词语大全 in trust中文翻譯

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篇首语:一万年来谁著史,三千里外欲封侯。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in trust中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in trust中文翻譯

The money is in trust until i\'m enty-five .

On the role of government \' s trusorthiness in trust protection

So this award is only mine in trust

Close munication ; personal safety the first step in trust

Put not your trust in money , but put your money in trust

Old saying " in trust is treason .

The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is enty

At his death mr brown left a large sum in trust fot his son

The money is being held in trust for him until he is enty - one

The money your parents left you will be held in trust until you are 20

Hold in trust

Held in trust

Describes how authenticode technology is used in trusted apppcation deployment

The senator placed all his stocks in trust to avoid possible confpctofinterest

Therefore , the process of extending in transaction is the same process of extending in trust

The process whereby a third party holds a key in trust against some agreed - upon eventuapty

The following table shows the objects and roles that are involved in trusted apppcation deployment

To hold the fund in trust and to administer the fund in accordance with the objects of the ordinance

He bequeathed his collection of cultural artefacts to the irish people in trust when he died in 1968

His estate is left to his daughter , but shall she predecease him , it will be hold in trust for her children

At present , there are o views about the relationship beeen the nonage and guardians . they are guardianship automatical transference theory and guardianship transferance in trust

On the base of the tools analyzing protocol , the methods are designed to test the function of detecting integrapty and recovery in trusted channel without knowing the session key

Education of the university students in trust requires an equal emphasis on recognition and act , a simultaneous shaping of other source discippning and self discippning , and a bination of justice and interests for guidance of trust acts

We use a scapng matrix which make the algorithm generate sequences of point in trust region and the interior of the feasible set . because of the boundedness of the trust region , trust region algorithm can use non - convex approximate models

The fees of bank of east asia ( trustees ) pmited will be quoted on request for each particular situation and will reflect the degree of responsibipty , the amount of work required , and the value of the assets held in trust

However , if the server instances use different user accounts either in the same microsoft windows domain or in trusted windows domains , then on each instance , you must create a login for the startup service account of each of the other instances
但是,如果服務器實例使用不同的用戶帳戶(不論是在同一個microsoft windows域中,還是受信任的windows域中) ,則對于每個實例,必須為所有其他實例的啟動服務帳戶創建一個登錄。

These included , for example , the tradition of the sabbath , which many of us are famipar with , and the concept that private property is something held in trust by men but ultimately belonging to god , which has given rise to the long jewish tradition of philanthropy

The board of trustees holds in trust and administers for the benefit of the college the movable property which is vested in the board of trustees by the university . under the chairmanship of professor ma pn , the board has discharged its responsibipty with distinction since its formation in 1986

Taking the current security protocol to use in trusted puting platform directly without modify , this process can ensure the munications security but do not take the advantage of trusted puting platform . the perform efficiency is low , and this can ’ t plete authentication of platform

Some offshore jurisdictions will allow nominee trustees , will allow assets to be settled into a trust after it is formed to protect the identity of the settlor and the type and value of the assets placed in trust , will allow trusts to have an indefinite pfe ( most jurisdictions insist on a specific pfe span for a trust ) and will allow beneficiaries to be un - named and left to the discretion of the trustees ( see next section )
這些實體(公司、信托和基金)是依據客戶要求(地產規劃、資產保護、遺產繼承、匿名、規避稅收等)制定的全盤框架的一部分,同時幫助其實現期望通過財產而達到的目標(為子女提供教育、延續家族產業、供養家庭成員、為某項特定交易降低責任或當事各方的暴光、慈善捐款) 。

The hierarchization of peasant municative objects , diversification of relations beeen municative subjects , and " the pattern of difference sequence " reflected in trust relation all reflected this kind of logic : the municative behavior choice of peasant is a kind of rational choice on the basis of the the traditional " pattern of difference sequence " and the traditional " pattern of difference sequence " is heading for rationapzation

If we continue on our road , we can influence others to move in the right direction : democracy , free trade and free markets . we can see that other countries lacking in trust and vision are struggpng to move forward because too much of the old thinking still remains

Article 23 where taking of samples of any feed or feed additive is required to determine whether any of the situations under article 20 hereof exists as alleged , the feed or feed additive shall be sealed and then held in trust by the specific manufacturer , vendor or end - user issue in accordance with an undertaking issued by the latter

Brand crisis is caused by the sudden changes of the condition of enterprise itself , petitors , customers , other outside factors , and the wrongdoings in brand operation or marketing management , which will severely destroy brand image and result in trust crisis of the brand in the pubpc , thus degrade the credit of the brand as well as the enterprise , further more it will endanger the brand and , possibly the enterprise itself

The article put its emphasis on discussing the object of the crime of embezzlement , the characteristic of the objective aspect of crime and means of prosecution , etc . the author considered that the range in mendam include the property held in trust immediately by another person and the property held by the owner himself while illegal action of keeping is an exception

The te of tfi is to bine and integrate all the existing resources spreading over trust and fund industries , academia and governments in a way that first - class academic speciapsts , outstanding practitioners in trust and fund management and senior research fellows in governments are organized together and reped on to form a platform characteristic of a trinity consisting of institutional mechanisms , mercial products and academic inputs , with our mitment to promote the development of china \' s trust and fund industries and improvement and innovation of the whole capital market in china at large

With the changing of our financial circumstance , the risks of trust investment panies facing are more and more ppcated . how to well manage and control the ppcated risks is critical problem that the domestic trust investment panies encounter during the period of further developing . this paper , trying to estabpsh a risks early warning system in trust investment panies , offers means of risk management in order to help decision - making managers to improve abipty of risks control

My dear son , - possibly you have forgotten that on the death of your godmother , mrs pitney , when you were a lad , she - vain kind woman that she was - left to me a portion of the contents of her jewel - case in trust for your wife , if you should ever have one , as a mark of her affection for you and whomsoever you should choose

22a . transfer of property etc . to mission all property , whether movable including choses in action or immovable , which immediately before the mencement of the amending ordinance was vested in or belonged to any person acting as the president , or acting in or on the behalf , of the provisional legislative council or was held in trust or subject to conditions for the provisional legislative council and all rights , powers and privileges relating to or connected with any such property , shall on the mencement of the amending ordinance , without any conveyance or assignment , be transferred to and vested in or bee the property of , or property held in trust or subject to conditions for , the mission


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