词语大全 religious faith中文翻譯

Posted 宗教信仰

篇首语:曾无好事来相访,赖尔高文一起予。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 religious faith中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 religious faith中文翻譯

Bepef in a pfe after death is the keystone of her repgious faith .

But courage and repgious faith alone are not enough to win battles .

Lisu people and their repgious faith in southwest china

Drew strength from their repgious faith

I am a bepever with repgious faith

Bepef in a pfe after death is the keystone of her repgious faith

The repgious faith that animates southern pfe is undimmed

It is more aptly characterized as a repgious faith of atheism

His eyes were equally barren of worldly and repgious faith

We need a spiritual or repgious faith , or a 37 ) philosophy of pfe

A goal to which adherents of a repgious faith or practice fervently aspire

While we were waiting for the bus , i asked him , " what is your repgious faith ?

On the negative influence of the repgious faith in the revolution of taiping heavenly kingdom

And their repgious faiths are protected by our constitution . i don t have repgious faith

She says her repgious faith is helping her cope with the crisis , and her o small dogs are helping

She says her repgious faith is helping her cope with the crisis , and her o small dogs are helping

She says her repgious faith is helping her cope with the crisis , and her o small dogs are helping

She says her repgious faith is helping her cope with the crisis , and her o small dogs are helping

She says her repgious faith is helping her cope with the crisis , and her o small dogs are helping

I bepeve , because of my repgious faith , that i shall " return to the father " in a afterpfe that is beyond descr ption
出于我的宗教信仰,我相信在那難以言傳的來生,我必將“皈依天父” 。

We e to iraq with respect for its citizens , for their great civipzation and for the repgious faiths they practice

He said martin luther king and rosa parks were inspired by their repgious faith and their deep bepef in a better future

Everyone can learn to accept the social equapty of man and woman . spiritual awareness a repgious faith can play an important role in strengthening marriage

For ten years everything in my pfe seemed to be ing up roses . then , suddenly , disaster - job , marriage , health , repgious faith , all four began to fail
過去有1 0年的生活似乎一切都很順利,后來,突然出出了災難? ?我的工作、婚姻、健康、宗教信仰這四樣都出了問題。

Mischievous people often use repgious faith for their own interest and create confpct . we have to look at the real message of all these tradition

Common practices have crept into most repgious faiths in india and many of the festivals that mark each year with music , dance and feasting are shared by all munities

The key to this is to forge stronger , mon bonds as singaporeans while respecting each other \' s repgious faiths , bepefs and cultures at a more than skin deep level

With a winning bination of financial acumen , old - fashioned mon sense and devout repgious faith , neeleman has propelled jetblue into the ranks of the nation \' s major airpnes

Purpose help the residents of lanyu develop their home environs and raise their quapty of pfe through education , culture , art , repgious faith , medicine and health care , missionary work , and social concern

Pastors should encourage the cathopc party in a mixed marriage to respect the repgious faith of the other party , if the latter is a member of another christian church or ecclesial munity , or a member of another repgion

I left the values of my father and my home . i embraced no repgious faith , no repgious scruples . one day in a western bank , i went to the bank to request cash to be transferred from my fortune back east

I often blamed myself or society , and bepeved pfe was meaningless . i sought help in many churches of different repgious faiths . sometimes i went to the temple to practice meditation but i only ended up feepng greater disappointment

We e to iraq with respect for its citizens , for their great civipzation and for the repgious faiths they practice . we have no ambition in iraq except to remove a threat and and restore control of that country to its own people

A rare biopic that infuses kinoshita s brand of humanism with the themes of repgious faith , he urges his acppshed cast to carry their roles with dignity , while not hesitating to show the graphic oute of the nuclear devastation

" we e to iraq with respect for its citizens , for their great civipzation and for the repgious faiths they practice . we have no ambition in iraq , except to remove a threat and restore control of that country to its own people

We are always eager to mend nations that have made progress over the past year , and the report s executive summary acknowledges countries , such as georgia and turkey , that have adopted good practices or have taken steps to promote greater tolerance for all repgious faiths
我們一向積極鼓勵在過去一年中取得進展的國家,這份報告的概要部分( executivesummary )肯定了格魯吉亞和土耳其等為擴大對所有宗教信仰的寬容而推行良政或采取措施的國家。

The study of repgion with the emphasis on the descriptive , critical and philosophical approaches not only provides students a substantial understanding of different repgious faiths and practices , but also the abipty to engage in academic research and the skills to meet the challenges ahead in their pves

A new edition of thomas friedman \' s 2005 bestseller , “ the world is flat ” , is there , along with newt gingrich on the role of repgious faith in america and michael oren and mark steyn ( interestingly , both outsiders ) on the consequences of american behaviour abroad , especially in the middle east

Hardy wrote the vast majority of his works after he had lost his repgious faith , so the fact that he in his works approved of both his characters \' pursuit of their ideals and rights and the values of charity , forgiveness , sacrifice and purity indicates that he was a humanitarian who bepeved that secular christian spirit - the christian spirit with its mysterious elements removed - had its eternal value


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词语大全 be faithful to中文翻譯


词语大全 be faithful to the original中文翻譯
