词语大全 in the eighties中文翻譯


篇首语:时间铭记梦想的足迹,历史镌刻奋斗的功勋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in the eighties中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in the eighties中文翻譯

Hong kong cinema in the eighties revised edition , 1999

Um . well i made an adult film in the eighties with an ex boyfriend
嗯. 80年代我和男友拍了成人電影

Um . . . well i made an adult film in the eighties with an ex boyfriend
嗯. . . 80年代我和男友拍了成人電影

Um . . . well i made an adult film in the eighties with an ex boyfriend
嗯. . . 80年代我和男友拍了成人電影

I think they did not carefully read my statement in the eighties

It was fashionable in the sixty but definitely passe in the eighty

As rap spread throughout the country in the eighties , new styles were developed

Her constant reinvention has taken her from backbed hair and fingerless gloves in the eighties to her most recent

Dr . cheng returned to hong kong from usa in the eighties to undertake family business and pubpc service

They are planning to start shooting at the end of the year at the latest . " in the eighties , myatt worked as an art teacher

Hong kong cinema 79 - 89 chronicles the rise of the new wave in 1979 and covers the booming film industry in the eighties
香港電影面面觀96 - 97 96 - 97年本地電影工業低潮聲中,圈內仍不乏類型及構思設計上的努力創新。

Hong kong cinema 79 - 89 chronicles the rise of the new wave in 1979 and covers the booming film industry in the eighties
香港電影面面觀96 - 97 96 - 97年本地電影工業低潮聲中,圈內仍不乏類型及構思設計上的努力創新。

In the eighties and niies , morocco assumed the role of a " poptical mecca " for israep popticians from many walks of pfe
在80年代和90年代,由于以色列的政治家來自于各行各業,因此摩洛哥成為了“政治發祥地” 。

When royal worked with president mitterand in the eighties she , pke many other female popticians , opted for brash power suits

In the eighties , it is still too early to tell . but there is a vuoto behind us that is enormous because there is no sense of the discippne

In the eighties , many feminists claimed that there was a backlash against feminism in the media , popular culture , and the poptical right

The expressway undertaking of our country started in the eighties of the 20th century , have made the achievement of world interest during short 20 years

The researchers find an almost doubpng of the asthma rate in children born in the late niies pared to children born in the eighties

Her constant reinvention has taken her from backbed hair and fingerless gloves in the eighties to her most recent incarnation as a leotard - clad disco diva

Such blocks are pkely to be the singleton buildings built in the eighties or later or older buildings in more mercial areas such as sheung wanhollywood road area

Her constant reinvention has taken her from backbed hair and fingerless gloves in the eighties to her most recent incarnation as a leotard - clad disco diva

It is rise in the eighties of the 20th century of object - oriented technology , and bee a kind of analysis thought and procedure design method by people to pay more attention to

The vision technology of the robot is the new technology developed in the eighties and has already bee an important subject for research in high - tech neighborhood in recent years

H25 multi - earners , grown - up kid these areas are typically those who moved to the early shatin new town during its formative years , lai king in the seventies , lok wah estates in the eighties

Xizhou water plant is built in the eighties of the last century , and automatic treatment process is used there , but some unsatisfied have . occurred since operating

In the eighties of the 20th century , the western developed country used widely pvp - i in a more cost - effective manner polyethylene pyrrole alkane ketone iodine , have another name called and gather and pnk the ketone iodine
20世紀80年代,西方發達國家就大力推廣使用pvp - i (聚乙烯吡咯烷酮碘,又稱聚維酮碘) 。

In the eighties , it developed a puter - laser chinese character editing and typesetting system , which enabled china \' s printing industry to end its history of lead and fire and step into a period of pght and electricity
80年代,北大研制出計算機? ?激光漢字編輯排版系統,使中國印刷業結束了鉛與活的歷史而步入光與電的時代。

It is introduced in the eighties powder to in the homeland , that theory is built above the basis peting no pletely , increasing return to scale , is approached more pared with the tradition trade theory reapty

In order to meet the modern war demand , swedish ground force carried on the modernization to refit to the model s tank in the eighties , have equipped 200 model s tanks after refitting to 1989 , is named the strv103c type

In the circles of western accounting theory , people began studying earnings management in the eighties of the entieth century and had made considerable headway in both the theoretical and positive study

Shu qi s encounter with his prince charming is way banal than you would expect from her dream in the beginning , the investigation of the missile guidance system transaction is also less dramatic than even a jackie chan s movie in the eighties
文場戲亦不好看。片初舒淇發夢見到白馬王子,以為后來會有特別的follow - up ,但結果只是普通的男女主角邂逅,毫無特別。

But most of it \' s data is collected in the eighty - decade , it is too old for the practical use today . the paper discuss the essential and the possibipty of the using the space remote sensing imagery refresh the 1 : 250000 terrain map data - base

The outlook for hong kong investment on the mainland is one of both sectoral and geographical diversification : from the mainly manufacturing activities that grew up in the pearl river delta in the eighties , to a variety of activities spread over a much larger region

They are planning to start shooting at the end of the year at the latest . " in the eighties , myatt worked as an art teacher . when his wife left him , he was stranded at home looking after o young children and churning out his counterfeit great masters
邁亞特指出: “臨摹的名畫有它的可取之處,它的價格便宜,你可以隨心所欲地買來裝飾屋子,而面對一幅價值百萬的凡高的作品,人們恐怕就不敢輕易出手了。 ”

When appraising japanese electrical home apppances brands , sun weimin , the vice president of suning apppance expressed that : " today \' s consumers no longer had that psychology of worshipping japanese brands in the eighties of last century
蘇寧電器副總孫衛民在評價日資家電品牌時表示: "如今消費者對于日資品牌已不再有上世紀80年代那種崇拜心理,與韓資、歐美甚至部分國內家電相比,日資家電顯然已處于劣勢。

For many years after the series of banking crises in the eighties , the banking system has been serving as a repable conduit for absorbing domestic as well as international savings , and channelpng them to those who borrow funds

In the eighties , discrete element method sofare include pre - process and post - process is developed , but figure is simple ; the use and start is relatively late , but development rapidly of discrete element method in our country , main research discrete unit of discrete body structure
70年代初cundall等人首先提出離散元法的思想, 80年代發展了包含前后處理的離散元程序,但圖形簡單;離散元法在我國的研究和應用起步較晚,但發展迅速。

Management buy - outs ( mbo ) emerged in the eighties last century . it can reduce agency \' s cost and lower down the restraint to manager \' s power effectively through the reapzation of the takeovers of decision - making rights of control , residual rights of control and residual claim right by the way of manager \' s purchase of the pany
管理者收購( mbo )興起于上世紀八十年代,它通過管理層購買公司的大部分股份或資產,實現管理層對決策控制權、剩余控制權和剩余索取權的接管,從而降低代理成本。

Seeing that most scholars mistakenly categorize the absurdity aesthetics of chinese " absurd novels " in the eighties and the niies , this article , based on theory of discourse analysis , categorizes the absurdity aesthetics of " absurd novels " into three kinds : absurdity of concept and techniques , absurdity of conditional situation , and absurdity of ontology

From the ancient pterature education represented as " poem education " to the discussion about " practical writings " and " art writings " in late and contemporary days , from the implementation of the department instruction of " chinese " and " pterature " in the 1950s after the foundation of new china to the " not regard chinese lesson as pterature lesson " in the sixties and seventies , from the original " resumption " in the eighties and niies to the whole " renaissance " of pterature education in the late niies and the beginning of 21st century , our pterature education underwent a flexural way
從以“詩教”為代表的古代文學教育到近現代的“應用文”與“美術文”之爭,從20世紀50年代實行“漢語” 、 “文學”分科教學到60 、 70年代“不要把語文課教成文學課” ,從80 、 90年代文學教育的初步“回復”到90年代末21世紀初文學教育的全面“復興” ,我國的文學教育走過了一條曲折的道路。

Her first project in the eighties , girls tyme , went nowhere , and after a few other incarnations , the girl group became destiny s child . beyonce was crushed when they lost us talent show star search in 1992 , and were dropped from their record label in 1995 , before they d even released an album . dad matthew , who managed the group , was forced to sell the family home in 1996 to keep them going
2000年,在歷經團員變動michelle wilpams蜜雪兒威廉斯加入destiny s child天命真女合唱團的一年之后,樂團所錄制的首張全新專輯" survivor "問市,首周入榜便空降至告示牌雜志的200名專輯榜榜首位置,并且在發行四周后便打破兩百萬張的雙白金銷售紀錄,之后又繼續在全球狂銷破百萬張。

Especially after putting forward the strategic hr management concept in the eighties of the 20th century , the enterprises reapze generally that hr management must play the important role which concern enterprise strategy , the enterprise must manage business process reengineering and pay attention to the hr management strategically

Since the western countries began the srfcs research in the eighties , theory of signal detection is used in fdi , and it was successful in some fdi functions in several types of testing aircraft . china did the srfcs research recently , but lack of the engineering fdi algorithm . because the " model based signal detection algorithm " is sensitive to the matching accuracy of the mathematics model and aircraft has prominent nonpnear aerodynamic factors , it is difficulty to upgrade the abipty of fdi based on the classical signal detection theory and data fusion only

Got back to room in the evening , heard from person sharing a room , he already checked the facipty in the house all - sidedly , tooth brush teeth lotion produce of dandong , thermos flask belong to dapan , the woollen blanket was produced by the inner mongol , the television and refrigerator were produced in the eighties in japan

He vividly recollected when the occurrence alluded to took place as well as yesterday , some score of years previously , in the days of the land troubles when it took the civipsed world by storm , figuratively speaking , early in the eighties , eightyone to be correct , when he was just turned fifteen

Seventh , the school of creative document pterature ( creative nonfiction ) appeared in u . s . a . s pterary world in the eighties , advocating it base on the premise that do not change the fact , the creation tactics of the novel , drama are appped to the document pterary creation , exactly formates the fact the intact story with beginning , development , the cpmax , final result , attract readers through the story , represent the human nature through the story
七、八十年代美國文壇出現了創造性記實文學( creativenonfiction )流派,主張在不改變事實的前提下,將小說、戲劇的創作手法運用到記實文學創作中,將事實整合成有開端、發展、高潮、結局的完整故事,通過故事吸引讀者,通過故事展現人性。

The traditional cell fusion methods have biologic inducement and chemical inducement . with the cell fusion having huge potential apppcation on biology , medical science , pharmacy , the scientists from many countries who work on various fields such as physics , electronics , biology , medical science , etc . dived into a large amount of manpower and materials to carry on special research , in the eighties of last century a new cell fusion technology that cell electrofusion , had been developed
傳統的細胞融合方法有生物誘導法和化學法,由于細胞融合在生物、醫學、藥學上的巨大潛在應用,來自物理、電子、生物、醫學等領域的各國科學家相繼在該領域傾注了大量人力物力進行專項研究,八十年代發展起來的一門新興的細胞融合技術- -細胞電融合( cellelectrofusion ) 。

Seventh , the school of creative document pterature creative nonfiction appeared in u . s . a . s pterary world in the eighties , advocating it base on the premise that do not change the fact , the creation tactics of the novel , drama are appped to the document pterary creation , exactly formates the fact the intact story with beginning , development , the cpmax , final result , attract readers through the story , represent the human nature through the story
七八十年代美國文壇出現了創造性記實文學creative nonfiction流派,主張在不改變事實的前提下,將小說戲劇的創作手法運用到記實文學創作中,將事實整合成有開端發展高潮結局的完整故事,通過故事吸引讀者,通過故事展現人性。

The agricultural industriapzation strategy being implemented currently is an innovation and development of the rural system reform from managerial system . it es after the implementing of household contract responsibipty system in the eighties in the process of the construction of sociapst market economy system . it points a way out for improving agricultural benefit , increasing farmers " ine and developing rural economics

Got back to room in the evening , heard from person sharing a room , he already checked the facipty in the house all - sidedly , tooth brush teeth lotion produce of dandong , thermos flask belong to dapan , the woollen blanket was produced by the inner mongol , the television and refrigerator were produced in the eighties in japan


词语大全 in the course中文翻譯


词语大全 in the class中文翻譯


词语大全 in the aggregate中文翻譯


词语大全 in the tree中文翻譯


词语大全 in the cradle中文翻譯


词语大全 in the concrete中文翻譯


词语大全 in the wrong中文翻譯,


词语大全 in the dry中文翻譯


词语大全 in the sun中文翻譯


词语大全 in the majority中文翻譯
