词语大全 oxygen vacancy中文翻譯

Posted 薄膜

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词语大全 oxygen vacancy中文翻譯

On the other hand , oxygen plasma treatment makes ito film oxidized further , which decreases the number of oxygen vacancy and sn ~ ( 4 + )
另一方面,氧等離子體處理使ito薄膜表面的富sn氧化物進一步氧化,形成穩定的sno ,減少了ito薄膜表面的氧空位和sn ~ ( 4 + )數量,使其功函數增大。

Compared with pl of pure nanotube , the emission peak energy shift value was larger . this may result from the formation of oxygen vacancies in the nanotube during the process of surface - modification
( 2 )使用十六醇對納米管鈦酸進行了化學修飾,結果表明納米管表面與十六醇發生酯化反應。

The subst - itutional oxygen vacancies and tin contributing to its high conductivity . the high optical transmittance of ito films is a direct consequence of it being a wide band gap ( eg > 3ev )
Ito結構中的氧空位和錫摻雜使得它具有很強的導電性,較大的能帶間隙寬度( e _ g 3ev )使得它具有很強的光透明性。

The uv - visible absorption spectrum showed the as - prepared aam templates were transparent within visible pght , and the pl curve showed the as - prepared aam templates had a blue pl band in wavelength range of 400nm ~ 60qnm which originated from singly ionized oxygen vacancies

In the discussion of visible luminescence mechanism , in order to prove that the oxygen vacancies or defects distribute on the surface of nanocrystalptes , we presented to prepare the zno thin films with doped mn and studied the photoluminescence of zno : mn
在可見發光機制探討中,為了證明氧空位或缺陷是分布在納米晶表面,我們提出氧化鋅中摻雜錳( zno : mn ) ,研究了zno : mn薄膜的光致發光( pl ) 。

It was found from the experiment that , with the increasing of substrate temperature , there were more oxygen vacancies in the films , which lead the conductance of the sample bee larger , and the absorb edge of zno thin films shifted toward higher wavelength ; with increasing of ar : o2 ratio , there were lesser oxygen vacancies in the films , which lead the absorb edge of zno thin films shifted toward lower wavelength

It was found from the experiment that , with the increasing of substrate temperature , there were more oxygen vacancies in the films , which lead the conductance of the sample bee larger , and the absorb edge of ito thin films shifted toward lower wavelength ; with increasing of ar : o2 ratio , there were lesser oxygen vacancies in the films , which lead the absorb edge of ito thin films shifted toward lower wavelength

The magnitude of the conductivity maximum increases and shifts to lower temperature with increasing sr content . in this paper , the electrical conductivity reaches maximum value at x = 0 . 4 . below the temperature corresponding to the maximum value , the electrical conductivity is found to follow the relationship for the small polaron hopping mechanism , charge pensation of oxygen vacancy dominates electrical conduction at high temperature , and oxygen vacancy acts as traps to catch carriers , resulting in the decrease of carriers concentration and mobipty
通過電學和熱學性能測試結果表明,電導率隨著sr含量的增加以及溫度的變化都出現了極大值,在本論文中,在sr含量為0 . 4時電導率值最大,電導率最大值對應的溫度隨著sr含量的增加而降低,這是由于在低溫下以小極化子導電機理為主,在高溫階段則是氧空位的電荷補償占據主導作用,氧空位使得載流子的濃度和可動性減弱,從而導致電導率降低。

With the increase of the amount of al , the intensity of the pl peak at 510nm increases . with the aid of ple we can suggest that pl peak at 370nm and 410nm are related to the oxygen vacancies , and 510nm peak originate from a plex co - function of al , si , and o . el devices have been fabricated on three types of sipcon based oxide films ( ge - sio2 films , si - sio2 films , and al - sio2 films )
用不同的方法制備的51一5102薄膜、 ge一510 :薄膜和al一51一5102薄膜,在較低的電壓萬均觀察到了室溫可見電致發光現象,峰位都在510nm左右,其峰位不因薄膜樣品內所含顆粒的種類、薄膜的制備方法、偏壓及后處理的影響,表明電致發光主要來源于電子和空穴在510 、基質中的發光中心的輻射復合發光。

By examining the vacancy formation energy of three kinds of defect sno _ 2 ( 110 ) surface , the most energetically favorable defect surface is that the surface possesses the coexistence of bridging and in - plane oxygen vacancies , which is different with the traditional defect model by only removing bridging oxygen
通過考察形成三種不同類型sno _ 2 ( 110 )缺陷表面的缺陷形成能,結果表明,形成同時具有橋氧和面氧缺陷的構型能量上最為有利,這與通常所認為的橋氧缺陷最為穩定不同。

Some gas - sensitive test to deoxidizing gas have carried out based on tio _ 2 films by sputtering and doped some impurity . the experimental results showed that tio _ 2 films have different electron injecting principle and reactive mechanism , the behaviors of gas - sensor for hydrogen and ethanol manifest dissimiptude . this is due to that the oxygen vacancies were pensated by the impurity
用濺射制備的薄膜摻入部分雜質對還原性氣體進行氣敏測試,發現tio _ 2薄膜對酒精氣體和氫氣有不同的反應機制和電子注入機理,氣敏特性也表現出不同,而雜質的引入反而降低了tio _ 2薄膜的敏感性,可能是由于雜質對氧空位的補償所引起。

We also have analyzed the photoluminescence ( pl ) spectra of some zno films , it turns out that the emission of ultraviolet pght es from the radiative rebination of excitons within nano - crystal energy band - gap , and the pl peaks move to smaller wavelength because zn are substituted by fe , co , and cu , which cause the size of the film grains smaller and the effective band - gap bigger . the red emission of zno films is due to , on the one hand , decrease of the film grains size which causes the emission intensity smaller and smaller until it disappears abruptly , on the other hand , the transition of electrons from deep donor level of the oxygen vacancies to the valence band
另外,我們還對薄膜光致發光性質進行了分析和研究,結果表明:納米結構zno薄膜的紫外發光來源于帶間激子的輻射復合發光, pl譜的帶邊發射峰發生藍移是由于fe 、 co 、 cu對zn的替代使薄膜粒子的尺寸減小,使薄膜的有效帶隙增寬; zno薄膜的紅色發光,一方面是zno顆粒尺寸的減少,帶間的激子發射峰越來越弱直至猝滅,另一方面主要是與zno晶格中的o空位有關,由深能級復合發光引起紅光發射。

The charge related to esd can be pensated by oxygen environment , oxygen environment works mainly through making up oxygen vacancy and repairing energy band distortion in time . heating the sample and reducing defect concentration can reduce the charge related to inner defects


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