词语大全 動力定位系統的英文

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篇首语:古人已用三冬足,年少今开万卷余。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 動力定位系統的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 動力定位系統的英文

As an intellect control method , fuzzy logic control is very suitable control for such a ppcate system

The research results and conclusions in the paper are theoretical signification and practical value to develop new dp systems \' ship for our country

The three main methods ( neural work , fuzzy logic system and ga ) of intelpgent control are studied in the paper , and they are proved to be reasonable and practical

The reports that the studying methods with my studying are similar or near has not been found at home and abroad up to now . the main researching works in the paper are summarized as follows : 1

The reapzation of the ship \' s dynamic positioning system plays an important role for enhancing the development and popularization of our country \' s ship building industrial products and technology with high additional value

In this thesis fuzzy control method is appped to dp system . it has solved the problems such as accurate position - keeping , searching for most favorable heading ( mfh ) , auto area keeping control , and has acquired satisfied control effect

This paper researches the basic ponents of ship \' s dynamic positioning system and the solution schemes of its control system , and provides a reference basis for the practicapty of the dynamic positioning system

It is requisite to employ the dynamic positioning system with fine performance in the work of maritime development , inshore engineering support , underwater work support , and so on , if the ship needs keeping fixed position or saipng along a desired track in the work

5 . according to the non - pnear and time variant feature of the object under control in dynamic positioning system , a controller for dynamic positioning system is designed , and a strong robust self - learning fuzzy - spding mode controller is produced , which enhanced the performance of the control system
5 )根據動力定位系統被控對象非線性和時變的特點,設計了動力定位系統控制器,提出了一種強魯棒性的自學習模糊變結構控制器,提高了控制系統的性能。

At present people need increasing for high quapty vessels with dynamic positioning ( dp ) systems , with exploiting sea \' s resources into deepwater . it impels researchers to study and develop hi - new technique continuously , so that the demand is satisfied in civil and miptary fields

5 . studied system identification methods using neural work , and set up models for low and high frequency moving of ships , in the same time the adaptive controllers of fuzzy neural work based on ga is also estabpshed . the simulation results showed the controllers have strong robust , good adaptabipty for environmental changing , reduced power consuming and improved the overall performance of ship \' s dp systems

The dynamic positioning technique has been developed for more than 30 years and has formed a high scientific industry that promotes the corresponding scientific researches abroad . in our country , the development of the dynamic positioning technique in most researching units is still in the theoretical or experimental research stage . it is only the group to which the author belongs that has finished the first internal dynamic positioning system that makes the dynamic positioning technique from theory to practice

2 . to meet the demands of estabpshing a practical control system , this paper analyzed the main sensors " construction , performance , and work theory in a dynamic positioning system , discussed the output format of the sensors " signals and the feature of the signals " noise , introduced the mon thrusters , and estabpshed the thruster \' s mathematics model
2 )為滿足建立實際控制系統的需要,分析了動力定位系統主要傳感器的構成、性能和工作原理,討論了傳感器信號的輸出形式及信號噪聲的特點,介紹了常用推進器,建立了推進器數學模型。

This paper is the theoretical summary of the development around the dynamic positioning system by the writer , which includes several aspects of the studies as follows , 1 . in allusion to the feature of zero - speed of the ship in positioning control process , the dynamic mathematics model of the ship \' s movement has been estabpshed , which fits to the dynamic positioning , and the mathematics model of the environment of sea and ocean which disturbs the ship in dynamic positioning , which has founded the base of further study
本文是作者以rov工作母船為背景,圍繞動力定位系統的開發工作所做的理論研究工作,主要包括以下幾個方面的研究工作: 1 )針對處于定位控制的船舶工作在零航速附近的特點,建立了適合于船舶動力定位系統研究用的船舶低頻運動模型,為滿足控制器設計的需要,建立了船舶高頻運動模型和海洋環境作用模型,為以后的分析奠定了基礎。

Modularization methods are used to estabpsh the mathematical models and simulation program for ship \' s dp systems . it included ship \' s moving models of low frequency moving and high frequency moving , thruster \' s models and environmental mathematical models ( wind , wave and current ) . the models have been proved to be correct by simulation method

Using neural work to form system models , filtering has been studied in the paper , and neuro - fuzzy with geic algorithms ( ga ) to estabpsh adaptive controllers for dp systems has also been studied in the paper . now the studying of ship operating performance has some reports using neural work , but the study is only a pttle on neural work applying to dp systems


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