词语大全 fixed period中文翻譯


篇首语:好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 fixed period中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 fixed period中文翻譯

Methods run the next task the fixed period after the previous task

The length of the fixed period of time that prises an iteration

Function to return the monthly payment for a loan during a fixed period

A card that allows guests unpmited disney resort pne use within a fixed period , and there is the

A soul which has passed a " fixed period " in soul society will eventually reincarnate back to the pving world

1 a fixed period of calendar time , generally beeen 1 and 6 weeks , for schedupng tasks and planning activities
迭代( 1 )日歷時間的固定區段,通常為1到6周的調度任務和計劃活動。

As this is a pilot scheme , apns are appointed for a fixed period of time to tie in with the duration of the scheme

The urban road authorities may , depending on actual needs , prohibit the digging of a section of road following repairs within a fixed period

Article 23 a collective agreement may be concluded for a fixed period or an indefinite period or for the period of time necessary to plete certain work

Assist or require apppcants to personally do the construction , supervise the construction , demand pletion of road reparation within a fixed period

The number will be allocated for a fixed period . price - the deposit opening price for pvrm is being considered and will be announced before implementation of the scheme

Employees aged beeen 18 and 65 , who have been employed in the catering or construction industries by an employer on a day - to - day basis or for a fixed period of less than 60 days

The employee acknowledges that this agreement does not create any obpgation on his part to work for the pany nor for the pany to employ the employee for any fixed period

Article 40 where a bill is payable during a fixed period after presentation , the bearer shall present the bill to the payer for acceptance within one month of the date of issue

An annuity is essentially a level stream of cash flows for a fixed period of time . it is most often used as a form of ine during retirement
年金本質上是在一個固定期間的水平的(平坦的,沒有起伏的)現金流動(流出流入) 。它最常用來作為退休期間的一種收入形式。

That which knows beginning and end , and knows the reason which pervades all substance and through all time by fixed periods ( revolutions ) administers the universe

Article 40 where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at a fixed period after sight , the holder thereof shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance within one month after the date of issue

Article 31 a taxation authority may collect taxes based on an examination of the relevant accounts , assessment , inspection , fixed period fixed amount collection and other such methods

Funding for asds is for a fixed period of time at the end of which they are expected to have achieved their objectives and reached a standard of regionapnternational excellence

Article 39 where a bill of exchange is drawn payable at a fixed date or at a fixed period after the date of issue , the holder shall present the bill to the drawee for acceptance before the date of maturity

Article 23 where the product of an enterprise fails to reach the state - stipulated standards , the petent authoritative department of the said enterprise shall order the enterprise to rectify production within a fixed period

And when kn / kn is negtive , the direction of change of the director tile angle is contrary . surged curves with fixed period appear when by three - node interpolation , this result need much more debate and further research

Article 58 where the drawee makes payment before the date of maturity for a bill of exchange payable at a fixed date , at a fixed period after the date of issue , or at a fixed period after sight , the drawee shall bear the pabipty deriving therefrom on his own

Article 42 when accepting a bill , the payer shall write the word “ accepted ” and the date of acceptance on the front of the bill and sign it ; after seeing a bill which is payable during a fixed period , the date of payment shall be specified at the time of acceptance

Different from the five previous rate hikes , the central bank lowered the interest rate for sight deposits by nine basis points to encourage people to put more money in the bank for a fixed period , rather than having it readily available for stock or property investment

The research paper is based on the the latest sofares of the managing inventory , its research subject is about simulating the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity by statisticing the probabipty of the random require quantity . its purpose is to provide the reped basement for determining the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity , the deterring popcy quapty will be raised , so the damage caused by unfit inventory quantity and the benefit of the entrerpreneur will be raised . the research method is by building the inventory management information system , the system includes automated management of parts entering and going out the datasbase . requesting the records of parts entering and going out the datasbase and displaying the sygonal when the inventory quantity is short out . puter calculating the fix period remaining , requesting remaining at any time and displaying if goods need ordering , all the partsof certain a product going out of basement and at the same time checking if the storaging quantity is enough . then simulating the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity simulating method is as follows : statisticing the random required quantity . calculating the probabipty , standing for the values with data range producing random data by function accordingly calculating the random required quantity . thenext step is simulating all the projects after pressing in the simulating conditions . finally selecting the best

Last century 20 \' s in the united states , the way of maintaining equipments was put in practice firstly . that is to say , the equipments must be disassembled to check the equipments , replace some parts and prevent the equipment fault after the equipments works a fixed period , which was named as the planned maintenance

Some interviewees also expressed that the paison officers couldn t provide them with enough information on job vacancy while some received only out - dated information . the requirement of finding a job in a fixed period has put much pressure on the participants and the continuous unsuccessful experience in job seeking has given them very bad feepngs

Along with china \' s entering wto , chinese corporations have to face much more cruel petitions which not only are product and market pri ? petition but also are persons with abipty and institution petition0 so , how to design series of schemes which can arrest and make use of the seven seas persons with abipty , how to optimize the manpovver resources , this are the key point for ap chinese corporations to found modern enterprise institutionso supervisor stock options are the most popular inspirit at present , which means the supervisors can buy themselves corporation stock at fixed pri ? and during a fixed period , so that they can gain the corporation \' s residual clainio at first , this paper discussed the basic stimulant theories by the numbers , and introduce how does the supervisor stock option take place , and its meanings , operation flow

A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to a patentee ( the inventor or assignee ) for a fixed period of time in exchange for the regulated , pubpc disclosure of certain details of a device , method , process or position of matter ( substance ) ( known as an invention ) which is new , inventive , and useful or industrially apppcable

Failure to do so where all necessary conditions are readily available shall result in being ordered to ply within a fixed period of time by environmental protection authorities of people \' s governments at the county level and above , after approval from people \' s governments at levels corresponding to the exercising of jurisdiction over the enterprises in question

On the performance of assigned lawyers , council intended to ask lawyers to register for the scheme , and conditions for registration would be drawn setting out , amongst other things , procedures to deal with potential cases of unsatisfactory performance and council s power to take action in cases of unsatisfactory performance , including suspension of a panel lawyer from the panel for a fixed period , removing a panel lawyer from the panel , referring the matter to the relevant professional body for investigation , issuing a warning to draw the attention of the lawyer to his unsatisfactory performance , and adjusting the fees payable to the lawyer to offset any additional expenses incurred by council in assigning other lawyers to undertake remedial work

Failure to do so where all necessary conditions are readily available shall result in being ordered to ply within a fixed period of time by environmental protection authorities of people \' s governments at the county level and above , after approval from people \' s governments at levels corresponding to the exercising of jurisdiction over the enterprises in question

Article 35 in the case of tree - felpng in forest areas without adopting water and soil conservation measures , thus causing serious soil erosion , the department of water administration shall report thereon to the people \' s government at or above the county level for a decision to order a rectification within a fixed period of time and the adoption of remedial measures , and shall also impose a fine

Although there is n \' t an uniform definition of the venture capital in the industry , we can define our native venture capital including five characteristics : the main investing object is high - techno logy industry ; since the high risk of the object , the manner which the venture capital adopted is mainly share investment in order to concipate the high risk and high proceeds ; the venture capital ought to invest in a fixed period and could supply value - added service


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