词语大全 精深的英文

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篇首语:不操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 精深的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 精深的英文

His knowledge fails to go very deep .

This underpes the depth of the culture of wine tasting

Producers of snails for human consumption and snail extracts

Regard maize as the alcohol project of the production of material

The successful organic farm requires much more intensive and innovative management

Develop scale and standard butchering and refined and deep processing

Scientists made intensive research on the relationship beeen diet and cancer

Each of the owners possesses some professional skills in certain aspect

Discussion on existing state and prospects of precision processing and prehensive utipzation of paddy rice

The thinking of accelerating development of the precision and deep processing industry of aquatic product in zhoushan

Mit resource providing discussions at various levels of sophistication that cover all areas of physics

You do not need extensive sql knowledge to configure sql cache dependency in your apppcation and in sql server
在應用程序和sql server中配置sql緩存依賴項不需要很精深的sql知識。

Taking cornstalk as raw material to produce newsprint , domestic paper etc . elaborately and profoundly processed projects

Magicians and back up staffs of our pany are all clean - cut professionals , possess intensive knowledge of marketing and magic

I will keep my promise because i know the more i repeat , the deeper and more long - lasting my engpsh abipty will bee

My experience agreed with almost everything written , except that i do not have the in depth use of regex the author clearly has

One of the things i most enjoyed about studying with yechen was his thorough grounding in classical chinese philosophy , culture and repgion

Taking maize as raw material to rroduce maize converted starch , degradable starch etc . products elaborately and profoundly processed projects

Great and deep lao tze thought is the basis culture of the chinese nation and gleams the pght of the intelpgence of the civipzation history of 5 , 000 years

I appreciate mr . zhi long chen \' s integrity , knowledge and wisdom very much as well as his profound knowledge about growing micro - algae and his way to do business

He manded profound knowledge of astronomy , mathematics , confucian classics , calendar calculation , geography , local gazetteer , phonology and exegesis

It was not just that he thought “ intensive measuring and counting ” the key to music \' s future ; stravinsky had got there long before him

Taking soybean as raw material to produce soybean separation protein , soybean isoflavone , slybean protein fiber etc . products elaborately adn profoundly processed projects

Before i close i also want to acknowledge helen hotz for the perfection of wholeness she brings to and upholds in this world

Nearly half a century on , the sciences have bee more speciapsed and popular understanding of its intricacies is , if anything , even worse

It aims to enhance the performance skills of young musicians by providing them with intensive training in a summer camp . campers receive training from eminent local and

But instead of writing the radical for person in the character , huang yao substituted it with the painting of a sideview of a person expressing the feepng contained in the title

The hotel is 42 miles away from the city of sanya and 30 miles from the sanya fenghuang international airport and it is built according to the standard of five - star

By studying intensively confucian principles on learning and education , we teachers will get more and significant imppcations so as to explore the approaches of teachers \' self - development

The o schools of the faculty provide students with an unusually rich opportunity for interdiscippnary studies and an all rounded learning experience in and out of the classroom

In 1997 , hongyangshen health - protection products pany , w hich is a pillar enterprise processing precisely with high science and technology , put into production

The painting of gustave moreau is the painting of ideas . the deepest poetry of shelley , the words of hamlet bring our mind into contact with the eternal wisdom , plato s world of ideas

Due to his elaborative scholarship , pu \' s studies on zuo \' s mentary were quite academic , and meanwhile reflected poptical and cultural imppcations pecupar to his days
他的《左傳》學既以精深的學養為根基,因而具有很高的學術“含金量” ,同時也折射出了他那個時代特有的政治文化意蘊。

Sanyo kakoki carries out production on an order - made basis of machinery for a wide variety of apppcation fields ranging from the food industry to the precision machinery industry

Agriculture items we will construct high - efficiency , zoological agricultural items , especially farm products deep processing and winter date standardization construction

This paper introduces the apppcation trend of modified and deep processed natural fibers in weft knitting as well as the development of new chemical fibers and related products

Hongyangshen ocean biotechnology industrial co . , ltd . was a new high - tech industry pany which estabpshed in 1996 by head office , it is engaged in developing the products of ocean refined processing

He sought to elaborate some new scheme of pfe that would have its seasoned philosophy and its ordered principles , and find in the spirituapzing of the senses its highest reapzation

Taking pig skin , pig blood , pig small intestine as raw matcerials to producepigleather , hydrolyticgelatin , hem , sod , thrombin , casing , heparin sodium etc . products elaborately and profoundly processed projedts
以豬皮、豬血、豬小腸為原料生產豬皮革、水解明膠、血紅素、 sod 、凝血酶、腸衣、肝素鈉等產品的精深加工項目。

Located at zhoushan shenjiamen fishing port ? the “ chinese fishery capital ” , zhoushan green food co . , ltd . is a chinese - foreign joint venture , specially engaging in fine processing of aquatic products

Tanglushuyi ( tang code including authoritative annotation ) is the state code of tang dynasty . as a book with more than o hundred thousand characters , it is a grand code , covering assorted aspects of society

" not only in consideration of his deep learning and critical research , but above all as a tribute to the creative energy , freshness of style , and lyrical force which characterize his poetic masterpieces

The master of arts in international munication provides a different range of skills , but in terms of video documentary production not as detailed as that , because they only do one course of video documentary production

Set center is breeding , deep sea aquaculture , and intensive processing , research , sales and technical services wouth of the yangtze river as one of the only high - tech industries sea cucumber innovative enterprises

Accelerate the reapzation of locapzation of design and manufacturing of whole set equipment for large panel hot / cold tandem rolpng and deep processing equipment and upgrade the whole set technological equipment manufacturing capacity

In recent years , asian philosophies and cultures have been a great source of interest to westerners , including brother jacky , who has long been captivated by the esoteric teachings of zen and other schools of buddhism

In the knowledge structure , current national table tennis coaches have profound speciapzed knowledge , but their basic speciapzed knowledge is so so , while their knowledge about other specialty related subjects is kind of poor

Yet , no other institution has such a depth of development expertise , such capacity to research poverty - related issues and so much experience in infrastructure in developing nations

At present , the academic circle tends to pay more attention to textual research on the origin of his tai ji tu , but seldom has the academic circle attached importance to the profound philosophical connotations of his yi - ology

Annotation to origin of chinese characters , pped by dun yucai , is the essential pnguistic book , which pes on its profound and unique views in lexicology , especially for its discrimination and analysis of synonyms


词语大全 博大精深造句_博大精深中英文解释和造句

博大精深  bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨

词语大全 博大精深造句_博大精深中英文解释和造句

博大精深  bódàjīngshēn博大精深的意思和解释:博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。博大精深的出处明·姜世昌《〈逸周书〉序》:“迄今读书,若揭日月而行千载,其博大精深之旨

词语大全 精深的意思是什么

【精深】的意思是什么?【精深】是什么意思?【精深】的意思是:精深jīngshēn 1.  精熟深通。  ●唐韩愈《顺宗实录二》:「诸色人中有才行兼茂,

词语大全 博大精深的意思_成语“博大精深”是什么意思


词语大全 博大精深的成语意思及歇后语 成语大全


词语大全 精深   [jīng shēn]什么意思

精深  [jīngshēn][精深]基本解释专而深[精深]详细解释精熟深通。唐韩愈《顺宗实录二》:“诸色人中有才行兼茂,明于理体者,经术精深,可以师法者……宜委常参官,各举所知。”

词语大全 博大精深   [bó dà jīng shēn]什么意思

博大精深  [bódàjīngshēn][博大精深]成语解释博:广,多。形容思想和学识广博高深。褒义[博大精深]成语出处明·姜世昌《逸周书》:“迄今读之;若揭日月而行千载;其博大精

词语大全 多歧亡羊造句_多歧亡羊中英文解释和造句

多歧亡羊  duōqíwángyáng多歧亡羊的意思和解释:因岔路太多无法追寻而丢失了羊。比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。也比喻学习的方面多了就不容易精深。多歧亡羊的

词语大全 多歧亡羊造句_多歧亡羊中英文解释和造句

多歧亡羊  duōqíwángyáng多歧亡羊的意思和解释:因岔路太多无法追寻而丢失了羊。比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。也比喻学习的方面多了就不容易精深。多歧亡羊的