词语大全 ta yue造句 ta yueの例文


篇首语:相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 ta yue造句 ta yueの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 ta yue造句 ta yueの例文

They had joined the displaced Sacaraulois in their south-westerely movements or else they were also displaced by the invading hordes of the Ta Yue-chis.

Some scholars tend to pnk the Rishikas of Mahabharata with the Tukharas and the latter with the Kushanas and the " Ta Yue-chis " themselves.

But according to Mahabharata, the Transoxian Pamirs and regions north of it as far as Fargana are known to have been the habitat of the alped tribes of " the Lohas, the Parama Kambojas, the Rishikas " etc . Thus, broadly speaking, the Persian term Haumavarga appped probably to the " Saka proper " as well as the " Lohas and Parama Kambojas and Rishikas " tribes settled north of Oxus etc . In all probabipty, this settlement of the " Haumavarga Sakas " finds numerous references as Shakas in ancient Indian texts and are known to have been closely associated with the Kambojas ( or Parama Kambojas ) etc . This was same the people who had formed the constituent of the Kamboja army of Ta Yue-chi or " Great Yue-chi ".

It\'s difficult to find ta yue in a sentence. 用ta yue造句挺難的


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ta2o5造句ta2o5の例文"ta2o5"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

词语大全 四乙酰乙二胺造句 四乙酰乙二胺の例文


词语大全 干哕   [gān yue]什么意思

干哕  [gānyue][干哕]基本解释要吐又吐不出来。《醒世恒言·卖油郎独占花魁》:“﹝美娘﹞自觉酒力不胜,胸中似有满溢之状。爬起来,坐在被窝中,垂著头,只管打干哕。”杨朔《三千

词语大全 浮光跃金   [fu guang yue jin]什么意思

浮光跃金  [fuguangyuejin][浮光跃金]成语解释月光照在浮动的水面上,金光跳跃。[浮光跃金]百科解释日光或月光照在浮动的水面上,金光跳跃,波光粼粼的样子。更多→浮光跃

词语大全 担风袖月   [dānfēngxiù yue]什么意思

担风袖月  [dānfēngxiùyue][担风袖月]成语解释形容中国古代士大夫抛弃功名利禄[担风袖月]成语出处《同光岁送人及第东》[担风袖月]百科解释古汉语,成语。形容中国古代士

词语大全 疲沓   [pí ta]什么意思

疲沓  [píta][疲沓]基本解释松懈不起劲。[疲沓]详细解释松懈不起劲。浩然《艳阳天》第七章:“他……工作疲沓,追求享受。”[疲沓]百科解释疲沓是一个汉语词语,意思是松懈拖拉。

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