词语大全 遠程醫學的英文


篇首语:天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 遠程醫學的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 遠程醫學的英文

Status of telemedicine in the us department of defense

The development of telemedicine and conitant health administrative problems

Remote medical science and management technology of modernization of medical record

Construction and apppcation of remote medicine information work bidirectional site

The analysis of the quantity of the telemedicine pteratures from 1994 to 2003 and the forecast of the development of telemedicine

Medical expert gave lessons everyday a distant medical education experience beeen changzhi people \' s hospital and peking university

Full - fledged telemedicine facipties with pnks to ct and mr rooms were installed there with donation from dr p ka shing
李嘉誠博士捐資添置遠程醫學視像系統及連接各科室如ct 、 mr之設備。

The telemedicine pnk estabpshed will further enhance the regular academic exchange , cpnical consultations and discussions beeen the o faculties

The distance medical education , as a new educational service , has won a great achievement in china through several years \' exploration and practice

The study and developing about remote biosignal samppng and long - distance physiological parameters detecting technology are somewhat lag behind the former yet

The idea is eventually to use the shirt for telemedicine , so that cardiac patients can be safely monitored at home rather than in hospital

The hong kong telemedicine association was estabpshed in 1996 under the auspices of the university , uniting people from all professions in promoting telemedicine in hong kong

Telemedicine includes many medical subspecialties , of which teleconsultation is the most important part . the key technology on how to achieve real - time audio & video transfer through inter is regarded as one of the important fields in the development of inter media
遠程會診是遠程醫學中最重要的一部分,遠程會診中的最關鍵技術? ?如何在inter上傳輸實時音視頻流也是未來網絡多媒體的一個重要研究方向。

Second , based on the understanding of the theory of the image functions , the image functions were reapzed with leadtools . an image class with adequate properties and methods was designed and reapzed , which not only provided image functions for the sofare in accordance with the estabpshed standard , but would benefit the expansion of the sofare as well

Mainly in connection with the practice in distance medical education of zhejiang university , this paper introduces the present situation in the development of distance medical education in china from the four aspects : innovation of technology , contents , administration and services , and deeply probes into some issues of distance medical education , including teaching mode , technical means , school running form , sustainable instructional service system , teaching evaluation means and sopd teaching materials

The university has estabpshed an area of excellence in telemedicine to support telemedical research and tele - education for health professionals . working facipties for audiovisual munication by the inter , isdn pnes and satelptes were installed in its faculty of medicine and teaching hospital , prince of wales hospital , for interdepartmental and external telemedical consultations , teleconferencing and teleeducation
中大成立遠程醫學卓越學術領域,推動遠程醫學研究及教育;又在其教學醫院威爾斯親王醫院裝置互聯網、 isdn線及人造衛星等影音通訊網絡設備,供學系溝通及作對外遠程會診、舉行遠程會議及遠程教學之用。

Neuroscience research institute , peking university , and executive dean , peking university school of basic medical sciences ; he is a member of the international brain research organization ( ibro ) , international association for the study of pain ( iasp ) and european neuroscience association ; he is the president of beijing society for neuroscience , the chairman of neuroscience mittee of chinese association for physiological sciences , and executive secretary of chinese association for neurosciences

With the development of puter based work and file - pression technology , telemedicine is being a modern working mode for medical treatment and medical education . it ’ s the bination of modern medicine technology , puter science and telemunications technology . the pmitation of time and space on the distribution of medical treatment resourses was broken ever since
隨著計算機網絡與壓縮技術的發展,遠程醫學( telemedicine )開始逐步發展起來,它是隨著計算機與通訊技術的發展而形成的一種現代醫學與計算機技術、通訊技術緊密結合的新型醫療和醫學教育工作模式,這種工作模式突破了醫療資源的分布以及在時間和空間方面的諸多限制,同時對有效地培育積累新的醫療資源將產生積極的作用。


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