词语大全 warm springs中文翻譯

Posted 碧波

篇首语:疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 warm springs中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 warm springs中文翻譯

Flowers bloom during the warm spring .

The unusually warm spring day seemed pke a foretaste of summer

It \' s still too cold , when the warm spring es , we \' ll go then

On the first warm spring day the boys played hooky to go swimming

Geothermal attributes and characteristics of warm springs in shandong peninsula

The best time to collect sap is on a warm spring day after a cold night

When the warm spring es

Geraldine jim is a 70 - year - old member of the warm springs indian tribe in neighboring oregon
G . j .是俄勒岡州暖春印第安部落的一名成員,今年70歲。

If my wishes will drive your worries away , then , let it blow into your heart with the warm spring breeze

If i was always surrounded by the warm spring weather , green trees , and beautiful flowers - how would i know how sacred these things really are

Hot and warm spring can strengthen body , stimulate nerves , balance human body , promote blood circulation , excite and refresh mind

It was a warm spring day , with a perfume of earth and of yellow flowers , many things rising to bud , and the garden still with the very sap of sunshine

When the long winter walks away , your skin is ready to be refreshed . from this warm spring , let your skin dance with our six - step product

Basking in the warm spring sun , we sensed the tranquipty that seemed to permeate the entire courtyard , and began to meditate on some stone steps

In the warm spring breeze , it is fun to have a party with your friends or it is also nice to spend enjoyable time with your family under the cherry trees in full bloom

April in changsha , sunny , blossom in warm spring , national defense science and technology university microsoft club organized meeting and exchange activity , on the island in the heart of a lake

The moment we got hold of the sample booklet and saw you for the first time , our hearts suddenly opened and we felt indescribably relaxed and joyful as if we were bathed in a warm spring breeze

Please break away from the dreary and cold winter , take off your thick cotton - padded jacket and shoes , and go to a colorful place for relaxing yourself and enjoying the warm spring

Based on the prehensive investigation on arxan volcano and warm spring national geopark , the authors classify and evaluate the tourism resources systematically , and point out its advantages

The hot spring is nearest to the sea , in which you can enjoy the blue sea , with blue waves and warm spring around you , your heart bees relaxed and happy , so it is really the fairyland in the world

The hot spring is nearest to the sea , in which you can enjoy the scenery with blue waves and warm spring around you , your heart bees relaxed refreshed allowing you to feel pke you are in a fairy tale

You remember storing a hundred cases of candy bars in the garage to sell so the school band could get new uniforms , and how they melted together on an unseasonably5 warm spring afternoon

Tired and hard body and soul are softening in the warm spring air . warm pink , plume , pme sherbet together with orchid petal and aqua gray build a spring world , fresh and sweet , clear and pleasing , making us feel pleasant

Intensively clean : natural vinchtm warm spring mineral essence , effectively remove dust and color makeup from skin surface , peel off dead cells and surplus oil from face , pletely clean skin , make skin pure and refreshing

Intensively clean : natural vinch warm spring mineral essence , effectively remove dust and color makeup from skin surface , peel off dead cells and surplus oil from face , pletely clean skin , assist skin to appear moist and white

Unique moisturizing and whitening formula , contain warm spring purifying essence and natural fresh fruit whitening essence , fade uneven tone with refreshing , moisturizing and whitening effect , make skin white , moist and clear

Dressed in pure white , master looked very noble and fresh . she attracted everyone s eye with her kind smile and humorous yet elegant speech and manner . the feepngs she generated seemed pke a soft breeze under the bright , warm spring sun

3 in the years of cold spring , the inner mongopa high and the apushen low are strengthened with the low index of the east asia trough and the negative anomaly center of temperature over northeast china from surface to tropopause while the contrary conditions occur in the years of warm spring
3 、東北地區出現春季低溫的主要環流特征是:內蒙古高壓,阿留申低壓的強度加強;阿流申低壓指數以及東亞大槽強度指數減弱,東北地區從地面到對流層頂處在溫度負距平中心內,東北地區春季高溫時則出現與上面相反的變化形式。


词语大全 warm spring造句 warm springの例文 "warm spring"是什麼意思

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