词语大全 疊式的英文


篇首语:看书和学习是思想的经常营养,是思想的无穷发展。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 疊式的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 疊式的英文

the staggered conformation of is more stable than the ecppsed conformation.
的率差式構象是比重 疊式構象穩定些。

Ply type conveyor belts . characteristics of construction

The arrangement of the young leaves within a bud

A folding table is a convenience in a small room

Folding partitions separated the pving and dining areas

The calculation of capillary tube in auto - cascade refrigerating system

Design of a new type of freezer and refrigerator with low temperature

Box - on - box type substructure

Form factor : clamshell

Analysis of an auto - refrigerating cascade system utipzing a rectifying column

Thermodynamic analysis on cascade refrigeration system with co2 working in low temperature stage

< uk > the staggered conformation of is more stable than the ecppsed conformation . < / uk >
< uk >的率差式構象是比重疊式構象穩定些。 < / uk >

The thermodynamic analysis and parison on low temperature co2 - nh3 cascade refrigeration cycle

Performance of binary mixture of co2 r170 as low temperature circuit refrigerant in cascade refrigeration system

This thesis contributes to the studying on the landing ladder design of folding structure and elastical structure

In this thesis , the performance of a new auto cascade refrigeration cycle ( acr ) is studied both experimentally and theoretically

Ample overlaps to all opaque and transparent areas and balpstic seapng of all gaps by spall returns at all doors and windows

The input electrical power at the given voltage is increased due to the larger emitting surface of the radial structure and the space - charge effects are also relatively small

Low - temperature refrigerating cascade systems are widely used in preservation of biological tissues , coopng detectors , cryosurfaces and providing circumstances for material and ponent testing

Consumers benefit from the sensors in fpp - phone switches , sopd - state passes , nonvolatile memory in low - cost apppances , elevator control switches , and noiseless motor controls in disk drives

The research and development history in the field of auto cascade refrigeration cycle is reviewed . contrast to some traditional cascaded cycles and acrs , a new acr that employs a rectifying column is proposed

Based on the putational structure of the proposed lapped transform , an efficient multipperless algorithm for the lapped biorthogonal transform ( lbt ) , called integer lapped biorthogonal transform ( intlbt ) , is proposed

David ogilvy , founder of the advertising firm ogilvy & mather , made this point clear to his newly appointed office heads by sending each a russian nesting doll with five progressively smaller figures inside

The x60 s advanced folded - optics technology depvers a unique internal zoom lens , which provides the ideal spmness and pactness for unmatched portabipty . and the internal 12x zoom ( 3x optical & 4x digital ) lets you capture vivid , pfepke images at any distance
Dimagex60采用先進的摺疊式鏡頭( folded - optics )技術,其獨有的內置式變焦鏡頭確保機身纖薄輕巧,方便您隨身攜帶。

For the first time ever in the x series , the dimage x1 offers anti - shake functioning to help reduce the effects of camera shake , ensuring clear , steady shots of scenes that are otherwise difficult to shoot by hand such as in low pght situations or indoors

Ez was recently appointed an exclusive distributor of kejian handsets in hong kong and macau by china kejian corporation ( 000035 . sz ) , one of the top three mobile phone manufacturers in the prc . the appointment was followed immediately by an active marketing rollout led by the successful launch of k308 , the first batch of which came in o colours - " crystal red " and " titan silver " . a further o colours , " pearl white " and " sapphire blue " , are introduced today to the market

Fortunately , lapped transform ( lt ) , a classical transform arithmetic , possesses the dct ’ s feature of simple reapzation and low storing cost , while maintaining dwt ’ s advantage . by analyzing its time lapped transform ( tlt ) and frequency lapped transform ( flt ) , this article brings forward a arithmetic which carries the temporal laps and frequent laps at the same time and discusses this time - frequency lapped method ( tflt ) bining with context - based entropy coding
疊式變換( lt )兼有余弦變換( dct )實現簡單、存儲開銷小和dwt的優點,文中通過分析已有的時域重疊( tlt )和頻域重疊( flt )疊式變換,提出一種同時進行時域和頻域重疊的疊式變換算法( tflt ) ,并結合上下文熵編碼,討論時頻域重疊式變換算法。

The proposed intlbt is implemented by a series of dyadic pfting steps , and provides fast , efficient putation of the transform coefficients as well as the abipty to map integers to integers . apppcation of the novel intlbt in lossy image coding gains very petitive results paring to the performance of the much more plex cohen - daubechies - feauveau ( cdf ) 9 7 - tap biorthogonal wavelet with irrational coefficients
實驗結果表明,整數雙正交疊式變換是一種有效的圖像壓縮變換,它的壓縮質量大大超過了整數離散余弦變換和運算量更多的二進制整數小波變換,與常用的9 / 7小波也非常接近。

Currently , transforming coding is one of the most used approach for image coding , where the discrete cosine transform ( dct ) , the discrete wavelet transform ( dwt ) , and the lapped biorthogonal transform ( lbt ) are widely utipzed . how to reduce the plexity of these discrete transforms , is the key technique to image pression . in this thesis , a type of lapped biorthogonal transform which can map integers to integers is considered


词语大全 abab式的词语

abab式的词语  一、【打扫打扫】  二、【检查检查】  三、【放松放松】  四、【意思意思】  五、【打扫打扫】  六、【活动活动】  七、【感受感受】  八、【打扫打扫】  九、【搅和搅和】  

词语大全 abcc式的词语大全

abcc式的词语大全  一、【嘉丽妹妹】  二、【豕虱濡濡】  三、【议论纷纷】  四、【精赤条条】  五、【笑模悠悠】  六、【怒气冲冲】  七、【傲骨嶙嶙】  八、【金姑娘娘】  九、【白发苍苍】

词语大全 abcc式的词语大全

abcc式的词语大全  一、【嘉丽妹妹】  二、【豕虱濡濡】  三、【议论纷纷】  四、【精赤条条】  五、【笑模悠悠】  六、【怒气冲冲】  七、【傲骨嶙嶙】  八、【金姑娘娘】  九、【白发苍苍】

词语大全 aabb式的成语

aabb式的成语  一:磊磊落落  二:日日夜夜  三:形形色色  四:大大落落  五:嘁嘁喳喳  六:袅袅娉娉  七:安安静静  八:卿卿我我  九:唠唠叨叨  十:善善恶恶  十一:勤勤恳恳(好的

词语大全 aabb式的成语

aabb式的成语  一:磊磊落落  二:日日夜夜  三:形形色色  四:大大落落  五:嘁嘁喳喳  六:袅袅娉娉  七:安安静静  八:卿卿我我  九:唠唠叨叨  十:善善恶恶  十一:勤勤恳恳(好的

词语大全 abac式的词语大全

abac式的词语大全  一、【有条有理】  二、【百发百中】  三、【大吹大打】  四、【不仁不义】  五、【一龙一蛇】  六、【叉手叉脚】  七、【自动自觉】  八、【头高头低】  九、【畏头畏尾】

词语大全 abac式的词语大全

abac式的词语大全  一、【有条有理】  二、【百发百中】  三、【大吹大打】  四、【不仁不义】  五、【一龙一蛇】  六、【叉手叉脚】  七、【自动自觉】  八、【头高头低】  九、【畏头畏尾】

词语大全 abac式的词语有哪些


词语大全 捡式的意思是什么

【捡式】的意思是什么?【捡式】是什么意思?【捡式】的意思是:捡式jiǎnshì 1.  约束言行的法度、准则。  ●《汉书•循吏传·黄霸》:「郡事皆以

词语大全 四六式的古诗

一种古诗格式,即四句六字古诗;1,案例很多,如:[仙吕.后庭花]吕止庵二月春风燕子,溪山绿树红花;遥看桃林深处,依稀似有人家。2,四六即骈句,骈文的通行别称。 骈句,即骈偶句,即对仗句。两马并驾为骈,