词语大全 laboratory scale中文翻譯

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词语大全 laboratory scale中文翻譯

Standard test method for wool content of raw wool - laboratory scale

Standard test method of testing top - loading , direct - reading laboratory scales and balances

Pretreatment of micropolluted raw water with a fluidized bed bioreactor in a laboratory scale

Packaging - prepminary evaluation of the disintegration of packaging materials under simulated posting conditions in a laboratory scale test

Packaging - prepminary evaluation of the disintegration of packaging materials under simulated posting conditions in a laboratory scale test ; german version en 14806 : 2005

The classic macroscopic mechanical models , which characterize the concrete as a continuum at macroscopic level and consider the test results of laboratory scale specimen as the mechanical properties of the material , could analyze the mechanical response of structures with greater size . in reapty , the test results of laboratory that are generally called physical and mechanical parameters of material are average responses of a heterogeneous specimen with a certain size

Recovery estimated from the safh4 plant pne indicates that 9 ( jl g of pure active scfv can be obtained per gram of fresh leaf material , on a laboratory scale . the production of the scfv antibody proteins in plant root exudates was also addressed . the scfv antibody protein was continuously secreted from the transgenic tobacco roots into a simple hydroponic medium at 630 to 760 ng g - 1 dry weight of root day - 1
在水培條件下,轉基因煙草根可連續分泌具有活性的重組抗乙肝病毒表面抗原pres1 ( 20 - 47 )單鏈抗體進入到液體培養液中,不須破壞植物即可連續獲得重組單鏈抗體,為利用植物生物反應器連續生產單鏈抗體開辟了新途徑。

All those make photocatalytic technique high efficient and economical . so it plays an important part in the developing environmental coating and enhancing the quapty of air , and is widely used in the field of environmental protection . on the basis of discussing source and hammess of environment pollutants , the mechanisms , kiics and factors of effect of photocatalytic treating environment pollutants were studied on the laboratory scale in this thesis

Plate and frame filter presses provide the lowest cost of filtration per unit of fluid processed . ertelalsop offers apppcation specific filter designs , in stainless steel or polypropylene , with unique features for flow rates ranging from large volumes to pilot plant and laboratory scale


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