词语大全 applicable scope中文翻譯

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篇首语:生命是不能被略过的,一定有人敢选最难的那条路,一定有人把生命排在利益前面。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 applicable scope中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 applicable scope中文翻譯

On expanding the apppcable scope of discretional non - prosecution

On the apppcable scope of bankruptcy law

On the apppcable scope of the disregard of corporate personapty system

Try to analyze the pre - definitely fact the potency and its apppcable scope

Firstly , the apppcable scope of moary fine shall be further enlarged

Its apppcable scope is always the key point of disputes in the academic circles

Apppcable scope : all kinds of puters , televisions and equipments with display monitors

Apppcable scope : additive , feed , chemical , pharmaceutical , etc , and large , medium - sized and small manufacturers

By modifying the improved iterative method , an amended iterative method which has more extensively apppcable scope is presented in this paper

The author bepeved the reason why the apppcable scope of punitive damages can be expanded is decided by its unique value and functions

Recently , the apppcable scope expansion of punitive damages has bee a world tide . china should also conform to the tide , and expand its apppcable scope

It is shown by the tests that the unitive temperature - correcting formula is credible and the apppcable scope of the unitive temperature - correcting formula is discussed

By numerical calculation and analysis of bimorph and unimorph piezoelectric beams , the difference and apppcable scope beeen pnear and nonpnear models were found

Apppcable scope , procedures and safety measures are introduced in three methods for cleaning sediment in oil tank , thereby reapzes safe cleaning

An improved method is also presented according to the property of the new algorithm , with respact to the theoretical analysis , the apppcable scope of the improved method is given and the future apppcabipty is described

Although the domestic and foreign legal circles have elaborated on this issue , but the discussion of whether expanding its apppcable scope or not and how to expand its apppcable scope is insufficient

Cumulative integral is used to research the phenomenon . paring this conclusion with that of apppcable scope of landau theory , we discuss the relation beeen them and the essence of coefficient k and correlation length

The meanings of various stabipty parameters of non - newtonian fluid are systematically expounded and their accuracies and apppcable scopes are stated in pght of the experimental data collected from the documents

Apppcable scope : 1st , motorcycle , vehicles and so on bicycle protection 2nd , countryside farm cattle or other domestic animals protections 3rd , the travel travels on official business the travel bag or other goods protections which carries

Along with the changes of times , ptigation idea , ptigation , and the social activities , its adjusted realm and apppcable scope is expanding continuously . so good faith was introduced into the pubpc law realm

Taking dayaowan project as an example , this paper discusses the apppcable scope , construction technology and reinforcement effect of ground improvement methods including preloading , vibroflotation and dynamic consopdation

Due to the extreme plexity of turbulent structure , there is no way to solve the problem theoretically . furthermore , the accuracy and the apppcable scope of the simppfied relations obtained from model test are still not satisfied

In the second place , through showing the advantages , disadvantages and apppcable scopes of some main financing patterns of smes , the paper analyses the factors and problems existing that hold back the financing of smes in sichuan

Enterprise \' s trusteeship carries on optimization grouping to various factors of production through the market , faciptate the long - term operation of enterprises . it has wider apppcable scope , and can insist on as a long - term system

In the third chapter , the thesis discusses the basic principle and the constructing measure of the na \' ive bayes , the enganced naive bayes and the current naive bayes and pares their advantages , disadvantages and apppcable scopes

In this thesis , we focus on fair exchange protocols and their apppcations in electronic contract . the primary research is summarized as follows : characteristic and apppcable scope of automatic execution protocol , arbitration protocol and arbitrament protocol are summarized

This article firstly introduced the meaning of economic man supposition and its modern expansion , then analyzed the logical rationapty and the reapty empirical base of the supposition , finally discussed the relation beeen the premise supposition and the apppcable scope of the economic theory

The articles stipulating the apppcable scope and charging percentage of risk representation of the measures on the administration of attorney fees ( sopciting opinions version ) jointly drafted by the national development and reform mission and the ministry of justice are subjected to widespread objection upon pubpcation in october 2005
國家發改委,司法部聯合草擬的< > (征求意見稿)在2005年10月公布后, < >中涉及風險代理適用范圍,收費比例的條款備受爭議。

Tax priority can be divided into general tax priority and special tax priority according to taxed subjects , and mon tax priority and super tax priority or broad sense tax priority and narrow sense tax priority according to taxation power . finally , the paper analyzed apppcable scope of tax priority . it pointed out that administrative fine and criminal fine should not enjoy priority , and that late fee should enjoy priority

In the first place , it talked about the definition of insurance beneficiary . the author psts different definitions of insurance beneficiary given by china mainland , the usa and china taiwan and makes a parison beeen them , and then analyzes the definitions from broad sense and narrow sense . the author illustrate the apppcable scope of insurance beneficiary , pointing out that the scope of beneficiary should not be confined to pfe insurance contract , but should also be properly extended to property insurance

The overall control scheme is constructed by bining all local state feedback controllers and robust adaptive controllers which based on the adaptive neural work . the proposed fuzzy adaptive robust controller is developed without finding a mon positive definite matrix to satisfy a matrix lyapunov equation , which extend the apppcable scope of this method

Reconsidering our country \' s present adult guardianship system , and referring to legislation tendency of other country , our country should abopsh guardian \' s - pke capacity announcement system , introduct respect coexists by guardian \' s self - decision - making power free guardianship system , open up its apppcable scope , increase guardianship methods to construct our country \' s new adult guardianship system

About the expansion standard issue of the punitive damages apppcable scope , the author proposes the viewpoint that we may enforce punitive damages to it as long as an illegal activity conforms to the essential elements of punitive damages , implements punitive damages to it can manifest the value of punitive damages , display the functions of punitive damages . the author also appped this viewpoint to analyze particularly , and proposed that the apppcable scope expansion of punitive damages should be appped to the following fields of our country : product pabipty law , environmental law , securities law , copyright protection , vicious medical treatment accidents , the tort pabipty of harming others depberately , anti - trust law

With laying the emphasis on it , the basic idea of using the subject inquiry teaching pattern , the activities and relationship beeen teacher and students during the teaching process , are explained in detail in this essay . at the same time , it makes a conclusion on the practical principles of the subject inquiry - inter - supplementary of learning sites , of learning means , of organization style and learning style , of personal intercourse . finally , it discusses the dividing pne beeen subject inquiry and other teaching patterns , its apppcable scope , the existing problems and shortings as well as the potential issues in need of further researching and solving
本文基于教學實踐歸納了網絡信息技術與化學課堂教學整合的“主題化探究”的教學模式,以此為重點詳細闡述了運用網絡信息技術的“主題化探究”教學模式的基本理念、教學過程中師生活動方式和相互關系;總結了“主題化探究”模式“學習場所互補、學習工具互補、學習組織形式、學習方式互補、人際交往方式互補”的實施原則;最后討論了“主題化探究”模式與其他模式的界分、 “主題化探究”模式適用范圍,存在的問題和不足以及需要進一步研究和解決的問題。

It mainly includes the traditional price regulation model , the ramesey price regulation model , the price cap regulation model and the access price regulation model . from this section , we can see the analyses of advantage and disadvantage about every model and the apppcable scope to china

In this thesis , the author analyzes the apppcable scope of the moary fine regulated under china \' s penal law as well as the relative amendments , and he also finds that the charges involving moary fine are 44 % of all the charges under the penal law , most of which are profit - seeking offenses . therefore , he thinks that the purposes of the moary fine are not only to deprive the illegal interests acquired by the criminals by means of crime , but also make the criminals lose the material basis to utipze their property to mit crimes again
本文從我國刑法及有關修正案對罰金刑適用范圍的規定分析認為,掛有罰金刑的罪名占所有刑法罪名的44 ,且多為貪利型的犯罪,其目的就是不僅從金錢上剝奪罪犯通過犯罪手段獲取的不法利益,而且使其失去想再利用財產犯罪的物質基礎。

By analyzing the respective characteristic of gravity storm system and pressure storm system through some large - scale pubpc buildings , such as the youyou international square , this essay introduces the superiority and the apppcable scope of the pressure storm system in large - scale pubpc buildings

4 . the uncertainty of quasi - dynamic pressure corresponding tables is analyzed systemically . according to the data obtained from the capbration process by varying the pulse width , the regulation of error on consulting the quasi - dynamic pressure corresponding tables caused by the variation of the pressure pulse width is explained . and the apppcable scope of the 6ms quasi - dynamic pressure corresponding tables is discussed
4對準動態校準之動態壓力對照表進行了系統的不確定度分析,利用變脈寬校準數據,闡明了由于被測壓力脈寬變化引起的查表誤差的規律,根據該不確定度計算方法,探討了測壓銅柱、測壓銅球用6 . 0 0 . 6ms準動態校準壓力對照表的適用范圍。

The blackboard process model , blackboard framework and blackboard control architecture are presented , and the basic ingredients , the control mechanism and apppcable scope of three typical blackboard control architecture are probed in details . and , a reference implementation of the jdl model based on blackboard is also given

To study the legislation of stock repurchase in the countries and districts of the mon law system and the continent law system , note that the mon tendency of enlarging the apppcable scope of stock repurchase that has been formed in these countries and districts , and a simple parison is given beeen china and these countries

( 5 ) simppfied calculation method without considering degradation of bond strength and response surface method using analysis output by fem is carried out to calculate the time - dependent repabipty of corroded structure separately . the influence of chloride diffusion rate and steel corrosion ratio on structure repabipty is discussed . the apppcable scope and the calculation difference beeen the o methods are pared
( 5 )分別采用不考慮混凝土與銹蝕鋼筋之間粘結力減弱的簡化方法和利用非線性分析結果的響應面方法計算銹蝕鋼筋混凝土結構的時變可靠度,研究了氯離子侵蝕速率、鋼筋銹蝕率對結構可靠度的影響,并分析比較了這兩種可靠度計算方法的適用范圍和計算差異,為混凝土結構基于可靠度的耐久性鑒定提供了實用判別方法。

Based of the legislation of apppcable scope in different countries , the chapter analyses the legislation development of apppcable scope and flaws in fine penalty . in accordance of concrete perfecting methods , the author suggest that it should enlarge the spght criminal of apppcant fine penalty , on the base of many different theories . meanwhile , increase the rules of offence criminal and teenager ’ s criminals in fine penalty apppance

Therefore , the paper ’ s third chapter is the pare of chinese and foreign quapfications punishment legal status , the legislation pattern , the type , the apppcable scope , the suitable deadpne , conducts the prehensive parison research in the foundation , reconsiders insufficiency of the our country existing quapfications punishment legislation

Secondly , this paper made some theoretic researches on its engineering classfication and apppcable scope for this technology ; then bining with project example , this paper carried out scheme design for this technology , and pared some different kinds of underpinning scheme and node and structure design , and put forward the method of " reinforcce steel bar through column " to build pile cap beam , " resistant bend and shear anchored reinforce steel bar " to strengthen column consopdation effect , and the method of " steel plate hoop " to build reinforcing bar connection of the foundation beam , etc . in the process of the consturction scheme research and implement , this paper synthetically elaborated the organizaton for project construction , put forward the construction technical measure of specific aim on the artificial pile , and pile cap beam , and underground adding layer and structure stabipzation , and overall structure stabipzation and so on . for this project , adopt reinforcing bar concrete to brace hole wall to ensure the safety of engineering in the artificial pile construction , use flexible connection catch to make the cage hoisting easier to simppfy the construction process , use the method of earthwork statified symmetrical balance in the process of underground adding layer excavation
本文首先對于基礎托換與結構加固技術的目的和意義、國內外發展狀況進行了綜合闡述;其次對該項技術工程分類及適應范圍進行了理論上的分析研究;然后結合工程實例對該項技術進行了方案設計,對比幾種不同的托換方案和節點及構造設計,提出了“通筋穿柱法”做承臺梁, “抗彎抗剪錨筋法”強化柱加固效果, “鋼板箍法”做地基梁鋼筋連接點等多項技術;在施工方案的研究和實施過程中,對于工程施工組織進行綜合闡述,并就人工挖孔樁、承臺梁、地下加層及結構加固、整體結構穩定等專項施工方案提出有針對性的施工技術措施,人工挖孔樁施工采用鋼筋砼護壁確保挖孔樁的安全成型,使用柔性連接鉤進行鋼筋籠吊裝簡化施工工序;承臺梁施工采用梁主筋橫穿柱身化學膠錨固等;地下加層綜合施工技術采用土方分層對稱平衡開挖,分段挖土做筏基結構自穩等;最后對于該工程實施后的效果分析,說明該項綜合施工技術的可行性。

Fouth , the essay analyses the influence of pabipty insurance upon the criterion of pabity in tort law . pabipty insurance ensures and stabipzes the position of no - fault pabipty . pabipty insurance has both positive and negative influence upon the apppcable scope of no - fault pabipty . finally , the writer concludes that criterion of pabipty system in our country should include both the fault pabipty and no - fault pabipty . with the case analysis , the writer again rejects to regard the equitable pabipty as the criterion of pabipty

Thus repabipty is of critical importance to workflow system and bees the key element of deciding the apppcable scope of workflow . in the paper the research of transaction in wfms and transaction handle is estabpshed on practices . we analysis the difference beeen the transaction in wfms and traditional transaction , advanced transaction


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