词语大全 quarantinable造句 quarantinableの例文 "quarantinable"是什麼意思

Posted 交通工具

篇首语:所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运险峰的人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quarantinable造句 quarantinableの例文 "quarantinable"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quarantinable造句 quarantinableの例文 "quarantinable"是什麼意思

quarantinable造句 quarantinableの例文 "quarantinable"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The chicken farm should be divided into separate quarantinable units or areas for different groups of birds, such as the rearing area, pedigree unit .

The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable infectious disease must be cremated at a nearby place

The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place

" check - up detention " means that a suspect carrier of a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for diagnosis and check - up

" quarantinable epidemic suspect " means a person who has been exposed to the quarantinable epidemic environment and may transmit quarantinable infectious diseases

Article 3 infectious diseases specified in this law shall include quarantinable infectious diseases and infectious diseases to be monitored

Article 15 frontier health and quarantine offices shall monitor persons on entry or exit for quarantinable infectious diseases and shall take necessary preventive and control measures

On the other hand , if the local epidemic prevention unit has discovered any quarantinable epidemic cases or monitored epidemic diseases , it must keep the health and quarantine organ informed about the matter

" isolation " means that a person affected by a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for medical treatment until there is no longer any risk of spreading the disease

Article 6 when a quarantinable infectious disease is prevalent abroad or within china , the state council may order relevant sections of the border to be blockaded or adopt other emergency measures

It\'s difficult to see quarantinable in a sentence. 用quarantinable造句挺難的

Article 17 at the time when any quarantinable epidemic disease is prevalent in certain regions at home or abroad , the health administrative department under the state council may declare the regions as pestilence areas

Article 12 luggage and other articles carried along by ining or outgoing passengers or staff members or by means of registered shipment that may spread quarantinable epidemic diseases , are required to undergo hygienic examination

Article 5 when a quarantinable epidemic victim is discovered by the health and quarantine organ , measures must be taken promptly in accordance with the rules stipulated in chapter viii of these rules to place him in isolation and prevent other persons from being infected

" quarantinable epidemic victim " means a person who suffers from quarantinable infectious disease or a person who has been proved through primary diagnosis by the health and quarantine organ to have caught the quarantinable infectious disease or have bee an incubation carrier

Article 11 according to the results of an inspection made by quarantine doctors , the frontier health and quarantine office shall sign and issue a quarantine certificate for entry or exit to a conveyance either uncontaminated by any quarantinable infectious disease or already given decontamination treatment

Article 15 on discovering at , or on a conveyance at a frontier port a quarantinable infectious disease , a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm , the relevant departmentat the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance must report immediately to the health and quarantine office

Article 48 during its course of transportation , if a quarantinable infectious disease , a disease suspected to be quarantinable , or death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on the train or other vehicle subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection , the head of the train crew or the person in charge of the vehicle is required to report to the health and quarantine organ about the matter upon arrival at the border station

Article 14 a frontier health and quarantine office shall conduct sanitation inspections and disinfect , derate , treat with insecticides or apply other sanitation measures to articles such as baggage , goods and postal parcels that e from an epidemic area and are contaminated by a quarantinable infectious disease or may act as a vehicle of a quarantinable infectious disease

Article 10 when a quarantinable infectious disease , a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered at a frontier port , the relevant department at the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance must report immediately to the frontier health and quarantine office and apply for provisional quarantine inspection

Article 12 a person having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be placed in isolation by the frontier health and quarantine office for a period determined by the results of the medical examination , while a person suspected of having a quarantinable infectious disease shall be kept for inspection for a period determined by the incubation period of such disease

The port health office enforces relevant provisions of the quarantine & prevention of disease ordinance and the international health regulations at the seaport , airport and borders of hong kong so as to prevent the introduction of quarantinable diseases , namely plague and yellow fever , into the territory .

Article 8 when a quarantine infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on conveyance from a domestic pestilence area or in the course of a domestic voyage , the persons in charge of the conveyance are required to make a report to the health and quarantine organ on arrival at the frontier port and undergo prepminary quarantine inspection

Article 4 all persons , conveyance and containers , as well as articles such as baggage , goods , postal parcels that may transmit quarantinable diseases are subject to quarantine inspection upon entering or exiting the country in accordance with these rules , and entry and exit shall be allowed to them only after an approval is issued by the health and quarantine office

Containers , goods , or used materials that e from pestilence area or have been contaminated by an epidemic disease or are pkely to spread quarantinable epidemic diseases or are found to have carried rodents which affect human health and vectors are required to undergo disinfection , deratization , deinsectization and other necessary sanitization process

Article 5 on discovering a quarantinable infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable , a frontier health and quarantine office shall , in addition to taking necessary measures , immediately notify the local health administration department ; at the same time , it shall make a report to the health administration department under the state council by the most expeditious means possible , within 24 hours at the latest

It\'s difficult to find quarantinable in a sentence. 用quarantinable造句挺難的


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