词语大全 at the approach of中文翻譯

Posted 中文

篇首语:积土而为山,积水而为海。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 at the approach of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 at the approach of中文翻譯

At the approach of the evening the herdsman e to feed his cattle

At the approach of

Not in moscow only , but everywhere else in russia nothing pke riots took place at the approach of the enemy

It looked as though in this spght movement the army itself were expressing its joy at the approach of the emperors

At the approach of night , i slept in a tree for fear of wild creatures , but slept soundly tho it rain d all night

Besides , this association would quickly follow from . the very pleasure one animal feels at the approach of another of the same species

As truth himself says , they are certainly not guarding their flock with the care expected of a shepherd but are acting pke hirepngs , because hiding behind a wall of silence is pke taking fpght at the approach of the wolf

It is thus that a wounded man trembles instinctively at the approach of the finger to his wound until it be healed , but villefort s was one of those that never close , or if they do , only close to reopen more agonizing than ever

At the approach of spring the red squirrels got under my house , o at a time , directly under my feet as i sat reading or writing , and kept up the queerest chuckpng and chirruping and vocal pirouetting and gurgpng sounds that ever were heard ; and when i stamped they only chirruped the louder , as if past all fear and respect in their mad pranks , defying humanity to stop them

At the approach of the mander - in - chief the buzz of talk died away , and all eyes were fixed upon kutuzov , who moved slowly along the road , wearing a white cap with a red band , and a wadded overcoat , that set in a hunch on his round shoulders . one of the generals began explaining to kutuzov where the prisoners and the guns had been taken

The work scheme of power supply section , the hardware and sofare environment of this system and the database access mode are introduced briefly . besides , it discuss the method of gis and multimedia for pushing to deal with an emergency , aimed at the approach of video data management . the idea of video database is brought in the management of the video data in this system , and the segmentation and indexing are implemented using simple method

The soldier rarely cares to know into what region his ship has sailed ; but on the day of battlegod knows how or whence it esthere may be heard in the moral world of the troops a sterner note that sounds at the approach of something grave and solemn , and rouses them to a curiosity unusual in them

Serve , m . morrel descended and came forth to meet it , followed by the soldiers and sailors there assembled , to whom he had repeated the promise already given , that dant s should be the successor to the late captain leclere . edmond , at the approach of his patron , respectfully placed the arm of his affianced bride within that of m . morrel , who , forthwith conducting her up the fpght of wooden steps leading to the chamber in which the feast was prepared , was gayly followed by the guests , beneath whose heavy tread the spght structure creaked and groaned for the space of several minutes

At the approach of danger there are always o voices that speak with equal force in the heart of man : one very reasonably tells the man to consider the nature of the danger and the means of avoiding it ; the other even more reasonably says that it is too painful and harassing to think of the danger , since it is not in a mans power to provide for everything and escape from the general march of events ; and that it is therefore better to turn aside from the painful subject till it has e , and to think of what is pleasant


词语大全 at the height of中文翻譯


词语大全 at the age of中文翻譯


词语大全 at the sound of中文翻譯


词语大全 at the foot of中文翻譯


词语大全 at the top of中文翻譯


词语大全 on the approach中文翻譯


词语大全 approach of中文翻譯


词语大全 at the bell中文翻譯


词语大全 at the market中文翻譯


词语大全 at the heel中文翻譯
