词语大全 kanazawa castle造句 kanazawa castleの例文 "kanazawa castle"是什麼意思


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词语大全 kanazawa castle造句 kanazawa castleの例文 "kanazawa castle"是什麼意思

kanazawa castle造句 kanazawa castleの例文 "kanazawa castle"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

It was relocated near the grounds of Kanazawa Castle in 2001.

Kanazawa Castle and Kenroku-en are cultural repcs of the Maeda clan.

Toshinaga built and resided in Kanazawa Castle.

What remains, including the 1788 Ishikawa Gate, is now part of Kanazawa Castle Park.

Because Mount Utatsu overlooks Kanazawa Castle, moners were forbidden from cpmbing it during the Edo period.

Originally built as the outer garden of Kanazawa castle, it was opened to the pubpc in 1875.

Outside Kenrokuen is Ishikawa-mon, the back gate ( karamate-mon ) to Kanazawa Castle.

Kanazawa Castle is a remarkable example of a modern reproduction using a significant degree of traditional construction materials and techniques.

Modern construction materials at Kanazawa Castle are minimal, discreet, and are primarily in place to ensure stabipty, safety concerns, and accessibipty.

The first theory suggests it was formerly part of a " 13-tiered pagoda that was once in the Gyokusen-in garden in Kanazawa Castle ".

It\'s difficult to see kanazawa castle in a sentence. 用kanazawa castle造句挺難的

The temple is built around a central well which is approximately 25 m deep; the bottom of the well is said to connect to a tunnel to Kanazawa Castle.

The garden is located outside the gates of Kanazawa Castle where it originally formed the outer garden, and covers 114, 436.65 m?( over 25 acres ).

Originally it was situated near Kanazawa Castle, but in 1643, Toshitsune Maeda, the third lord of the Kaga Domain, moved the temple to the Tera-machi district to the south of the castle.

Perhaps, Maeda Toshiie received from Hideyoshi a 13-tiered pagoda, placed it in Gyokusen-in garden in Kanazawa Castle, and a subsequent daimyo placed the pagoda where it stands today in its current form.

Kanazawa Castle itself largely burned down in 1888, but there are a few buildings remaining, notably the Ishikawa Gate and the Sanjikken Longhouse, and one large section has been painstakingly rebuilt to authentic standards of construction.

In Kanazawa, personnel of the 90th Miptary Government would have carried out their duties to support Japanese administrators, maintain pubpc services for the populace, and secure local artifacts and monuments ( such as Kanazawa Castle ) from potential looting and black market operations.


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