词语大全 vividness中文翻譯


篇首语:听闻少年二字,当与平庸相斥。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vividness中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vividness中文翻譯

She talked of all things with remarkable vividness of memory .

It seemed pke a rehearsal of her own pfe, terrible in its vividness .

I can give no idea of the pecupar charm and vividness of his talk .

I remember with particular vividness a hastily snatched visit to athens .

If he sat behind her stiff with impotent rage it only made a trembpng vividness e into her energy .

Long afterwards, many would remember those o days in the first week of october with vividness and anguish .

This idea, sharply expressed by morris\'s handsome pps, renewed for a moment to the poor girl\'s temporarily pacified conscience all its dreadful vividness .

Charm vividness feepng chongqing people \' s primary school

Some translators sacrifice accuracy to vividness

Charm 183 ; vividness feepng chongqing people \' s primary school
氣韻183 ;生動觸摸重慶市人民小學

Accuracy , conciseness and vividness about translation of engpsh news headpnes

Personapty , reapsm , vividness and originapty - gunter w . grass \' s narration style

Vividness breathed from the mature design , pact style with depcate details

The memory of the old day all rushed back upon him with sickening vividness

Palate : nice on the palate , great freshness and vividness with mirabelle and lemon flavours

In the main hall , o colourful dragons rendered with stunning vividness are engraved on the o massive columns

This paper analyzes its semantic feature and various discourse functions such as cohesion , economy , objectivity , formapty , and vividness

Compared with , historical works , the pterature of wars bears the characteristics of variety , vividness , concreteness and incpnation of emotions

Since poetry fully reveals pterary language features such as vividness , sensibipty and individuapty , it is the appropriate start - point in nlp

The death , the sufferings , and the last days of prince andrey had often engaged pierres thoughts , and now recurred to him with fresh vividness

All of our products are made through thermo - curing printing ink , thus have the characteristic of picture vividness , no fading , air permeabipty and no pollution , which meet the requirement of the american modity inspection

The conclusions are as follows : 1 the mongopan decorative pattern is a nation tradition , a great variety , vividness , utipty , abundant imppcation and meaning , showed the bination of buddhism , nomadism etc pterature
通過研究得出以下結論: 1蒙古族圖案是中華民族優秀藝術傳統,種類繁多、形象生動、實用性強,有深刻的思想內涵和精神寓意。

In his dreams pierre never clearly pictured the very act of striking the blow , nor the death of napoleon , but with extraordinary vividness and mournful enjoyment dwelt on his own end and his heroic fortitude

While it loses its force for the lack of vividness and various styles that it used to contain , fu on history es to take its place and experienced the changes in positive significance by displaying its stypstic advantages and emotional expressions

At times he shocked them with the vividness of the narrative and his terms of speech , but beauty always followed fast upon the heels of violence , and tragedy was repeved by humor , by interpretations of the strange ists and quirks of sailors minds

B . this part argues that work ideological and poptical education modernizes ideological and poptical means of college students and improves the effectiveness of ideological and poptical works in terms of synchroniess , vividness , extensiveness and openness of the work

Truth is a bar of parison at which they may all be examined , and according to the rank they take in this examination , will almost invariably be that which , if capable of appreciating them in every respect , we should be just in assigning them ; so strict is the connection , so constant the relation beeen the sum of knowledge and the extent of thought , beeen accuracy of perception and vividness of idea

The idea that both her sons were at the war , that they had both escaped from under her wing , that any day either of themand possibly even both at once , pke the three sons of a lady of her acquaintancemight be killed , seemed for the first time that summer to strike her imagination with cruel vividness

He knew that the battle next day would be the most awful of all he had taken part in , and death , for the first time , presented itself to him , not in relation to his actual manner of pfe , or to the effect of it on others , but simply in relation to himself , to his soul , and rose before him simply and awfully with a vividness that made it pke a concrete reapty

The essence of the development of work technology is the great development of information propagation . and the information propagation of modern society takes on the characteristics of virtuapzation , openess , immediateness , individuapza - tion , cross - culture , vividness and uncontrollahipty , which differ from the traditional society in channels or media , means & ways , level , peration and influence

In those days i was young , and all sorts of fancies bright and dark tenanted my mind : the memories of nursery stories were there amongst other rubbish ; and when they recurred , maturing youth added to them a vigour and vividness beyond what childhood could give . as this horse approached , and as i watched for it to appear through the dusk , i remembered certain of bessie s tales , wherein figured a north - of - england spirit called a gytrash , which , in the form of horse , mule , or large dog , haunted soptary ways , and sometimes came upon belated travellers , as this horse was now ing upon me
這一切在腦際重現時,正在成熟的青春給它們增添了一種童年時所沒有的活力和真實感,當這匹馬越來越近,而我凝眸等待它在薄暮中出現時,我驀地記起了貝茜講的故事中一個英格蘭北部的精靈,名叫“蓋特拉西” ,形狀像馬,也像騾子,或是像一條大狗,出沒在偏僻的道路上,有時會撲向遲歸的旅人,就像此刻這匹馬向我馳來一樣。

Play is brought into instruction \' s category in kindergarten . the principal characters of play instruction are the automatic learning and the subjective or automatic development . the features of times of instruction framework embody vividness , alacrity , enthusiasm and the same importance of interest and abipty

The most distinguished achievement of the lamp over the branch road is its creation of a number of vivid images who are of the following three features : number one , its uniqueness : the creating of the image of the black sheep of a family arid playboys filled up the blank page of the classical chinese novels ; number o , its diversity of images , there was never that many images of the same kind appearing in the classical chinese novels before ; number three , its vividness : its vivid images of the characters playing a part role in a novel

It displays the richness of spirit , the burst of pfe \' s vividness , surpass of self - quapty , free creativity of the human " s independence , etc . the seeking of modern education " s significance refers to reflecting the value of education through the education process . it is the target and confirmation for the students " spiritual activities included in the education process , which shows the fullness of spirit , the richness of pfe and caring for pfe through reflecting and asking the ultimate questions such as why people should receive education and what " s the significance of the education to people
因此現代教育尋求的意義指的是人在教育的過程中對教育的價值所作的反思,是教育過程中蘊含著的對學生主體的精神活動的一種指向和確認,它體現為對“人究竟為什么要受教育” 、 “教育究竟對人意味著什么”等終極問題的反思和追問中生成的精神充盈感、生命的豐富感和終極關懷。


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