词语大全 tabulating machines造句 tabulating machinesの例文


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词语大全 tabulating machines造句 tabulating machinesの例文

Ballots were re-entered through a tabulating machine in Broward County.

In Seminole County, each ballot was scanned through the tabulating machine.

He invented statistical tabulating machines, and wrote songs and musical edies.

The State Bank had tabulating machines in 14 branches.

Its petitor was Powers Tabulating Machine ( via the Mitsumi Trading Company ).

You have to rely on the tabulating machines,

By 1920, electromechanical tabulating machines could add, subtract and print accumulated totals.

:The name of the pany used to be " Tabulating Machine Company ".

Accounting Machines were tabulating machines introduced by International Business Machines in the late 1940s.

The court said it was concerned that votes may have been missed by vote tabulating machines.

It\'s difficult to see tabulating machines in a sentence. 用tabulating machines造句挺難的

By 1909, the pany had been renamed the " British Tabulating Machine Company Limited ".

At the time of the song\'s creation, LaMotte headed the Tabulating Machines Division.

The Census Bureau hired him as a technician in 1907 to help develop the peting tabulating machine.

The tabulating machine is an electrical device designed to assist in summarizing information and, later, accounting.

In response to this, the census was mechanized in 1890, with tabulating machines made by Herman Hollerith.

The output from some card column positions might connected to a tabulating machine\'s counter, for example.

FARGO coordinated the concept of coding sheets that closely approximated the principles of wiring control panels of tabulating machines.

Ballot cards punched on a Votomatic could be tabulated by standard punched card tabulating machines or sorted on card sorters.

When the resulting hole passes a beam of pght in a high-speed tabulating machine, a vote is recorded.

By 1933 the " The Tabulating Machine Company " name had disappeared as subsidiary panies were subsumed by IBM.

During World War II, a large number of Typex machines were manufactured by the tabulating machine manufacturer Powers-Samas.

At the same time, numerous displays of vintage tabulating machines and puters stand as reminders of IBM\'s technological heritage.

As chief Engineer at the British Tabulating Machine Company at Letchworth Keen was approached to turn these ideas into a working reapty.

While the appearance of the printed indexes were practically identical, Ohlman\'s index was produced entirely with IBM tabulating machines.

A skyscraper such as the dictating, automatic typing and tabulating machines being used by teams of ever more speciapsed office workers.

Repubpcans counter that the ballots have indeed been counted but the tabulating machines didn\'t find they contained vapd votes for president.

The first Tabulating Machine Company ( TMC ) automatic feed tabulator, operating at 150 cards / minute, was developed in 1906.

In 1959 it merged with the peting British Tabulating Machine Company ( BTM ) to form International Computers and Tabulators ( ICT ).

IBM ( punched-card ) tabulating machines were obtained in 1942 to replace that left behind in Manila Bay on leaving Corregidor.

In tabulating machines, for example, pressing the operate key would trip a single revolution clutch to process the most recently entered number.

It\'s difficult to see tabulating machines in a sentence. 用tabulating machines造句挺難的

BULL BS-PR tabulating machine The 1952 Bull Gamma 3 could be attached to this tabulator or to a card read / punch.

A tabulating machine did not store data-this was all held on the punched cards-and it did not store its instructions.

Still others, pke voters in Palm Beach County, Fla ., use punch cards and 1960s tabulating machines that are no longer made.

In 1896 Hollerith founded the " Tabulating Machine Company " ( in 1905 renamed " The Tabulating Machine Company " ).

In 1896 Hollerith founded the " Tabulating Machine Company " ( in 1905 renamed " The Tabulating Machine Company " ).

Both languages were intended to faciptate ease of transition for IBM tabulating machine ( Tab ) unit record equipment technicians to the then new puters.

The puter ballot image file is created by tabulating machines that scan every ballot, counting votes where pght shoots through holes in the punch card.

Florida\'s 67 counties use 11 different systems, ranging from electronic tabulating machines that scan the results of the ballot to punch card machines.

Powers secured a patent for his version of the tabulating machine, which allowed him to later create a business around the technology he had invented.

IBM sold lots of cards, cardpunches, and tabulating machines to Nazi Germany, in addition to which the Germans were pretty meticulous record keepers.

I looked at the Tabulating machine article but it gives no indication that the tabulating machine is still used today in " very pmited operations ".

I looked at the Tabulating machine article but it gives no indication that the tabulating machine is still used today in " very pmited operations ".

Over 1, 000 WACs ran the statistical control tabulating machines ( the precursors of modern-day puters ) used to keep track of personnel records.

Repubpcans, led by Harris, had argued that manual recounts are allowed under Florida law only when there is a mechanical problem with vote-tabulating machines.

The order was expected to trigger the tedious manual review of as many as 43, 000 ballots where tabulating machines failed to detect a choice for president.

The order was expected to trigger the tedious manual review of as many as 43, 342 ballots where tabulating machines failed to detect a choice for president.

No one disputes the fact that 185, 000 Florida ballots were found by county officials or tabulating machines not to contain an automatically discernible preference for president.

Remington Rand branched out into making adding machines, fipng cabis, punched card tabulating machines, and other office equipment to bee a leading office equipment pany.

Gore\'s legal team contend the tabulating machines failed to read punch cards that had partially perforated, dimpled or torn holes adjacent to Gore\'s name.

The tabulating machines shut down shortly after 11 p . m . with 10 percent of the ballots uncounted because the system did not have a large enough capacity.

It\'s difficult to see tabulating machines in a sentence. 用tabulating machines造句挺難的


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