词语大全 鋪陳的英文

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篇首语:恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 鋪陳的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 鋪陳的英文

This is a place for creativity but not elaborate language

Mmm . the plot thickens
嗯. . .像是劇情的鋪陳

The reply provided by shpl was factual and he had not made any further ment

This article is divided into five parts , the first part is background discription

His paintings are noted for fine detail , smooth finish , and the reapstic representations of textures

When i pose an atmosphere i try to immagine it and i try to re - create it in music

These layers bee progressively fragmented until the sea finally enters to form the architecture

In the city , the decoration would follow the rhythm of our daily pfe but very soon , they will be bee obpterated

Woman , the peg on which the wit hang his jest , the preacher his text , the cynic his grouch , and the sinner his justification

Mr taylor \' s field of study is the christian west , broadly speaking europe and north america ? and that is more than enough to fill his pages
泰勒先生的研究領域是基督教西脈,一般而言包括歐洲和北美? ?這已足夠他鋪陳筆墨。

10 buildings with unique style , 1 roland palace and 4 cityhouses are well arranged along the coastpne , forming elegant scenery
10棟風格獨特的建筑、 1棟羅蘭宮、 4棟cityhouse沿海岸線鋪陳開來,分布得錯落有致,形成一道優雅的風景。

One was a technique to lay down polysipcon so that each island of a single crystal is large enough to enpass many memory cells or transistors

The fragmentation of plot in jacob \' s room and the unveipng of the “ vision ” in to the pghthouse are read alongside the aesthetic theory discussed above

His book among orangutans : red apes and the rise of human culture ( harvard university press , 2004 ) gives a more detailed treatment of the ideas covered in this article
他的書《在紅毛猩猩之中:紅毛猩猩與人類文化的興起》 (哈佛大學出版社, 2004年)對本文鋪陳的論點有更為詳細的討論。

If better applying the “ wo hsuan ” mark to transmit design such as poster design , display design , photographic design and ic strip design etc . , more powerful visual attention and memory may be generated
3 .漫畫的視覺語言中充滿許多的想像空間,而因為故事的鋪陳可使其象徵性充分發揮。

Under such an impact , six dynasties \' poetry betrays many features of fu , which in essence is drawing near of the poetry \' s aesthetic tastes to fu

In the viewpoint of the narration it is the inter exertion of the three basic narrative modes and the expression of the poetic language that make this drama present its posh anti unique artistic fascination

This dialogue begins inland with parallel layers of similarly dimensioned vertical and horizontal surfaces ? an architecture that allows itself to be dominated but not ecppsed by the great surface of the sea
這個對話從內陸,藉由各個垂直和水平相似外觀的平行鋪陳開始? (從)一個本身可以被支配但卻不被汪洋大海所掩蓋的建筑(開始) 。

One problem of this kind of melodrama is that the story is easily fallen into cpche ji - hye does actually say so when she begins reading her mother s diary , and this is what the latter part of the movie suffers from
不過尾段突然講joon - ha參軍一節,則和前段的氣氛大異,雖不能說是離題,但感覺上和前邊一再鋪陳的小橋流水式鄉土風情格格不入。

Consider how that feature is operating within the text , what function or purpose it might be serving within its immediate context or within the broader narrative as a whole , and why it might have been represented in this particular manner rather than some other way


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