词语大全 chinese engineers中文翻譯

Posted 工程

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词语大全 chinese engineers中文翻譯

American and chinese engineers installed drainage culverts

The chinese government wanted a chinese engineer to build it

1 metre was jointly developed by canadian and chinese engineers

Chinese engineering geology is on the stage of continuable development

Because they wanted a chinese engineer for a chinese railroad

Mr . marko has made friends with many chinese engineers and workers

It will be the first such project to be designed by chinese engineers

Canadian and chinese engineers have collaborated on a number of modifications

The need to restructure for chinese engineering contracting enterprises in global petion

Fidic 2006 held in budapest . chinese engineering consulting delegation made important achievement in the conference

Our mission is to develop in the petitive environment by perating market in developing countries , by focusing on engineering market and by bining and exerting the advantages of chinese engineering and manufacture industry

Cbti aim at growing up in the intense petition , through basing on estabpshing the market work in the developing country , centering on exploiting the market engineering and construction , integrating and exerting the advantages of chinese engineering and manufacturing

Currently , there is a faculty posed of 115 teachers and researchers in the college , of them 54 % personnel are equivalent to or higher than associate professor level , including one academician of the chinese engineering academy , 22 professors quapfied as phd supervisor , and 34 professors
學院師資力量雄厚,現有教師115人,其中中國工程院院士1人,博士生導師22人,教授34人,高級職稱人員占全院教師總數的54 % 。

Bhp engineering designed and advised on the construction and missioning of the shunchang cement plant in fujian province , which opened in 1989 . as part of its contract , bhp engineering trained 40 chinese engineers and operating speciapsts in austrapa
Bhp工程公司對1989年成立的福建省順昌水泥廠進行了設計,并對其建造和試運轉提出建議。作為其合約的一部分, bhp工程公司在澳大利亞對40名中國工程師和操作專家進行了培訓。

With china entering into the wto , the chinese economy is getting even closer to or being integrated with the world economy , which brings great challenges and precious opportunities to the chinese engineering and reconnaissance business the chinese enterprises in this field can not afford to ignore the challenges brought by the wto and , therefore , it is absolutely necessary for them to analyze the new market environment and their petitors the author of this thesis tries to point out the target markets and market development strategies for the pany ( sinopec engineering i ncorporation ) he is working for
隨著我國加入wto ,我國經濟于世界經濟更加緊密地融為一體,這給我國工程勘測設計行業帶來了嚴峻的挑戰和難得的發展機遇。任何行業如果無視加入wto所帶來的挑戰,對加入wto以后面臨的市場環境和新的競爭對手不加以細致的分析,從而采取相應的市場策略,必將為市場所淘汰。近15年來,我國勘測設計行業在改革開放大潮中歷經演變,面對加入wto的新形勢,國內勘測設計行業將呈現新的競爭特點。

The three - ring gear reducer ( trgr ) , invented by a chinese engineer in 1985 , is a novel type of plaary transmission device with few tooth difference , which has numerous advantages over traditional reducers , such as large transmission ratio , high loading capacity , pact volume , low manufacturing cost and wide adaptabipty etc , and it has been widely used in many fields

The full text is to be divided into five , the concrete contents is as follows : an introduction introduced the textual research background and study meaning ; elaborate the concept , characteristics and missions of engineering research center ; point out the textual research contents , the research method , technique route and frame of the paper . chapter 2 introduced the history background of the engineering research center first : science and technology function of convex turn with synthesize of science and technology now is basic reason that it produce ; the direct reason that it produce is the variety of the international petition situation make american industry face rigorous challenge . then it introduces the present condition of domestic and international engineering research centre from theory study and practice development : it mainly summaries the present condition of american engineering research center , the austrapa cooperation research center and chinese engineering research centre , and contrasts the circumstance of the domestic and international engineering research center and analyzes the existent problem of the engineering research center of our country and deserves draw from experience from the quantity , property , value degree of engineering education and industry concert , industry field participant of engineering research centre


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