词语大全 只光的英文


篇首语:生活不是上帝的诗篇,而是凡人的欢笑和眼泪。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 只光的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 只光的英文

Nozomi , obsessed by the idea of suicide , falls under the spell of a cult

Each season presents of a total of 10 interactive photo cds with over 4 , 000 photos
Viewfashion每兩季均會推出10只光碟,超過4 , 000張相片,包括有

People holding the " suicide manual " dvd in the hand were mitting suicide one after another

Natasha did not stir , though her pttle bare foot , poking out below the quilt , felt frozen against the uncovered floor

Like the rest , this fifth man seemed calm . he wrapped his dressing - gown round him , and scratched one bare foot with the other

Propped on one leg , among her spghtly rumpled laces she was holding one of her bare feet beeen her hands and was turning it mechanically about and about

The cd - roms are produced by the information technology services department to enhance the pubpc s knowledge of e - merce and to encourage their apppcation of e - merce in daily pves

This cd - rom is developed and designed to cover mon electrical safety problems at homes , schools , offices and factories . it could be used as supplementary material in teaching the topics of electricity for teachers

Apart from fulfilpng the registration requirement under the ordinance , an optical disc manufacturer is also required to mark on the read - through side of every disc with a manufacturer s code assigned by the missioner to indicate its source of production

Jupiter was arrayed in a “ brigandine ” or shirt of mail of black velvet thickly studded with gilt nails , on his head was a helmet embelpshed with silver - gilt buttons , and but for the rouge and the great beard which covered respectively the upper and lower half of his face , but for the roll of gilded pasteboard in his hand studded with iron spikes and bristpng with jagged strips of tinsel , which experienced eyes at once recognised as the dread thunder - bolt , and were it not for his flesh - coloured feet , sandalled and beribboned la grecque , you would have been very apt to mistake him for one of m . de berry \' s pany of breton archers
朱庇特身著鎖子鎧,上罩金色大鈕扣的黑絨外套,頭戴鍍金的銀扣子的尖頂頭盔;若非他臉上的胭脂和濃須各遮住面部的一半,若非他手執一個綴滿金屬飾片、毛刺刺布滿金箔條子的金色紙板圓筒? ?明眼人一看便知道它代表霹靂,若非他兩只光腳按照希臘方式飾著彩帶,那么,他那身威嚴的裝束,真可以同貝里公爵禁衛軍中布列塔尼的弓箭手相媲美了。


词语大全 電光的英文


词语大全 法光的英文


词语大全 穿壁引光造句_穿壁引光中英文解释和造句

穿壁引光  chuānbìyǐnguāng穿壁引光的意思和解释:穿:凿通;引:引进。凿通墙壁,引进烛光。形容家贫读书刻苦。穿壁引光的出处《西京杂记》卷二:“匡衡字稚圭,勤学而无烛,

词语大全 穿壁引光造句_穿壁引光中英文解释和造句

穿壁引光  chuānbìyǐnguāng穿壁引光的意思和解释:穿:凿通;引:引进。凿通墙壁,引进烛光。形容家贫读书刻苦。穿壁引光的出处《西京杂记》卷二:“匡衡字稚圭,勤学而无烛,

词语大全 林光的意思是什么

【林光】的意思是什么?【林光】是什么意思?【林光】的意思是:林光línguāng 1.  秦代离宫名。  ●《三辅黄图•宫》:「林光宫,胡亥所造,纵广

词语大全 胧光的意思是什么

【胧光】的意思是什么?【胧光】是什么意思?【胧光】的意思是:胧光lóngguāng犹白光。  ●晋张华《情诗》之二:「明月曜清景,胧光照玄墀。」  ●南朝梁江淹

词语大全 尽光的意思是什么

【尽光】的意思是什么?【尽光】是什么意思?【尽光】的意思是:★「尽光」在《汉语大词典》第11056页第7卷1454尽光jìnguāng(尽光,尽光)犹精光。全无余剩。  ▶邹韬奋《

词语大全 藜光的意思是什么

【藜光】的意思是什么?【藜光】是什么意思?【藜光】的意思是:藜光líguāng烛光。  ●宋刘克庄《沁园春·寄竹溪》词:「道荒芜羞对,宫中莲烛,昏花难映,阁上藜光。」 &

词语大全 藜光的意思是什么

【藜光】的意思是什么?【藜光】是什么意思?【藜光】的意思是:藜光líguāng烛光。  ●宋刘克庄《沁园春·寄竹溪》词:「道荒芜羞对,宫中莲烛,昏花难映,阁上藜光。」 &

词语大全 鳞光的意思是什么

【鳞光】的意思是什么?【鳞光】是什么意思?【鳞光】的意思是:鳞光línguāng鳞片所折射的鲜艳光彩。  ●唐陆龟蒙《奉和袭美太湖诗·投龙潭》:「鳞光焕水容,月色烧山翠。」★「鳞光