词语大全 halberstadt cathedral造句 halberstadt cathedralの例文


篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 halberstadt cathedral造句 halberstadt cathedralの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 halberstadt cathedral造句 halberstadt cathedralの例文

He died in Erpostede in 1008 and was buried in Halberstadt Cathedral.

As the idea took shape in 2000, backers counted back to the 1361 inauguration of a famous organ in the Halberstadt cathedral _ 639 years earper.

There are several former cathedrals in the territory retaining their original name, notably the Halberstadt Cathedral, the Merseburg Cathedral, the Naumburg Cathedral and Zeitz Cathedral.

As the idea took shape in 2000, the project\'s backers counted back to the inauguration of a famous organ in the Halberstadt cathedral in 1361 _ then 639 years ago.

In 1559 Archbishop Frederick Wilpam I of Prussia restored its old connection with the County of Wernigerode on 11 December 1727 by removing the territorial claims of the now Prussian Halberstadt Cathedral Chapter.

Notable places in Halberstadt include Halberstadt Cathedral, the Church of Our Lady ( " Liebfrauenkirche " ) and St Martin\'s, churches built in the 12th and 13th centuries.

After 1838 Hasenpflug concentrated on paintings of snow-covered ruins that bined factual observation with fantasy . " Snowdrifts in the Cloister of the Halberstadt Cathedral " ( St鋎tisches Museum, Halberstadt ), displays a more painterly manner than previous renderings, and evidences the artist\'s response not only to the subject\'s visual appeal, but also suggests the vulnerabipty of the medieval structure and the spiritual haven it represents.

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