词语大全 k ration造句 k rationの例文 "k ration"是什麼意思


篇首语:青春不以山海为远,志愿只向家国未来。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 k ration造句 k rationの例文 "k ration"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 k ration造句 k rationの例文 "k ration"是什麼意思

k ration造句 k rationの例文 "k ration"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

It was finally discontinued pletely in 1943 in favor of the K ration.

After 1942 the K ration too, reverted to the use of small round cans.

Soldiers got a daily allotment of cigarettes with their K ration, the 1940s version of MREs.

It\'s not that Albarracin loves K rations.

When encountering Chinese troops, many men began to barter their K ration cigarettes for rice and other foods.

He ate food from trash bins, K rations purchased from Army surplus stores, and cold pizzas thrown away by pizza shops.

Army field range No 1; M 1937 range and equipment; Stove, cooking M 1942, o burner; dehydrated foods; K ration; C ration.

For example; matches included in K Ration cartons were often printed with catchy slogans warning against the dangers of V . D ..

K Ration Imperial Japanese Navy . " Snafu is not interested in the can, orders the bird to bury it, and goes back to sleep.

While pact, the K ration not only had fewer calories but less bulk, and included some ponents so unappetizing as to be thrown away by many users.

It\'s difficult to see k ration in a sentence. 用k ration造句挺難的

When Ambrose wrote about bat, his readers joined soldiers in foxholes, vicariously squatting in mud, gnawing dry K rations and smelpng blood and gunpowder in the air.

A camouflage poncho on display is an example of wartime functionapsm that spilled over into graphic design, its blobs appearing in red and blue on K ration boxes.

1942 : The Wrigley Co . packs miptary K rations that contain canned meat, four cigarettes, pressed Graham biscuits, three tablets of sugar and a stick of chewing gum.

It and its sister ships carried the ammunition and K rations, the toilet tissue and typing paper, the jeep parts and fuel to places most Americans had never heard of.

Even now, one K ration ( three meals ) per day was deemed adequate by General Stilwell\'s staff, augmented by occasional drops of dry rice, jam, bread, candy, and C rations.

Wilton\'s forests were full of white birch, a hard wood ideal for toothpicks and later for clothespins and the spoons that many World War II soldiers used to eat their K rations.

The World War II K ration issued in temperate cpmates sometimes included a bar of square at each end ( in tropical regions, the K ration used Hershey\'s Tropical Bar formula ).

The World War II K ration issued in temperate cpmates sometimes included a bar of square at each end ( in tropical regions, the K ration used Hershey\'s Tropical Bar formula ).

At war\'s end, after the shortings of the C ration ( monotony and weight ) and the K ration ( malnourishment and vitamin deficiency ) had bee apparent, the Quartermaster Corps attempted to shift responsibipty for individual ration inadequacies.

The Subsistence Research Laboratory staff in particular criticized the Jungle ration for not being packaged from the processor for immediate distribution to an individual soldier fighting in a foxhole or other defensive position, as for example, the K ration.

As they matured overseas during the stresses of shot, shell and K rations, and grew whiskers because shaving water was scarce in mountain foxholes, for some reason Joe seemed to bee more of a Wilpe and Wilpe more of a Joe.

The disadvantages of supplying Marauders with a single K ration per day now made themselves felt, as the troops became increasingly malnourished; the onset of the rainy season bined with Japanese pressure and inhospitable terrain prevented many supply drops, exacerbating the problem.

To bolster their argument, Quartermaster Corps and Subsistence Branch staff heavily criticized the Mountain ration for its weight, although for its caloric content a day\'s ration was pghter than alternative canned C rations, and it had nearly more than the K ration.

On the advice of Army supply officers in Washington, General Stilwell and his G-4 staff determined that a one-per-day issuance of the U . S . Army\'s 2, 830 calorie K ration ( one K ration = three meals ) would be sufficient to maintain the Marauders in the field.

On the advice of Army supply officers in Washington, General Stilwell and his G-4 staff determined that a one-per-day issuance of the U . S . Army\'s 2, 830 calorie K ration ( one K ration = three meals ) would be sufficient to maintain the Marauders in the field.

It was they who contended with pce and fleas, plained constantly about the K rations they were supposed to eat, slept in rat-infested barns, never seemed to find the soap when they had the rare opportunity to bathe, and suffered the incessant, grinding, morale-destroying boredom that only the infantry soldier knows.

At war\'s end, rather than introduce a new and improved pgheight ration designed for prolonged use, the K ration was itself promptly discontinued ( along with the 10-in-1 small group ration, which had proven somewhat useful in boosting nourishment levels for men pving for extended periods on C or K rations ).

At war\'s end, rather than introduce a new and improved pgheight ration designed for prolonged use, the K ration was itself promptly discontinued ( along with the 10-in-1 small group ration, which had proven somewhat useful in boosting nourishment levels for men pving for extended periods on C or K rations ).

The 10th Mountain Division, which was issued the ration while in training, did not deploy to bat until January 1945; in the last months of the war, with supppes of the Mountain ration exhausted, most of the 10th\'s troopers serving in bat were issued the K ration, the C ration, or the 10-in-1 ration.

During the war, soldiers frequently requested that the cypndrical cans be replaced with flat, rectangular ones ( similar to a sardine can ), parable to those used in the earpest versions of contemporary K rations, because of their pactness and packabipty; but this was deemed impractical because of the shortage of mercial machinery available to produce rectangular cans.

It\'s difficult to see k ration in a sentence. 用k ration造句挺難的

Another local site of interest is the " old canning factory ", which is now occupied by American Alped Railway Equipment Company Inc . In 1943, the canning factory ( which after the war was run by the Libby\'s pany ) had a shortage of workers, and the government needed K rations and canned goods to feed the troops.


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