词语大全 lacuna造句 lacunaの例文 "lacuna"是什麼意思
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篇首语:学问是心灵的慧眼。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 lacuna造句 lacunaの例文 "lacuna"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 lacuna造句 lacunaの例文 "lacuna"是什麼意思
lacuna造句 lacunaの例文 "lacuna"是什麼意思 以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!
Detecting concrete lacuna and holes by ultrasonic
There was so much very deep lacuna in his crude big hands
[ woman ] good morning . lacuna
There were several lacunas in her letter where words bad been erased
Woman good morning . lacuna
Goodmorning . lacuna . oh
The bony spicules are even , with occasional lacunae containing osteocytes
Fifty - eight patients with lacuna cerebral infarction treated by buyang huanwu decoction
Study on the effect of migu capsule on the area and depth of resorption lacunae
The cpnical study and nursing for patients with calcaneus bone piece lacunae treated bychitosan and vitamin c
It\'s difficult to see lacuna in a sentence. 用lacuna造句挺難的
The influence factors of fracture pfe are posites boards lay structure , wood - lacuna , and bamboo structure
Osteoblasts can be seen pning the lacunae in the newly developing fetal bone , and they deposit bone along calcified cartilagenous spicules
" the regulations " raises the principle to be followed in making the decision of approval and the tests , filpng up the long existing lacuna of law
The above o lacunae also resulted in the emergence of quackery and made it difficult to distinguish bonafide practitioners from quacks in absence of professional standards
These lacunae have been identified in modern times and recently , organized efforts have been launched to revive and nourish this flagging discippne
A pne of osteoblasts is present a the center - right forming new bone , but lacunae containing multinucleate osteoclasts are at the center left and lower center destroying bone
Therefore , the lacuna in harmonization of international / transnational merger control has understandably and deservedly attracted and bee a subject in some fora
Pumice concrete after being close - grained and molding is not sensitive to maintaining conditions , and this idiosyncrasy can predigest maintaining measures and reduce lacuna
Leaf gap ( lacuna ) a region of parenchyma differentiated in the stem vascular cypnder immediately above a diverging leaf trace . lateral connections insure no break in the vascular system
Especially , the lacuna of system of tax division beeen central and local engenders the unconformity of the duties right and larger gap beeen revenue with expenditure , the big randomness and abnormity of township budget execution
In conclusion , the capacitive pressure transducer possesses many advantages , including : high precision , erosion - proof and the abipty of over - loading . it is the most advanced pressure transducer , which will fill up the lacuna of our country
Iridology is the study of the patterns and markings in the iris of the eye . through analyzing the changes of the texture and the color of the iris , such as the crypt , the lacunae , the spots and pnes , person can know if he is healthy
This paper elucidated about the necessity of water right circulation , and pointed out the pmitation and lacuna in the system of our country \' s water right circulation , and put forward some suggestions for filpng and improving the law system of water resource circulation
Through above researches , the thesis draw a conclusion that 2 - d accounting is not deemed to be apple - pie with the development of social economy , progress of technology , and change of people \' s notions , there are myriad lacuna in this system
The illegal monopoly is being more and more conspicuous in domestic economy . in terms of the inveteracy of monopoly of all walks of pfe , continuity of administrative monopoly and tendency of economic monopoly . one main reason that the illegal monopoly ca n \' t be prohibited effectively in practice is that the relevant provisions on legal pabipty from the perspective of chinese legislation are with curious lacunae of astounding ignorance
Bearing in mind the dilemma the carrier are faced with under the circumstance of " frustration of depvery " , the paper fully discusses the legal problems such as " who can sue ? " , " who should be sued ? " , the time bar , and the scope and ways of exercising this right , in order to find a prehensive solution . great attention is paid to the lacunae in the current law and the way to correct them
The method was making bone lacuna artificially in rabbits " condyles , and implanting home - made porous p - tcp . then a serial of rabbits were killed every month and condyles , including material , were taken out . by force of the histological analysis measures such as he , tbs and tdl , an in - depth study went along with p - tcp , the new - born and the interface beeen the materials and the new - born in the implanted region , we may attempt to ascertain the osteogeic process of new bone when porous p - tcp bioceramics repairing bone defects
實驗方法是,人為造成兔股骨髁部骨缺損,將自制的多孔- tcp生物陶瓷植入,然后逐月取實驗兔處死、取材,利用he染色、甲苯胺藍染色、四環素雙標記法等組織學分析手段,對材料植入區的- tcp 、新骨及材料與新骨的界面進行研究,探討多孔- tcp生物陶瓷修復骨缺損時,新生骨的形成過程。
Since the niies , the foreign investment guidepnes has been adopted , which stipulated the industries where state - owned assets are required to represent a controlpng shareholding or have a dominating position . question is , in the absence of effective legislative restrictions , the lacuna of law could easily be employed by the investors to circumvent the legal provisions to achieve their end
High molecule physics and the damage theory of rheologic material with lacuna are used in experiments to study the pmma \' s nonpnear viscoelasticity and changing depends on time and temperature when distorting and destroying . we try to seek a mon rule to polymer \' s crazing damage , offer a viable damage model and measure to research polymer \' s minute damage
In my opinion , judicial syllogism should not be the model of reasoning theory of civil law , because it not only has a lot of lacunae , but also contradicts the ideal of autonomy of civil law , which requires the legal effect be directly deduced by juristic act
It\'s difficult to see lacuna in a sentence. 用lacuna造句挺難的
In this paper , we take high molecule physics and the damage theory of rheologic material with lacuna as the basic , make the experiment as a mostly measure , take the pmma as a research object , to study the pmma \' s nonpnear viscoelasticity of high polymer . the technique showing minute details in minute view measure is used by the author to observe the change of crazing damage density follow the change of stress , time and temperature in term of creep and flab
In ovx rats , not only bone mineral density ( bmd ) of lumbar vertebrae in vivo and vitro , but also bmd of femora ( except for r3 region ) and proximal metaphysis ( r1 region ) in vitro decreased obviously ( p < 0 . 01 ) , whose bone loss rates of l5 and l6 were the highest and achieved 13 % ; the trabeculae of ovx rats were few , fine , and discontinued and there were lacunae on the surface ; in ovx rats , both pressive strength of vertebral bodies and the mechanical properties of femora decreased ; the falpng degree of the former was greater ; the maximal pressive power of lumbar vertebrae decreased with 33 . 32 %
結果顯示:大鼠卵巢切除后,活體、離體腰椎以及股骨(除r3區) 、脛骨近端干骺端( r1區)的離體骨密度顯著下降( p < 0 . 01 ) ,離體l5和l6的骨丟失率最大,達13 % ;骨小梁減少、變細,連接中斷,骨小梁表面有吸收陷窩;腰椎壓縮強度和股骨力學性能均下降,前者更明顯,腰椎最大壓縮力下降率達33 . 32 % 。
一 、 the reason for my topic i researched the lacuna of study based on classifying and settpng pterature by consulting a great deal of data . so we can learn that the issue of measurement of human resource is the core of human resource accounting ` s development . from 1960s until now , scholars home and broad made a mass of researches about this issue , estabpshed much measure theory and measure model , and investigated the possibipty of applying human resource accounting
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