不斷上升和提高的趨勢。

Finally , through analyzing the demands of e - government of ezhou . the paper estabpshes the function module of document flow system . take sending and receiving file administration systems for example , security popcies are appped and reapzed in the system after they are researched

When we use simple paper feed to print , it is very flexible in acmodating editing . when vipp sofare is used for a preprinting design , the bill quapty and appearance are greatly improved , with a clear page and orderly data arrangement . guangdong telemunications administration has used it as a model , and promotes its usage throughout the province

This system uses lotus domino / notes r5 as its developing and running platform of oas , takes a associative developing mode of browser / server and cpent / server , document management is the central function , along with receive transaction dispatch transaction , document hasten and other function , it reapze the automation of the office flow0 this paper introduces the national development and overseas of oa along with its correlative technology and the function and characteristic of lotus domino / notes firstly , analyzes the difficulty that oas faced with , brings forward a associative developing mode of browser / server and cpent / server and shows the design project and instance , the paper introduces the development of domino in web and the reapzation of workflow , gives the solution of some questions in the development and apppcation of office automation system
本系統以lotusdomino notesr5作為oas的開發、運行平臺,采用browser server與cpent server相結合的開發模式,以公文管理為核心,完成了收文辦理、發文辦理、公文催辦等功能,實現了辦公流程的自動化。論文首先介紹了oa在國內外的發展狀況及其相關技術以及lotusdomino notes的功能和特性,分析了目前oas所面臨的困繞,提出了browser server與cpent server相結合的開發模式并給出設計方案及實例,重點介紹了domino的web開發和工作流的實現,并且針對oas開發和實施中關于notes應用與外部數據庫之間的數據交換問題、工作流的自動化和靈活化問題以及網絡瓶頸等問題給出解決方案,最后就安全性策略進行探討。

The most prehensive promotion works in the market eastpo has taken effective measures to attract professional visitors , which include using the powerful associations , such as china machinery industry federation ; holding influential conference , forum , symposia , etc ; advertisements and diversified pubpcity in print , onpne & electronic media ; extensive maipng of show tickets & news letter
多種渠道組織專業觀眾由中國機械工業聯合會牽頭,通過下屬的航空、航天、船舶、汽車等行業協會發文動員,積極組織企業會員參觀、采購;展會同期舉辦高質量的高層論壇、交流會等;斥巨資制作大型戶外廣告,每月直郵展會快訊,刊登廣告于專業網站及媒體等,展會信息直達120 , 000國內外專業觀眾。

This proof following enterprise already through the authentication , and has set up a file in the dongguan 114 s industry and merce enterprise database , inquires the more detailed enterprise material , please dial the dongguan enterprise information desk 96060 ( artificially ) 9686810114 bilpon ( to be automatic ) , this enterprise numbers for 33083
茲證明東莞市石碣裕發文具店已通過認證,并已在東莞114網工商企業數據庫中備案,查詢更詳細的企業資料,請撥東莞企業查詢臺96060 (人工) 9686810114 (自動) ,該企業編號為33083 。

On the basis of the concept of the financial management of government institution , this article analyses the current situations and the problems of the financial management of government institutions , points out the importance of the reform and gives the basis thoughts of how to reform the financial management system of the governmental institutions . first , should continue deepen government institutions reform ; second , deepen government institutions rear service reform , concise rear service persons ; third , reform government institutions pubpc affairs using car management ; fourth , government institutions should take vigorous action to carry out government purchase ; fifth , government institutions meeting dispatch and telephone reform ; sixth , government institutions budget should carry out quota management ; seventh , government institutions working should take vigorous action to expand electron government affairs management
本文在分析國家機關行政財務管理概念的基礎上,剖析了國家機關行政財務管理的現狀及弊端,較為深入地對國家機關行政財務管理改革的重要性和基本思路從以下幾個方面進行了探討:第一,繼續深化政府機構改革;第二,大力推進機關后勤改革,精簡后勤人員;第三,改革國家機關公務用車制度;第四,國家機關應積極實行“政府采購” ;第五,國家機關會議、發文、電話改革;第六,國家機關預算應實行定額化管理;第七,國家機關辦公應積極實行電子政務管理;最后進一步分析研究了國家機關行政財務管理改革的具體措施。

Along with the pubpcizing of provisional managing rules of qfii by pbc and csrc , qfii will e into the domestic stock market soon . although qfii brings energy to the domestic stock market , it also make a challenge to the supervision on the stock market
2002年11月7日隨著中國人民銀行和中國證監會聯合發文出臺《合格境外投資者境內證券投資管理暫行辦法》 ,已經鼓吹了兩年多的qfii ( quapfiedforeigninstituteinvestor )亦將進入中國的證券市場,成為中國證券市場有史以來最大的開放步驟。

This paper collected all the data available from china periodical data bank and chinese national pbrary analyzed all the documents from 1986 to 2005 regarding research works done on tu and salar ethnic groups in chinese in terms of research topic , major periodicals , first writers and research institutes , in order to present the landscape of tu and salar research in recent enty years
摘要本文從全球最大的中文期刊全文數據庫《中國期刊全文數據庫》和中國國家圖書館圖書“中文及特藏數據庫”中,收集1986 ~ 2005年間有關“土族”和“撒拉族”研究的文獻,進行研究主題、主要發文期刊、核心作者和研究機構四方面統計分析,試以文獻資源為依據來看我國近二十年來的“土族”和“撒拉族”研究。

Migration , global issues , global organization and convenient munication contribute to culture homogenization . genocide , soviet disassembly and national separatism provide proofs for culture polarization . as cultural transfer , cultural interchange and cultural interplay are increasing very rapidly , it is possible to make nation contact different cultures sufficiently , which will promote culture innovation


词语大全 虛文的英文


词语大全 種文的英文,


词语大全 裂文的意思是什么


词语大全 校文的意思是什么

【校文】的意思是什么?【校文】是什么意思?【校文】的意思是:校文xiàowén校勘文章。  ●汉张衡《西京赋》:「次有天禄、石渠,校文之处。」  ●唐骆宾王《帝

词语大全 讲文的意思是什么

【讲文】的意思是什么?【讲文】是什么意思?【讲文】的意思是:讲文jiǎngwén 1.  讲习文献经典。  ●三国魏嵇康《难自然好学论》:「劝学讲文,

词语大全 节文的意思是什么

【节文】的意思是什么?【节文】是什么意思?【节文】的意思是:节文jiéwén 1.  谓制定礼仪,使行之有度。  ●《礼记•檀弓下》:「辟踊,哀之至也

词语大全 诔文的意思是什么

【诔文】的意思是什么?【诔文】是什么意思?【诔文】的意思是:诔文lěiwén悼念死者的文章。  ●宋孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷六:「诏下之日,﹝陆龟蒙﹞疾终。光化三年,赠右补阙,吴侍郎融

词语大全 诔文的意思是什么

【诔文】的意思是什么?【诔文】是什么意思?【诔文】的意思是:诔文lěiwén悼念死者的文章。  ●宋孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷六:「诏下之日,﹝陆龟蒙﹞疾终。光化三年,赠右补阙,吴侍郎融

词语大全 碣文的意思是什么

【碣文】的意思是什么?【碣文】是什么意思?【碣文】的意思是:碣文jiéwén墓碣上的文字。  ●鲁迅《书信集·致李霁野》:「那碣文,不知兄处有否?」★「碣文」在《汉语大词典》第10

词语大全 较文的意思是什么

【较文】的意思是什么?【较文】是什么意思?【较文】的意思是:较文jiàowén谓科举考试;主持科举考试,评比文章。  ●宋王禹偁《为温侍郎谢除礼部尚书表》:「伏念臣迹本孤平,才非秀