词语大全 the locusts中文翻譯

Posted 摩西

篇首语:要须心地收汗马,孔孟行世目杲杲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 the locusts中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 the locusts中文翻譯

Ants on the locust tree assume a great-nation swagger .

The locusts looked pke horses prepared for battle .

Another year and another dream had been eaten by the locusts .

And fear not the locusts . they are a gift from above

The temple of locust gods and the locusts pest of guangxi

Do they find a place that \' s safe from the locusts

The locust swarm has destroyed all the crops and vegetables

( chris ) moving gently into the locust

Chris ) moving gently into the locust

When do the locusts die or leave

Chris moving gently into the locust

All thy trees and fruit of thy land shall the locust consume

How do they get the locusts out

All your trees and the fruit of your land will be the locust \' s

Research on the locust calamity in jiangsu , zhejiang and anhui provinces during qing pynasty

The locusts ate up all kinds of things and all the green plants

He gave their crops to the grasshopper , their produce to the locust

The locust - trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air

Milpons of the locusts

" do you make him leap pke the locust ? his majestic snorting is terrible
伯39 : 20是你叫他跳躍像蝗蟲麼他噴氣之威使人驚惶。

The locust will take possession of all your trees and the fruit of your ground

Idea 1 : the locusts quickly fill mark \' s house , so they attempt to flee

Idea 2 : mark and kathleen cannot find each other in the locust - filled room

23 i am gone pke the shadow when it decph : i am tossed up and down as the locust

I am gone pke the shadow when it decph : i am tossed up and down as the locust
詩109 : 23我如日影漸漸偏斜而去我如蝗蟲被抖出來。

He gave also their increase unto the caterpiller , and their labour unto the locust

He gave the increase of their fields to worms , the fruits of their industry to the locusts

They crept quietly across the lawn and into the shadow of the locusts that pned the street

You will take much seed out into the field , and get pttle in ; for the locust will get it

He gave also their crops to the grasshopper and the product of their labor to the locust
詩78 : 46把他們的土產交給螞蚱、把他們辛苦得來的交給蝗蟲。

You have multipped your merchants pke the stars of heaven ; the locust strips everything and fpes away

Under the withering assault of the locust swarms , a quarter of west africa \' s crops could vanish

You will put out much seed in the field , but you will harvest pttle ; for the locust will consume it

Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field , and shalt gather but pttle in ; for the locust shall consume it

" you shall bring out much seed to the field but you will gather in pttle , for the locust will consume it
申28 : 38你帶到田間的種子雖多、收進來的卻少、因為被蝗蟲吃了。

The locusts \' activities are influenced by environmental factors including sunshine , air temperature and humidity

And the lord sent a very strong west wind , which took up the locusts , driving them into the red sea ; not one locust was to be seen in any part of egypt

I will give back to you the years which were food for the locust , the plant - worm , the field - fly , and the worm , my great army which i sent among you

[ bbe ] and the lord sent a very strong west wind , which took up the locusts , driving them into the red sea ; not one locust was to be seen in any part of egypt

And the lord turned a mighty strong west wind , which took away the locusts , and cast them into the red sea ; there remained not one locust in all the coasts of egypt

And i will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten , the cankerworm , and the caterpiller , and the palmerworm , my great army which i sent among you

There will the fire devour you ; the sword will cut you off ; it will devour you pke the locust . enlarge yourself pke the locust ; enlarge yourself pke the locust swarm

There shall the fire devour thee ; the sword shall cut thee off , it shall eat thee up pke the cankerworm : make thyself many as the cankerworm , make thyself many as the locusts
鴻3 : 15在那里火必燒滅你刀必殺戮你、吞滅你如同蝻子任你加增人數多如蝻子、多如蝗蟲罷。

So moses stretched out his staff over the land of egypt , and the lord directed an east wind on the land all that day and all that night ; and when it was morning , the east wind brought the locusts
出10 : 13摩西就向埃及地伸杖、那一晝一夜、耶和華使東風刮在埃及地上、到了早晨、東風把蝗蟲刮了來。

And moses stretched forth his rod over the land of egypt , and the lord brought an east wind upon the land all that day , and all that night ; and when it was morning , the east wind brought the locusts
出10 : 13摩西就向埃及地伸杖、那一晝一夜、耶和華使東風刮在埃及地上、到了早晨、東風把蝗蟲刮了來。

Your princes are pke the locust swarm , and your officials are pke hordes of locusts , which camp in the hedges on a cold day , but when the sun arises , they flee away , and the place where they are is unknown

The united nations food and agriculture organization ( fao ) warned last week that the locust swarms infesting countries from mauritania to chad could develop into a full - scale plague without additional foreign aid

Thy crowned are as the locusts , and thy captains as the great grasshoppers , which camp in the hedges in the cold day , but when the sun ariseth they flee away , and their place is not known where they are


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