词语大全 中間宿主的英文

Posted 宿主

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词语大全 中間宿主的英文

The primary intermediate hosts for this spirochete are deer ticks belonging to the genus ixodes

Who is the only hook tapeworm final host , the pigs are taenia sopum one of the intermediate host

The asd mutants of salmonella thphimurium have an obpgate requirement for diaminapimpc acid ( dap ) and will undergo lysis in environments deprived of dap
挑取單菌落質粒鑒定后,分別將其電擊經中間宿主x3730轉入最終宿主x4072 。

Though other biting insects may be intermediate hosts for b . burgdorferi , they were found to have an insignificant role in the spread of lyme disease

Swine is the only animal which can be infected by either avian or human original influenza viruses , and c an be considered as the intermediate host for the process of geic reassortments beeen viruses of different hosts

Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies oftheintermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . toxoplasma gondii is a mon site found in the guts of cats ; itsheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals thatareeaten by cats

Toxoplasma gondii is a mon parasite found in the guts of cats ; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats . toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain

Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . toxoplasma gondii is a mon parasite found in the guts of cats ; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats

Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies oftheintermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . since cats dont want to eat dead , decaying prey , toxoplasmatakesthe evolutionarily sound course of being a good site , leaving therats perfectly healthy . or are they

Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . since cats do n \' t want to eat dead , decaying prey , toxoplasma takes the evolutionarily sound course of being a " good " parasite , leaving the rats perfectly healthy

For active lyme infection to occur in dog or man , b . burgdorferi requires an intermediate host ; that is , the disease cannot be directly transmitted from one host to another through contact with infected body secretions such as blood , sapva , urine , etc


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