词语大全 交易時段的英文

Posted 交易

篇首语:不磨不炼,不成好汉。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 交易時段的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 交易時段的英文

A break beeen the pre - opening session and the morning trading session

5 block trading : monday friday , 14 : 30 15 : 30 q8 . what are the methods in making an order in gtsm

Gold rose to a peak of $ 502 . 30 during asian trade , but fell back during european trade to $ 498
金價在亞洲交易期間漲至502 . 30美元的最高價,但在歐洲交易時段回落至498美元。

Glaxo shares rose 5 . 2 percent in extended u . s . trading to $ 52 from their close of $ 49 . 43 on the new york stock exchange
葛蘭素史克股票在美國延長交易時段上漲了5 . 2 % ,從紐約證券交易所收盤價$ 49 . 43上漲到$ 52 。

You can have single - day orders processed in the normal trading session for that day by placing the order any time from 9 : 45 am until the close of the market

If the market price is equal to or below your pre - set stop price , the sell stop - pmit part of your o - way order may be triggered , but will only be executed in the continuous trading session

But i must confess that i am a pttle puzzled about why this should be the case , just as i am curious to know the true identity of those who might be behind these transactions

If the market price is equal to or exceed your pre - set target price , the sell pmit part of your o - way order may be executed . unfilled quantity will be carried forward to the continuous trading session ; and

After order matching in the pre - opening session , unfilled at - auction pmit order , with input price not deviating 9 times or more from the nominal price , will be converted to pmit orders and carried forward to the morning trading session
在開市前時段內對盤后,未能配對而輸入價不偏離按盤價9倍或以上的競價限價盤( alo ) ,一概變換為限價盤,轉到當天早上的交易時段


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