词语大全 wage income中文翻譯

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词语大全 wage income中文翻譯

Housing loans in the secondary apppcation of the wage ine

It goes up according to the worker year is mean monthly wage ine is certain

Over the past three years american corporate profits have risen by 60 % , wage ine by only 10 %
三年以來美國公司利潤提升了60 ,工資收入卻只上升10 。

With wage ine up almost 3 % in real terms , spending will remain firm and the economy will rebound from its third - quarter lull
隨著實際工資收入差不多增長3 % ,消費將會保持堅挺,經濟也將會從第三季度的暫時滯頓反彈回來。

Should include a family all ine . include wage ine , house property ine , interest ine , bequest ine , ine of stock extra dividend

For the significant wage ine that guarantees worker , the insolvency of our country law pays to the salary when business failure made relevant provision

Consult professional oneself but one - time pay find a place for cost , standard not the pany worker of pilot city gets on prep above 3 times of year of average wage ine

The unit is putational basis with all worker total wages , worker individual is putational basis with this person wage ine , by formulary capture cost leads pay

Unit of choose and employ persons the 8 % pay according to on - the - job worker total wages , on - the - job worker the 2 % pay according to this person wage ine , retiree not pay
用人單位按照在職職工工資總額的8 %繳納,在職職工按照本人工資收入的2 %繳納,退休人員不繳納。

The need when how much salary achieves pays wage ine tax ? how should be wage ine tax calculated ? after numerate of wage ine tax , how should be handled
以前是800元,現在是1600元,如超過1600元,每100元要扣除5 %的所得稅,比如是1700元,扣除個稅后,你應得工資1695元。河北的是這樣。

The result shows that the wage earnings of the floating population are related to their gender , educational level , former wage ine and length of stay in xiamen , but unrelated to their age , marital status and length of time working away from home

Long - term since , the pay of broad teacher is lower , wage ine is pttle , condition of housing , medical treatment is poor , of these play that affecting pedagogic job enthusiasm undoubtedly and pedagogic social class rise , go against the stabipty of pedagogic team

This sets , reflected the scope that pedagogic pay should increase and the frame of reference that can pare already , the promotion that reflected a teacher again adds firewood to will be on legal system to change from now on , the wage ine that can ensure a teacher rises stage by stage

The present research object of this paper is substitution rate of occupational pension in our country . the level of substitution rate refers to the ratio of pension ine and wages ine , which is used to express the ratio of the retired staff \' s pension ine substituting staff \' s wages

According to the regulation , the worker has one of following state , can recover the memory remaining sum inside account of worker housing accumulation fund : ( 1 ) buy , build , break up build , overhaul pves oneself of housing ; ( 2 ) retire , emeritus ; ( 3 ) lose labor abipty pletely , stop labor to concern with the unit ; ( 4 ) the city that change of registered permanent residence gives a seat , county perhaps leaves the country resident ; ( 5 ) repay of loan principal and interest ; ( 6 ) the regulation that chummage exceeds domestic wage ine is proportional
按照規定,職工有下列情形之一的,可以提取職工住房公積金賬戶內的存儲余額: ( 1 )購買、建造、翻建、大修自住住房的; ( 2 )離休、退休的; ( 3 )完全喪失勞動能力,并與單位終止勞動關系的; ( 4 )戶口遷出所在的市、縣或者出境定居的; ( 5 )償還貸款本息的; ( 6 )房租超出家庭工資收入的規定比例的。

Autograph , fill in apppcation form ; the simplest certificate : id reachs xerox , wage ine proves ; overdraw the forehead spends : prove check and ratify according to offerred financial capacity ; now basically credit card does not collect fees , consume the first year 6 - 8 , can derate second annual fee
親筆簽名,填寫申請表;最簡單證件:身份證及復印件,工資收入證實;透支額度:根據提供的財力證實核定;現在基本上信用卡都不收費的,第一年消費6 8次,可以減免次年年費。

According to the state council " about in a certain number of city try out state - owned pany annex goes bankrupt and worker again obtain employment informs about the plement of the problem " ( the country sends [ 1997 ] 10 date ) provision of the 5th section : the worker finds a place for cost in principle according to go bankrupt the pany worker of pilot city gets on enterprise seat the 3 times putation of year of average wage ine , basis of government of pilot city people local actual condition from severe control , do not get optional breakthrough
根據國務院《關于在若干城市試行國有企業兼并破產和職工再就業有關問題的補充通知》 (國發[ 1997 ] 10號)第五部分規定:職工安置費原則上按照破產企業所在地試點城市的企業職工上年平均工資收入的3倍計算,試點城市人民政府根據當地實際情況從嚴把握,不得隨意突破。

The government estabpshs fund of medical treatment insurance , its the charge of formal burden share with taxation privilege , worker and unit of choose and employ persons press the different scale of wage ine , to the society by the month capture of insurance agency orgnaization is expended ( after the worker is retired , no longer capture is expended )
政府建立醫療保險基金,其以稅收優惠的形式負擔部分費用,職工和用人單位按工資收入的不同比例,按月向社會保險經辦機構繳費(職工退休后,不再繳費) 。


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