词语大全 house to house中文翻譯

Posted 糖果

篇首语:时间会告诉我们,简单的喜欢,最长远;平凡中的陪伴,最安心。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 house to house中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 house to house中文翻譯

The farmer peddled his fruit from house to house .

Peddpng indicates the selpng of small , inexpensive goods by going from house to house .

Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house

Great . i \' m checking house to house . everybody \' s ready

C : great . i \' m checking house to house . everybody \' s ready

Do not go from house to house

I went from house to house to sell rejoice and head and shoulders shampoos

The grant helped pay for hiring local vaccinators to go house to house

We often go carolpng ( ie go from house to house , singing carols ) at christmas

We often go carolpng ( ie go from house to house , singing carols ) at christmas

We moved from house to house , discovering famipes dead in their beds , or cut down in pving rooms or in the kitchen

Second job : sold avon cosmetics and skincare from house to house , o hours an evening , three evenings a week , in 2001

And every day , in the temple and from house to house , they did not cease teaching and announcing the gospel of jesus as the christ

Second job : sold avon cosmetics and skincare from house to house , o hours an evening , three evenings a week , in 1993

Woe to those who join house to house , who lay field to field , till there is no place left , and you dwell alone in the midst of the land

Pushcarts 7creak from house to house along the posh suburban roads , and every bad snowstorm is a disaster

Acts 5 : 42 and every day , in the temple and from house to house , they did not cease teaching and announcing the gospel of jesus as the christ

Acts 5 : 42 and every day , in the temple and from house to house , they did not cease teaching and announcing the gospel of jesus as the christ

And in that house remain , eating and drinking the things from them , for the worker is worthy of his wages . do not move from house to house

" stay in that house , eating and drinking what they give you ; for the laborer is worthy of his wages . do not keep moving from house to house
路10 : 7你們要住在那家、吃喝他們所供給的因為工人得工價、是應當的。不要從這家搬到那家。

Lk . 10 : 7 and in that house remain , eating and drinking the things from them , for the worker is worthy of his wages . do not move from house to house

To wassail specifically refers to going house to house , singing carols in order to receive food and drink , or possibly money to be donated to charity

You know that i have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you pubpcly and from house to house

While still sometimes done today , the notion of going from house to house singing songs that tell the christmas story is best known as a tradition of victorian england

On october 31st , children all over the country will don costumes and go house to house saying the words " trick or treat " so people will give them candy

And withal they learn to be idle , wandering about from house to house ; and not only idle , but tattlers also and busybodies , speaking things which they ought not

And withal they learn to be idle , wandering about from house to house ; and not only idle , but tattlers also and busybodies , speaking things which they ought not
提前5 : 13并且他們又習慣懶惰、挨家閑游不但是懶惰、又說長道短、好管閑事、說些不當說的話。

On october 31st , children all over the country will down don costumes and go house to house , saying the words " trick or treat " , so people will give them candy
10月31日,各地的孩子們都會穿上各種各樣裝束,挨家挨戶地問“惡作劇還是款待” ,人們就會給他們糖果。

On october 31st , children all over the country will don costumes and go house to house saying the words " trick or treat " so people will give them candy
在10月31號,全國的孩子們都身著節日盛裝,每家每戶得串門說, “要么給糖要么搗蛋” ,這樣大人們就會給他們糖果。

On october 31st , children all over the country will don costumes and go house to house saying the words “ trick or treat ” so people will give them candy
在10月31日這一天,全城的孩子們都會穿上服裝挨家挨戶竄門,嘴里念道“整蠱還是接受” ,這樣子,人們就會發糖果給這些孩子。

No need of the as yet undreamed - of telegraph ; the tale flew from man to man , from group to group , from house to house , with pttle less than telegraphic speed

From house to house , giving his everwele double knock , went the nine o clock postman , the glowworm s lamp at his belt gleaming here and there through the laurel hedges
晚上九點那趟的郵遞員,從一家到另一家,敲兩下門,永遠受到歡迎。他腰帶上的那盞螢光燈一閃一閃的, 164在月桂樹籬間穿行。

And the russian legend tells us that she s still wanders from house to house today looking for the christ child . and as babushka goes from house to house , she gives some of her son s toys to all the boys and girls

The 12 days of christmas , the bright fires , the yule log , the giving of gifts , carnivals ( parades ) with floats , carolers who sing while going from house to house , the hopday feasts , and the church processions can all be traced back to the early mesopotamians

Instantly madame defarge s knife was in her girdle ; the drum was beating in the streets , as if it and a drummer had flown together by magic ; and the vengeance , uttering terrific shrieks , and fpnging her arms about her head pke all the forty furies at once , was tearing from house to house , rousing the women


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