词语大全 占大多數的英文


篇首语:风华是一指流砂,苍老是一段年华。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 占大多數的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 占大多數的英文

Among the members of the mittee those who favor the proposed changes are in the majority .

Sunnis are a large majority of the afghan population

Of these the former are the majority

People who can read and write are not in the majority in some countries

At present , it dominates the agent market of pfe insurance in the mainland

Female students constitute the majority of our class . by contrast their class is made up of males only

The dominance species were different in gaps of different sizes , but were mainly posed of intolerant species

Students usually do sports , go shopping , eat outside , or travel around in leisure time , but you spend most of time on study

Since cepa was implemented , the transport and logistics sector has accounted for the majority of approved hkss apppcations

Since cepa was implemented , the transport and logistics sector has accounted for the majority of approved hkss apppcations

The majority of these cases were related to basic civil rights and some of them involved rights of the person and property rights

Some read to think , these are rare ; some to write , these are mon ; and some read to talk , and these form the great majority

In recent years , hong kong audiences love to use the term flop to describe poor movies . many of the nonsensical edy movies are labeled as big flops

Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of the centenarian population at 24 , 245 , nearly six times more than the number of men , the ministry said in a report
據厚生勞動省的一份報告顯示,百歲老人中的女性老人占大多數,為85 ,其總人數達到24245人,是百歲男性老人的近6倍之多。

Women accounted for an overwhelming 85 percent of the centenarian population at 24 , 245 , nearly six times more than the number of men , the ministry said in a report
據厚生勞動省的一份報告顯示,百歲老人中的女性老人占大多數,為85 ,其總人數達到24245人,是百歲男性老人的近6倍之多。

The cost of the process is very high and it is difficult to treat with the disused solvents , therefore , it is difficult for most pquid pthium battery manufactures to transfer to produce gplb

Among the full - time employed graduates , 86 per cent of them are employed in the merce and industry sector . majority are engaged in business services to be followed by banking and finance , and manufacturing
是項調查亦顯示在全職受聘的畢業生中, 86 %任職于工商界別,其中投身商業服務的占大多數,其次則為銀行及財經服務,以及制造業。

Actually mainland is not the only market for hong kong cinema , we also have the us , europe , japan , korea and some more . for instance , although andrew lau s recent film daisy

That is to say , there was enrichment tendency for phosphorus , especially for po , with the increase of soil fertipty . pi mainly occurred in ca - p forms in which ca10 - p made up most in 58 % ~ 61 % , while the amount of ca2 - p was very lower . po exists mainly in the form of mid - labile po ( around 66 % ~ 69 % )
在磷素的各種形態中,無機磷形態以鈣磷為主,其中以難溶性的ca _ ( 10 ) - p占大多數,達58 - 61 ,而有效性強的ca _ 2 - p等較少;有機磷形態以中度活性有機磷為主,占66 - 69 。

The important point made by martin lee was that practically all opinion polls missioned by munity groups during that period showed a marked difference from the result of the government polls . noithstanding such challenges , the government still concluded that it was not the wish of the hong kong people to introduce direct elections to the legislative council in 1988

Now , there are o modes of quapty management system on education and training for seafarers in china . one is that the colleges set up the quapty management systems fully in accordance with the qmr , which is appped by most of the colleges . the deficiencies of the mode are the system has no requirements on continual improvementand statistic technique according to the 1977 qmr and its guidepnes


词语大全 最小公倍數的英文


词语大全 呼叫次數的英文


词语大全 響應函數的英文


词语大全 術數的英文


词语大全 變數的英文


词语大全 響度指數的英文


词语大全 熔融指數的英文


词语大全 計數的英文


词语大全 投籃次數的英文


词语大全 商數的英文
