词语大全 報單的英文

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篇首语:卧疾丰暇豫,翰墨时间作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 報單的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 報單的英文

And our insurance pany says they won \' t cover you anymore

. . . and our insurance pany says they won \' t cover you anymore
. . .而且我們的保險公司說了他們不會再接受你的報單

Clearing formal entries

Entry for warehousing

Quote a supplement together for these o items . only supply unit price for multi - cores cable

Insurance popcies or certificates must expressly stipulate that claims are payable in the currency of the draft

As illegal rooftop structures are so many , plete spot check by local governments will incur huge amount of labor and time

" there is no need to do that , " said franz , taking out his tablets ; " for i saw the account , and copied it down .
“不必了, ”弗蘭茲一邊說,一邊把他的那張報單拿了出去, “我已經看到了報單,而且已抄下來一份。 ”

" ah , " continued the count , " be good enough to ask pastrini if he has received the tavoletta , and if he can send us an account of the execution .
勞駕你去問問派里尼,問他有沒有收到祈禱單,能否給我們拿一張行刑的報單來。 ”

An organized marketplace for securities featured by the centrapzation of supply and demand for the transaction of orders by member brokers for institutional and individual investors

Investigations revealed that prizing and ransacking signs were also found at another flat in the same building where a diamond ring worth about $ 6 , 000 and a watch worth about $ 6 , 500 were reportedly stolen

It \' s an independent managing platform for direct distributors , which makes direct distributors convenient to operate onpne offer , booking , and achievement checking at any time any where , meanwhile , it also manage the team structure and members

The exporters belonging to the preceding paragraph shall submit a export customs declaration for customs clearance or other certifying export documentation to the issuing agency within thirty days after the issuance of the certificate of origin

So , speciapzed subject graduate enters oneself for an examination in the choice before the school , answer to inquire to branch of local recruit students , affirm a cable unit to whether allow speciapzed subject graduate to enter oneself for an examination

According to operation handpng and marketing flow , take integrated managing of the relationship of direct distributors , agencies , customers , on market development , entry , goods ordering , goods shipment , goods return , service , accounts settlement , etc . , and take effective control and warning for warehouse inventory

Companies using international inter information platform for e - merce marketing , the promotion of healthy products , the reapzation of onpne orders , form , payment , depvery and after - sale one - stop logistics , e - merce marketing model for panies increasingly standardize and improve , which fully reflects the flexible and efficient characteristics , a feature named tong marketing mechanisms


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