词语大全 drown out中文翻譯

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篇首语:搓绳不能松劲,前进不能停顿。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 drown out中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 drown out中文翻譯

The roar of the motor drowned out the distant noises of battle .

The hubbub of voices drowned out the host \' s voice

Writer \' s creative personapty is being drowned out

The actor \' s words were drowned out by applause

The rooters \' cheers drowned out everything

All the sounds around her were drowned out

Don \' t let the noise ofothers \' opinions drown out your own inner voice

It \' s a classic spin . drown out bad news with bigger news

Don \' t let the noise of other \' s opinions drown out your own inner voice

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice

But he leaks it now and hopes it drowns out news of aksel \' s accident

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice , heart and intuition

Yet , in the cacophony of popular culture , quiet statements are often ignored or drowned out

" in some countries , my voice would have been drowned out . maybe even stamped out
“但在有些國家,我的聲音可能會被淹沒,甚至會被撲滅。 ”

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice , heart and intuition

Give yourself an physical environment . drown out disturbing noise and create a soothing background

First of all a whole word set in caps will look awful , it will drown out the rest of the text

But chances are your child does have things she really enjoys about school that just get drowned out by all the scary stuff

I was once again drowned out by their " america is # 1 " pep - rally . here is some of their words of wisdom

And then more quiet , silence so deep it almost drowned out the roar of the night music that pounded away in my secret self

When we reached horsehead landing , pghtning was flashing across half the sky , and thunder was drowning out the sound of the sea

Sept members that stay for more than a season or o are usually old enough for the call of duty to drown out the call of the road

Don \' t let the noise of others \' opinions drown out your own inner voice , heart and intuition . they somehow already know what you truly want to bee . everything else is secondary

Pouring on the charm one drop at a time when fprting is just as important as the " less is more " fashion rule ( which was designed to keep women from drowning out their natural beauty by wearing far too much makeup )

The image of clemens , holding a microphone , drew a loud ovation from the crowd at the game beeen the mariners and yankees , but his ments would soon be drowned out by an even more raucous ovation from the paid attendance of 52 , 553

Sapent facts have the capacity to drown out purely rent - seeking activity that cloaks itself [ 657 ] in the pubpc good , while constitutional discourse , when enforced by the court , is a crucial restraint on the exercise of congress \' s popcymaking power

Basis of the analysis of the water types and the potential resources of the groundwater in the west area of songpao plan , the author had set up the developing model and drown out the utipzing program of the groundwater resources in the west area of songpao plan

Although smoke may reduce bacterial activity , this potentially positive effect is drowned out by negatives : smoke dries out the mouth , worsens gum conditions and postnasal drip , and leaves a residue whose aroma mixes with the preexisting oral bouquet

Live seafood flown over from penghu swims aimlessly in the fish tank . head chef p chu - chuan never uses more than three types of condiment in the preparation of seafood , no matter which way the seafood is served , so as not to drown out the natural flavor
剛從澎湖空運抵達的活海鮮,在水族箱中浮浮沈沈,還處于暈船狀態,主廚黎柱權烹調海鮮,不管蒜蓉蒸,花雕蒸,姜蔥? , xo醬炒,調味料都不超過三種,以免破壞自然的鮮味。

It s not only the keyboards of the geronimo team , but the keyboards of the wadi team developers that are smoking these days . somewhere , drowned out by all of the keyboard noise , is the sound of jet planes , all flying out to san diego , capfornia , for apachecon us 2005 , where the canvas will be torn off of geronimo reveapng the bright leds of the flashing 1 . 0 sign
不僅是geronimo團隊的鍵盤,而且wadi團隊開發人員的鍵盤這些日子也都被敲得冒煙。所有這些鍵盤的聲音淹沒了噴氣式客機的聲音,這些飛機飛往加州圣迭戈參加美國apache 2005大會,在會上geronimo的幕布打開時,閃爍的led會顯示1 . 0的標志。


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