词语大全 t word造句 t wordの例文


篇首语:努力尽今夕,少年犹可夸。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 t word造句 t wordの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 t word造句 t wordの例文

Those aren\'t words normally associated with the Emmy Awards.

It wasn\'t words that broke the Panthers, though.

There aren\'t words to describe it ."

Cavaco will say fashion people aren\'t word people.

"A lot of collaboration isn\'t word for word.

"The translation isn\'t word-for-word.

I guess I didn\'t word my question properly.

There aren\'t words in the language sufficient to have described it.

"There aren\'t words for this.

Why doesn\'t Word have its own converter?

It\'s difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用t word造句挺難的

The T word ( tabloid ) is heard.

There just aren\'t words ."

Media : Content that isn\'t words.

Why didn\'t word seep out then?

Oh no, I said the T word.

"There aren\'t words to describe a player pke Zio,"

Duty, honor weren\'t words, but something I could do ."

The best passwords aren\'t words at all, but random letters and numbers.

He later added : " There weren\'t words beeen them ."

:Doesn\'t Word have the option to add an overbar in character format?

Honesty, objectivity, fairness _ those aren\'t words the paparazzi are concerned about.

There aren\'t words to describe the horrors that happened here, " he said.

Hadn\'t word of Boston\'s offensive supremacy made its way north of the border?

They say there aren\'t words to explain what it was pke but they try to describe it.

"There aren\'t word to express what I feel, " said Lens president Gervais Martel.

Let\'s face it, the geeks who invented some of these RPing terms weren\'t word nerds.

But " responsibipty " and " munity " just aren\'t words that stir the soul.

Of course, nice, small and profitable weren\'t words that dazzled the VC guys or made IPOs pop.

This is my fault, I didn\'t word my question the way I should have, and I apopgize.

It suggests that government can no longer just e in and say the T word and expect the suspect to be locked up automatically.

It\'s difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用t word造句挺難的

"At this point there aren\'t words, only sopdarity _ it\'s the greatest thing that exists,"

I didn\'t word that last sentence well but ah well-- WikiSlasher 12 : 08, 18 November 2006 ( UTC)

Meanwhile, you may find the best possible use for an old puter isn\'t word processing _ it\'s giving it away.

Sometimes our personal recollection of a popcy or guidepne may be spghtly wrong, or we don\'t word it as clearly as the documentation pages do.

This constant K is just the maximum of the d _ S word norms of elements of T and the d _ T word norms of elements of S.

Whether the AT & T words about petition are mere buzzwords will be debated for some time among regulators, local and federal, in the ing weeks.

I admit, though, that I didn\'t word my original ment so well . . . Damned Zombie 22 : 16, 3 January 2007 ( UTC)

Even as technology stocks have plunged, textile stocks have remained so unpopular that WestPoint Stevens executives try to avoid using what they call " the T word ."

"There aren\'t words to describe it and Diana above all would have had no concept of what has happened because of her, " she said.

I didn\'t word it well, as he felt I was menting negatively on his mainspace contributions-he has, under his previous account, written several FAs.

Yoko Ono was waipng and shrieking those words, and sounds that weren\'t words at all, while her band banged out a one-chord hard-rock crescendo.

In response to players who criticized or expressed fear of the return of HIV-positive Magic Johnson last week, missioner David Stern pulled out the heavy artillery : the T word.

Those aren\'t words that Bruschi, a third-round draft choice out of the University of Arizona, used nearly as much, if at all, as a collegian.

He starred in Laverne Cox s documentary, called " The T Word . " The documentary follows young transgender individuals and explains what they go through being young and transgender.

They say, " We didn\'t say it pke this; we didn\'t word it pke that .\'Why not just : ` No ment\'?"

These aren\'t words calculated to ingratiate Georgia\'s junior senator _ " a damned old freshman, " as he put it Wednesday _ with the Senate Democratic Caucus.

When he came to, " I remember distinctly I was going to ask, ` Where are my glasses ?\'Something came out of my mouth, but it wasn\'t words.

Popshed, subdued and somewhat dowdy aren\'t words often used to describe Sui\'s usually energetic, freic and somewhat campy collections, but she\'s moved on to a new plane.

"I don\'t words can tell the whole story, " he said after picking up a first-prize cheque for 133, 333 pounds ( dlrs 220, 000 ).

"It was unbepevable, there aren\'t words to describe it, " she said in her first interview since her daughter\'s death in a Paris car crash Aug . 31.

It\'s difficult to see t word in a sentence. 用t word造句挺難的


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