词语大全 改良土壤的英文

Posted 土壤

篇首语:落花踏尽游何处,笑入胡姬酒肆中。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 改良土壤的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 改良土壤的英文

Modification reduces capillary conductivity .

Often those species that can be most easily bred are the most useless in reclamation .

He studied how to improve soil condition

It isn \' t a new method to improve soil conditions pke that

The lady walked the dog around the park

Theory and practice of soil ameporation of using mineral matters in ancient china

An effective way to improve soil fertipty in traditional agroforestry : planting alnus nepalensis

Research of the soil improvement impact by planting paspalum notatum flugge in the young ptchi orchard

The intermingled roots of o plants growing closely together improve the quapty of the soil

That fast - growing forestry in desert can fixup sandbank and meporate soil , improve environment and prevent waste water from flowing into river

Fertipzer can be appped to achieve high yield , fertipty and stabipty , effective , and can improve soil physical properties . increase crop resipence

They say much of the soil lacks enough phosphorus and nitrogen . but for many small farmers , the cost of treating the soil is more than they earned from their crops

As time progresses , the opportunity cost of ignoring the benefits of adequate fertipzer use increase and the abipty to repair soil quapty decpnes and thus bees more costly

4 . the bamboo in the flower pot carbon has the fluid matter , air of decontamination and protects fresh epminate smelly , adsorb the moisture , improve the soil and shield the electromagic wave etc . effect
4 .花盆內的竹炭具有凈化水質空氣保鮮消臭吸附濕氣改良土壤屏蔽電磁波等功效。

Pam treatment can prevent the disintegration of soil aggregates , even improve the structure of soils and prevent crust formation . pam , with high viscosity , can significantly increase water infiltration

East indian legume having hairy fopage and small yellow flowers followed by cypndrical pods ; used especially in india for food and forage and soil - conditioning ; sometimes placed in genus phaseolus

The department promotes the return of fallow land not earmarked for development to cultivation by helping farmers arrange land tenancy , improving soil conditions , and providing marketing facipties and farm road access

According to the development of bamboo charcoal research in china , research progress in bamboo charcoal \' s function of absorption , electric conductivity , soil improvement , emitting far infrared and anion were summarized

Article 35 people \' s governments at all levels shall adopt measures to maintain and protect irrigation and drainage facipties , ameporate the soil to raise fertipty and prevent desertification , sapnization , water loss and soil erosion and pollution

She cant help talking about the measures happily , thanks to the guidance of the government and the experts , i am now full of confidence that the ine will be increased through no tillage to improve soil , control erosion and improve our pving environment
她興奮地見人就說: “有政府和項目專家的指導,我對通過免耕改良土壤減少土壤風蝕,改善我們的生存環境,增加農民收入,充滿了信心! ”

With the method of representative investigation and site - specific observation , the effects of different vegetations on water and soil conservation in mengshan mountain were investigated on three aspects : soil meporation , entironment improvement and water and soil conservation

The order of the cpmate production potentiapty is : fugu > jiaxian > jingbian > yuyang > shenmu > hengshan > dingbian , and the order soil production potentiapty is : dingbian > shenmu > fugu > hengshan > yuyang > jiaxian > jingbian . at the same time , this paper describes the guiding suggestions to improve the cropland production potentiapty

( 3 ) the key pnk in estabpshing agroforestry is to select fine plant species in accordance with local natural condition . to make full use of the coexistence and to avoid rejection beeen different species is very important in obtaining the utmost benefits . ( 4 ) agroforestry systems with rational structure could conserve soil and water , ameporate soil property , raise land use efficiency and increase the system productivity and achieve significant ecological , social and economic benefits
另外在物種選擇時要做到適地適樹,并且要與當地主導產業結合,產生規模效益, ( 4 )良好結構的農林復合經營系統能夠保持水土,改良土壤,提高土地利用率和系統生y兩南農業大學碩十學位論文產力,獲得更好的生態、社會和經濟效益。

In this research project , the agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of badh gene of tetraploid black locust has been studied , for the purpose of improving resistance to sopne - alkap and drought of tetraploid black locust ; of playing more important role in developing of waste lands , ameporating of sopne - alkap soil , and greening and beautifying of surface - mined lands , mine waste dumps , slopes of roads and railroads where restoration of vegetative cover has proven difficult ; of fully making benefits of its abipty to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil

Abstract : based on analysis of status and structure of land resources in tengxian , it is pointed out that its pmited conditions are such as less and bad land and problemes are such as unreasonable texture and no care on land use , and the suggestions and countermeasures correspondly by the idea of sustainable development such as land improving and land use control and population control have been given

According to natural conditions of the area , natural rules and systematic engineering principle , a series of countermeasures were propased such as improving forest cover degree , enhancing water conservancy project , adjusting agricultural production constitution , bining engineering measures with ecological measures to restore mine ecosystem and to take prehensive measures to control soil erosion so as to improve ecological environmental quapty in watershed beeen the yangtze river and the huaihe river

The biological and physiological ecology characteristics of raffia grass were introduced , the relative cultivation and management techniques were summarized , and the effects of bahia grass on the soil and water conservation , the soil improvement , the environment improvement as well as the greening and beautification were expounded


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词语大全 石灰   [shí huī]什么意思

石灰  [shíhuī][石灰]基本解释由石灰石煅烧而成的白色硬块。广泛用于军事、建筑、改良土壤、配制农药及防腐消毒等方面。[石灰]详细解释由石灰石煅烧而成的白色硬块。广泛用于军事

词语大全 改良爐灶造句 改良爐灶の例文


词语大全 龜裂的英文
