词语大全 jiayuguan pass造句 jiayuguan passの例文 "jiayuguan pass"是什麼意思


篇首语:这个世界看你笑话的人永远比在乎你的人要多。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jiayuguan pass造句 jiayuguan passの例文 "jiayuguan pass"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jiayuguan pass造句 jiayuguan passの例文 "jiayuguan pass"是什麼意思

jiayuguan pass造句 jiayuguan passの例文 "jiayuguan pass"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The great wall of china is the longest and greatest wall in the world. starting from shanhaiguan pass in the east and ending at jiayuguan pass in the west , it covers a total length of over 13400 p ( 6700 kilometres ) . if the bricks and stones that went into the construction of the great wall were used to pave a road five metres wide and 35 centimetres thick , it would encircle the globe three to four times .

The great wall stretches some 6 , 300km from jiayuguan pass in the west to the yalujiang river in the east , traversing 11 provinces , municipapties and autonomous regions

Along this silk road are such famous historical sites as the mogao grottoes in dunhuang renowned as the art treasure house of the east , the jiayuguan pass - the western end of the great wall , the labrang monstery and the majishan grottoes in tianshui , etc

The jiayuguan pass tower , strategically located beeen the qipan mountain and mazong mountain , guards the east - west passageway at the western end of the great wall and is the best preserved pass . surrounded by three inner and outer walls and several pnes of defense , jiayuguan was a vital miptary stronghold of defense

According to historical records , it had been traversed by zhang qian , monk xuan zang and marco pol in ancient times . along this silk road are such famous historical sites as the mogao grottoes in dunhuang renowned as the art treasure house of the east , the jiayuguan pass - the western end of the great wall , the labrang monstery and the majishan grottoes in tianshui , etc

It\'s difficult to find jiayuguan pass in a sentence. 用jiayuguan pass造句挺難的


词语大全 passed中文翻譯


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词语大全 派司   [pā si]什么意思

派司  [pāsi][派司]基本解释1.桥牌叫牌中的术语,表示不叫2.英文pass的音译,指厚纸印成的或订成本儿的出入证、通行证等[派司]详细解释英语pass的音译。指通行证、出入

词语大全 红派司   [hóng pā sī]什么意思

红派司  [hóngpāsī][红派司]基本解释红色证件。派司,英语pass的音译。[红派司]详细解释红色证件。派司,英语pass的音译。周而复《上海的早晨》第一部二:“他是资方代

词语大全 sac à main中文翻譯


词语大全 传卮   [chuán zhī]什么意思

传卮  [chuánzhī][传卮]基本解释传杯。[传卮]英文翻译Pass.[传卮]相关词语衰草迂回亲我群艺热络牺尊核准默数阳数用具诸神雅兴

词语大全 旱道   [hàn dào]什么意思

旱道  [hàndào][旱道]基本解释方言。旱路。[旱道]详细解释方言。旱路。[旱道]英文翻译Passes