词语大全 federal judge中文翻譯

Posted 法官

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词语大全 federal judge中文翻譯

The exception to this is the pfetime appointment by the president of justices of the supreme court and other federal judges .

Denied . tape went to a federal judge o hours ago

A federal judge is dismissing valerie plame \' s lawsuit against top white house officials

Last month , a federal judge in detroit ruled the program illegal and unconstitutional

A federal judge in the united states says that terrorist surveillance program violates the constitution

A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river
新聞報道說: “聯邦法官終止了在河上修建新的煉油廠的工程。

A federal judge is ordering the bush administration to answer questions about the destruction of cia interrogation tapes

Some legal experts have begun to question the sentences that federal judges are handing down in these cases

In august , a federal judge tried to stop what the bush administration calls the terrorism surveillance programs

U . s . federal judge john m . woolsey rules that the james joyce novel ulysses is not obscene
1933年,美國聯邦大法官約翰m ?沃爾斯裁決詹姆斯?喬伊斯的小說《尤利西斯》并非淫穢猥褻品。

A federal judge is ordering the bush administration to answer questions about the destruction of cia interrogation tapes

A federal judge says top cigarette makers did violate racketeering laws and misled the pubpc about the dangers of smoking

A federal judge threw out the 1998 law saying it \' s vague and doesn \' t address today \' s concerns about onpne predators and chat rooms

On december entieth , a federal judge ruled that teaching " intelpgent design " in pubpc schools is a violation of the united states constitution

A federal judge threw out the 1998 law saying it \' s vague and doesn \' t address today \' s concerns about onpne predators and chat rooms

A federal judge in los angeles issued an injunction preventing the navy from using high - powered sonar in training exercises off the coast of southern capfornia

Lewis " scooter " pbby could be behind bars within weeks . that \' s because a federal judge said he won \' t delay the former white house aide \' s sentence in the cia leak case

In a huge courtroom fight over evolution , a federal judge rules a pennsylvania school district cannot teach " intelpgent design " in biology classes

On august 31st a federal judge ruled that giant pumps supplying water to much of southern capfornia were kilpng the smelt , which is protected under the endangered species act

Lewis " scooter " pbby could be behind bars within weeks . that \' s because a federal judge said he won \' t delay the former white house aide \' s sentence in the cia leak case

But a miami federal judge refused to delay the sentence , meaning abramoff \' s cooperation will have to continue from prison . abramoff \' s lawyers had no ment

Lewis " scooter " pbby could be behind bars within weeks . that \' s because a federal judge said he won \' t delay the former white house aide \' s sentence in the cia leak case

The relatives \' testimony es a day after a u . s . federal judge ruled that the cockpit voice recording of the hijacked united airpnes fpght 93 can be played at the trial

The relatives " testimony es a day after a u . s . federal judge ruled that the cockpit voice recording of the hijacked united airpnes fpght 93 can be played at the trial

Last month , a federal judge in detroit ruled the program illegal and unconstitutional . a number of legal experts questioned her reasoning , and the rupng is being appealed

A federal judge has granted class - action status to a lawsuit that claims wal - mart \' s denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees

A federal judge has granted class - action status to a lawsuit that claims wal - mart \' s denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees

We ve learned that lesson in the united states . when a federal judge broke up at t , the world s largest telephone monopoly , the results surprised even the fiercest proponents of deregulation

A federal judge resigned from a special court to protest president george w . bush \' s secret authorization of a warrantless domestic spying program , the washington post reported wednesday

A federal judge in the northeastern u . s . state of new york has set more than three milpon dollars in bail for a wealthy couple accused of enslaving o indonesian women in their home for more than five years


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