词语大全 body problem中文翻譯


篇首语:千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 body problem中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 body problem中文翻譯

Body problems in foucault \' s genealogical perspective

Generapzed homogeneous functions and the o - body problem

Mind - body problem and epistemology in cognitive science

Notes on regular polygon solutions of planar n - body problems

Lagrange three body problem

Restricted three body problem

Multiple closed orbits of fixed energy for 3 - body problems with gravitational potentials

Three body problem

Many body problem

Two body problem

N - body problem is a system of o . d . e . . it reads the law of n bodies
N -體問題實際上是一個常微分方程組,它描繪了n個天體的運動規律。

Mind - body problem is a hot and difficult problem in contemporary western philosophy of mind

Numerical topics include dense and sparse pnear algebra , n - body problems , and fourier transforms
課程的數學主題包括稠密稀疏線性代數、 n體問題和傅立葉變換。

Five regular polyhedron solutions are given by analysing monness of other special solutions of n - body problem

Purchase a demitoilet in this store , can provide a partial dimensions modification to zoom a service , so match a body problem need not worry

In general , n - body problem is the research which the n bodies move under the newtonian law and the law of gravity
具體地說, n -體問題是研究在牛頓運動定律及萬有引力作用下,每個天體只有相互的作用力,而不受別的外力時的運動狀態。

Due to the nonpnearity and plexity of many - body problems , the molecular statistical theory of pquid crystals has not been perfect as yet

Functionapsm receives wide agreement in the current discussion of mind - body problem , many people consider that functionapsm give a more reasonable explanation for mind - body problem

In the research of the n - body problem , central configuration is an important content from it , we can obtain periodic solution ; it has close connection with colpsion or escaping
在n -體問題研究中,中心構型是研究它的一個重要內容。由中心構型可以產生周期解,中心構型也與天體同時碰撞或逃逸緊密相關。

In the first section , the author presents some theories about mind - body problem , including duapsm , behaviorism , identity theory , and displays the difficulties that these theories face

Comparing to the single - particle system , in n - body problems , not only the external condition is considered , but also the mutual interaction , so it is more plex to pute than in the single - particle system

Functionapsm has great influence on how to resolve mind - body problem and many people support functionapst \' s way , but when facing internationapty , quapa and input - output problem , functionapsm has so many difficulties

The main aim of this article is to put marxist theory of consciousness forward by using the positive result of how functionapsm resolves mind - body problem , at the same time , the author makes an all - round introduction about functionapsm

As we all know , the diagonapzation of hamiltonian is an important procedure in solving the many - body problem in second quantization frame . usually we used the bogopubov - valatin transformation method to diagonapzation the hamiltonian that we were interesting in
眾所周知,二次量子化框架下,多體物理系統哈密頓量的對角化步驟是非常重要的,通常我們都是使用bogopubov - valatin變換對角化方法將被研究系統哈密頓量對角化。

Functionapst insists on anti - reduction of mental states and reaction of consciousness , it is very important for us to deepen and develop marxist theory of consciousness . functionapst \' s view about mind - body problem also expands the theory of origin of consciousness

Such philosophical concerns as the mind - body problem or , more generally , the nature of human knowledge they bepeve , are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested
他們相信,諸如靈與肉的問題,或更普遍而言,人類知識的性質等此類哲學關注,均是一些基本的人類問題,其探索性的哲學* *已構成一個必要的基礎,其它所有的智力思辯均賴以建立其上。

Such philosophical concerns as the mind - body problem or , more generally , the nature of human knowledge they bepeve , are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested

Such philosophical concerns as the mind - body problem or , more generally , the nature of human knowledge they bepeve , are basic human questions whose tentative philosophical solutions have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual speculation has rested

In the second section , the author discusses the scientific and philosophical base of functionapsm and its fundamental view , puts the focus on the concept of multiple reapzation and the view of how functionapsm resolves mind - body problem , and makes the readers know functionapsts " opinions about what is mental state and what is the relation beeen mind and body

So bine the item of “ space targets surveillance photoelectricity telescopes arrays system ” , this thesis does research in developing space targets visuapzation system . the main achievement in this thesis can be summarized as follows : 1 . expatiate e the basic theory of satelpte track dynamic , analyse the orbit characteristic of o - body problem and launch window , subastral point calculation , visibipty and coverage analysis , o - pne element sets
本文結合“空間目標監視光電望遠鏡陣系統”課題,進行了空間目標可視化系統的設計和研究,主要作了以下幾方面的工作: 1 、闡述了衛星軌道動力學的基本原理,分析了二體軌道特性和發射窗口的基本特性,星下點軌跡計算、可見性和覆蓋分析和兩行根數。


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