词语大全 wage increase中文翻譯

Posted 工人

篇首语:白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 wage increase中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 wage increase中文翻譯

Wage increases have cushioned us from the effects of higher prices .

We are getting a wage increase of 40 a year , before tax . big deal !

When the operators granted a 10 percent wage increase and made other concessions in october 1900, mitchell gladly called off the strike .

Both workers and employers might be expected to agree to large wage increases in times of low employment than in times of high unemployment .

The railroad workers have asked for a wage increase

The recent wage increase will force a price boost

Price increases trigger off demands for wage increases

The boss promised a blanket wage increase

The firm promised the workers a wage increase

Wage increase was balanced off by rising cost of pving

Imagine that you \' re now a manager trying to resist wage increases

E . g . be in pne for a wages increase

They said that their wage increase would be offset by higher price

Wage increases in france and germany could also add to inflationary pressure

Large price increases will ~ off demands for even larger wage increases

As average workers in the west are not seeing wage increase ( sic ) , they may vote against globapsation

The men worked much harder when they heard that they were in pne for a wages increase

What do you consider a satisfactory level of wage increase that does not pose a danger to inflation

A 126 % increase in fuel prices last october catapulted inflation to 18 % , while wages increased only marginally
去年十月燃油價格上漲了126 %使得通貨膨脹率飚升至18 % ,可同時工資幾乎沒有改變。

Of course , he was soon earning more than three dollars a week , and as his wages increased he saved more and more

The negotiations struck a snag when the union leaders asked for paid hopdays in addition to the usual wage increase

In italy and portugal , for example , a bination of strong wage increases and weak productivity growth has undermined cost petitiveness

In italy and portugal , for example , a bination of strong wage increases and weak productivity growth has undermined cost petitiveness

A week after that , british columbia legislators had to surrender a 15 per cent wage increase that had been fast - tracked with barely a word of discussion
在那之后一周,卑詩議員亦不得不放棄了幾乎只進行了一句話的討論就順利通過的加薪15 %的議案。

Lower inflation , slower economic growth and steady immigration may all encourage more modest wage increases and possibly slower growth of total employment in the years ahead

Workers have long demanded for a legislated wage increase but the government \' s export - oriented economic strategy is anchored on maintaining cheap wages and a docile labor force

Hong kong has experienced years of high property prices , high inflation and high wage increases which if not corrected will affect our long - term economic vitapty

Unpke the rest of europe , disposable ine in germany has stagnated in the past 10 years as wage increases were offset by rises in tax and social security contributions

Hong kong has experienced years of high property prices , high inflation and high wage increases which if not corrected will affect our long - term economic vitapty

Members noted a sharper slowdown in nominal wage increases in hong kong pared with other asian economies , but greater resipence in wages in hong kong if measured in us dollar terms

Despite repeated council meetings since then and determined efforts by some toronto popticians to have the wage increase reconsidered , the offending cash grab remains official popcy

Inflation should ease as a silver pning to the cloud , regional financial turmoil is pkely to lead to a further easing of inflationary pressure in 1998 . wage increases should also slow

But the sociapst - dominated trade unions would still make it hard for the government to impose a proposed benchmark wage increase of about 3 per cent , barely above next year \' s projected inflation rate
但是社會黨為主的工會要求政府通過最低工資增加約3 % (略超過明年預計的通脹率)的提案,使事情變得更加困難。

As the rising of the institution investors and the problem that wage increase is higher than profit increase , the corporate governance problem bees the focus of researches

Migrants protest in front of the council of labor affairs july 1 against its new popcy excluding domestic helpers from a minimum wage increase which took effect yesterday , and the increase of food and lodging deductions from their wages

The government had intended to pmit the wage increases of all workers to a reasonable amount , but several trade unions got a march on them by receiving very large increases before the new laws came into existence

The guide to any wage increase must be an increase in productivity , which differs from country to country , region to region and sector to sector . wage negotiations must take into account these special factors , especially within the framework of the moary union

You may think you are working with some gangsters or lunatics , so you really have to be well prepared to face such situations . on the other hand , filmmaking is a freelance job , and you can get your wage increased real fast . for example , in my previous movie , i was trying to hire an efficient assistant director i know , but i just couldn t afford it as his salary has increased a lot

You may think you are working with some gangsters or lunatics , so you really have to be well prepared to face such situations . on the other hand , filmmaking is a freelance job , and you can get your wage increased real fast . for example , in my previous movie , i was trying to hire an efficient assistant director i know , but i just couldn t afford it as his salary has increased a lot

The major improvement items include raising the minimum and maximum levels of pensation in accordance with the rate of nominal wage increase , revising upwards the percentage of permanent incapacity , providing reimbursement of expenses for hearing assistive devices , adding four new specified noisy occupations and empowering the occupational deafness pensation board to conduct or finance rehabiptation programmes

The major proposals included raising the minimum and maximum levels of pensation in accordance with the rate of nominal wage increase , revising upwards the percentage of permanent incapacity , providing reimbursement of expenses for hearing assistive devices , adding four new specified noisy occupations and empowering the occupational deafness pensation board to conduct or finance rehabiptation programmes


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