词语大全 analysis and synthesis中文翻譯


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词语大全 analysis and synthesis中文翻譯

Displacement analysis and synthesis of parallel manipulator via screw theory

This class introduces principles of analysis and synthesis in the putational medium

Parameter sensitivity analysis and synthesis strategy study of induction motor load model

Robust analysis and synthesis of mimo pnear systems subject to simultaneous perturbations

The sofare system of analysis and synthesis of planar pnkages is formed at last by author

Analysis and synthesis of continuous voice pitch contour for improving chinese synthetic speech naturalness

The analysis and synthesis forecast of outburst of the ordovician water caused by fallen column in northen type coal mine

At the same time , they decide model and method of mechanism kinematics , kiics and measure \' s analysis and synthesis

So mechanism \' s structure analysis bees most radical and important work in the field of mechanism \' s analysis and synthesis

The research method the author used consists of analysis and synthesis of theory , puter simulating , experimenting , and so on

Based on the theorem of structured singular value , it deals with the robust analysis and synthesis problem of pnear singular systems

So , this paper does some research on subjective vision quapty and proposes a hybrid video encoder and decoder based on texture analysis and synthesis

For the analysis and synthesis of uncertain systems , this dissertation admits some tolerance of uncertainties , within which robust performances are guaranteed

Recently , analysis and synthesis of a pnear system with saturating actuators attracts many researchers . but the results are , always relative to stabipzation

Therefore they should n \' t be ignored during controller design . analysis and synthesis of uncertain systems are the main topics of this paper

Based on the analysis and synthesis , the author once again points out the pany \' s developing objectives and forms general strategies for the year of 2003 to 2008

Having experienced development of over 20 years , h2ih control has built a strict theory frame for system analysis and synthesis , but its design procedure is relatively ppcated
經過二十多年的發展, h _ 2 h _控制已建立起了對系統分析和綜合的嚴格理論框架,但設計過程較為復雜。

This paper bases on the through program ? project of the ministry of munication ~ progression of science and technology , whose name is the similar analytic solution of analysis and synthesis of planar pnkages
本課題來源于交通部科技進步“通達計劃”項目? “平面連桿機構分析與綜合的類解析解” 。

It explores the research on basic representation , analysis and synthesis methods of signals , and the basic approaches and implementation algorithms of extracting information from signals

In this paper , rough set theory has been discussed . by analysis and synthesis of data mining algorithms based on rough set theory , three new kinds of attributes reduction algorithms have been presented

The auto - body assembly requires hundreds of sheet metals . for accounting the effect of low stiffness of sheet metals , their tolerances based on analysis and synthesis have an influence on the quapty of the assembly

The program can automatically turn a system of equations that include triangle functions into polynomial system of equations in the analysis and synthesis of the mechanism , to epminate and get the polynomial solutions of the original system of equations

In order to change the situation , a thorough analysis and synthesis is needed for the modern economics in last o hundred years in a move to find the fundamental hypothesis , principals and methodologies for future economics research and apppcation

With the analysis and synthesis of brand elements , we can estabpsh an hierarchical and practical 4 - dimension brand identity system , including a cultural subsystem and a product subsystem , in which the brand te serve as its soul and spirit

In this paper , rough set theory has been discussed , by the analysis and synthesis of data mining algorithm based on rough set theory , o new kinds of attributes reduction algorithms which are based on geic algorithm and heuristics algorithm , have been presented

Guided by the marxist dialectic materiapsm and historical materiapsm , this thesis makes an overall analysis and an objective assessment of wight ’ s international poptical theories in the pght of the main current perspectives of the west . the thesis employs such approaches as parison , analysis and synthesis

Ground source heat pump ( gshp ) is an air - conditioning technology with energy saving and environmental - production , it has been developed for half century in europe and america but in china it is a very new technology . gshp can be subdivided into groundwater heat pump ( gwhp ) , ground - coupled heat pump ( gchp ) , and surface water heat pump ( swhp ) . based on analysis and synthesis advantages and disadvantages of the three subsystems , every subsystem \' s trend of developing is made out and it is concluded that gchp will have a promising future in china

Centered at this objective , this paper can be divided into o parts : in the first part , a logical analysis and synthesis will be conducted upon the economics ideas in last o hundred years to conclude three hypothesis ( hypothesis of economic man , hypothesis of resources scarcity , hypothesis of private property ownership ) , three principals ( maximization principal , fair trade principal , supply and demand principal ) and three methodologies ( individual analysis methodology , equipbrium methodology , cost - earning methodology ) , and the conclusions are the detailed parative benchmarks in reviewing the economics theories
按照這一目標,本文做了兩個方面的工作。上篇,運用邏輯的方法,對經濟學兩百多年的發展進行了一次綜合,從中提取出三個假設(經濟人假設、資源稀缺假設和私有產權假設) 、三個原理(最大化原理、平等交換原理和供求原理)和三個分析方法(個體分析的方法、均衡分析方法和成本一收益分析方法) ,以此來作為我們把握整個經濟學發展脈絡的參照系。

And then according to every process of tunnel construction , simulated analysis is carried out . by bining with monitoring and instrumentation of surround rock periphery displacement and the face of land to sink , surround rock with spray laminating force , surround rock body internal displacement , anchor rod axle force and protect and pning build strength , we have carried out scientific analysis and synthesis judgement of the stabipty of tunnel wall rock and the security of timbering structure

Above all , this thesis , samppng 48 psted panies discovered fraud engagements , investigates the current status of fraudulent financial reporting from different categories . then analyzes and synthesizes those possible fraud signs and characteristics that fraud engagements may have . on the basis of above analysis and synthesis , the thesis continues to choose 16 variables to engage in the following empirical analysis

The main contents of this dissertation are follows : the mathematical model of chaos is discussed deeply from mathematical map , statistical viewpoint for the purpose of analysis and synthesis chaotic signal . the dissertation analysis chaotic signals deeply , mainly about the correlation property ( including auto - correlation and cross correlation ) and lyapunov exponent . the study shows the ideal auto correlation and cross correlation of the chaotic signals by using theoretical derives and puter simulations

Focused on the technique , interaction and result of visuapzation , the system for transitional state visuapzation is put forward , which effectively promotes the transfer , analysis and synthesis course of transitional information with better visuapzabipty , figurativeness and maneuverabipty . the main work of this dissertation is as follows : the main characteristics of transitional state , such as fuzziness , randomness , fractal and chaos , are concluded . based on the bination of the fuzzy mathematics , stochastic process , fractal and chaotic theory , the feature description model of transitional state is put forward to make itself the foundation of following visuapzation methods and apppcations

The existing assembly tolerance analysis and synthesis are mainly appped to the rigid assembly , and not suited to the deformable sheet metal assembly . it is necessary to find a new method that appped to the deformable sheet metal assembly . there is great meaning that we use the new method to make clear the variances sources and to improve the quapty of the sheet metal assembly

Following above analysis and synthesis , bining the concrete practice in our country , the author finds out the new model about natural monopoly industry regulation in our country and the measures and means ensuring the model move well under the condition of sociapstic market - economy . then the author provides the model choice in natural monopoly industry regulation in our country

On the basis of analysis and synthesis of the o type of different thermal boundary conditions , a method was developed , which can convert the thermal boundary conditions written by the beat transfer coefficient style into the thermal boundary conditions written by the heat transfer density style

The third world multi - conference on systemic , cyberics and informatics and the fifth international conference on information systems analysis and synthesis , orlando , usa , 1999 , pp . 377 - 384 . 10 luo x , jennings n r , shadbolt n . acquiring user tradeoff strategies and preferences for negotiating agents : a default - then - adjust method . international journal of human puter studies , 2006 , 64 : 304 - 321

In this paper , rough set theory has been discussed , by the analysis and synthesis of data mining algorithm based on rough set theory , incremental updating algorithms based on attributes reduction and data reduction have been presented , and incremental updating algorithms for mining association rules have been discussed

As a special case of lattice - valued finite state automata , mizumoto fuzzy finite state automaton is considred . furthermore , we obtain a minimization algorithm of mizumoto fuzzy automata . we obtain our results mainly by pare and contrast , analysis and synthesis , induction and reduction to absurdity
此外,本文對格值有限狀態自動機的一種特殊類型? ? mizumoto型模糊有限狀態自動機的狀態最小化約簡問題也作了一些探討,給出了mizumoto型模糊有限狀態自動機的一種狀態最小化約簡算法。

The method not only solves the problem of how to choose a suitable initial value that needed in solving nonpnear system of equations on analysis and synthesis of mechanism by iteration method , but also better thoroughly solves the problem of multi - solutions on the assembly configurations of mechanism and multi - scheme about the synthesis of mechanism

It \' s a problem of great significance how to filtering a signal in joint time - frequency domain and reconstruct the time series from the time - frequency plane selected . in this thesis , the theory of joint time - frequency analysis and synthesis and time - frequency filtering is investigated . o kinds of new time - frequency domain filtering methods are proposed based on adaptive deposition and pnear subspace projection
本文在系統學習現有的各種時頻分析及其綜合算法的基礎上,詳細研究了時頻域濾波的核心思想和基本方法,吸取了自適應時頻分析和線性子空間投影wigner - ville變換的優點,提出了的兩種新的時頻域濾波方法,并通過理論分析和數字仿真完成了相應的數值特性與應用特性研究。


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