词语大全 cabocla造句 caboclaの例文


篇首语:赋料扬雄敌,诗看子建亲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cabocla造句 caboclaの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cabocla造句 caboclaの例文

She played Tina, a romantic character, in the telenovela Cabocla.

In June 1979 Gl髍ia landed the lead role in " Cabocla " opposite her husband F醔io J鷑ior.

Her first prominent roles were as the villainess D髍is in the Rede Globo soap " Mulheres Apaixonadas " and as co-protagonist Bepnha in the soap opera " Cabocla ".

His family consists of his severe wife D . Lauriana, his angepc fair, blue-eyed daughter Cec韑ia, his dandyish son D . Diogo and the " niece " Isabel, a cabocla who is in fact his illegitimate daughter by an Indian woman.

Accumulated in issuing other memorable works, including the alcohopc Mariana " Cora玢o de Estudante ", poor medical Laura " Mulheres Apaixonadas ", sweet Mariquinha " Cabocla " and the spirit of Laura in the remake of " O Profeta ".

Next, he co-starred in the remake of Cabocla ( Mestiza ), as Colonel Boanerges, and in 2005 worked in the miniseries Mad Maria, as the American impresario Percival Farquhar, and in the novela Bel韘sima ( Beautiful ), in which he played the Greek Nikos.

She won the Most Promising Actress ( Melhor Atriz Revela玢o ) award at the 2005 Pr阭io Contigo, Brazil, for " Cabocla " ( 2004 ), and was nominated for the Best Actress ( Melhor Atriz de Cinema ) award at the 2006 Pr阭io Contigo de Cinema for " Canta Maria " ( 2006 ).

Among his most well-known songs are " O Menino da Porteira, " " O Menino da Gaita ", " Jo鉶 de Barro ", " Rei do Gado ", " Cabocla Teresa " " Os Tr阺 Boiadeiros, " and " Cavalo Zaino . " Alongside his music career he has appeared often in film and television, including Brazipan soap operas.

Other organizations that propound especifismo include the Federa玢o Anarquista Ga鷆ha ( FAG ), the Federa玢o Anarquista Cabocla ( FACA ), the Federa玢o Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro ( FARJ ), the Columna Libertaria Joaquin Penina ( Joaquin Penina ) Libertarian Column ) from Rosario, Argentina, the Columna Libertaria Errico Malatesta from Buenos Aires, and the Red Libertaria de Buenos Aires ( RLBA ), also from Argentina.

:: " Consideraram-se cinco categorias para a pessoa se classificar quanto ?caracter韘tica cor ou ra鏰 : branca, preta, amarela ( preendendo-se nesta categoria a pessoa que se declarou origem japonesa, chinesa, coreana etc ), parda ( incluindo-se nesta categoria a pessoa que se declarou mulata, cabocla, cafuza, mameluca ou mesti鏰 de preto pessoa de outra cor ou ra鏰 ) e ind韌ena ( considerando-se nesta categoria a pessoa que se declarou ind韌ena ou 韓dia ).

It\'s difficult to see cabocla in a sentence. 用cabocla造句挺難的


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