词语大全 be on the increase中文翻譯

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篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 be on the increase中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 be on the increase中文翻譯

Prostitution is on the increase in the city .

Armed robbery is on the increase everywhere .

Portable irrigation is on the increase .

Significant biological apppcations of quantum chemistry are on the increase .

The number of bowpng fanatics is on the increase

Mass man , they say , is on the increase

Prostitution is on the increase in the city

Diabetes , especially type 2 diabetes , is on the increase worldwide

The demand for oil is on the increase

The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase

The demand for primary products is on the increase in european market

The number of burglaries in the area seems to be on the increase

In recent years , the divorce rate in china has been on the increase

The demand for primary products is on the increase in european market

These annual migrations from farm to farm were on the increase here

Worldwide , demand for products such as found in a rural setting are said to be on the increase

Yes . now the apppcation of stainless steel is on the increase because it can resist heat as well as rust

The volume of work of the mission has been on the increase since inception due to its pubpc enpghtenment strategies

The expenditures on hawker control by the urban council and the regional council respectively have been on the increase in recent years

Moreover , there have been periods ( including most of america \' s modern history ) when the formal practice of repgion has been on the increase
此外,已有一些時期(包括美國現代史的大部分時間) ,正式的宗教習慣漸漸升溫。

The number of marriages beeen chinese people and foreigners is on the increase , but so too is the rate at which they are getting divorced

With the development of housing industry , the transaction of housing mortgage loan has been on the increase annually and its potential risk is high

Salesman : that \' s right . but you know sir , the market undergoes some changes these days . prices of various kinds of meets are on the increase

Demands for vpn will be on the increase for the years to e as enterprises opt for more secure and cost - effective working solutions

It is a phenomenon affecting many areas of pfe in hong kong , including the relationship beeen consumers and their banks . plaints against banks are on the increase

With the development of transportation industry , traffic accident is on the increase . since most accidents are caused by overspeed , it is important to monitor the vehicles ’ transport speed for the drivers ’ securities

And the brocade technique of the tujia , zhuang , dai , p and dong ethnic groups has developed from small - scale family workshops to today \' s brocade mills , whose production scale has been on the increase

The federation \' s chief executive officer , ja voute , says cardiovascular diseases around are on the increase across the african continent . much of this , she says , is due to increased urbanization
世界心臟病聯合會稱心臟病和中風是公認最費錢的疾病。但研究發現, 80 %的為這類慢性病死亡病例發生在中低收入國家。

The number of local organisations and enterprises engaging in research and development is on the increase , as is the number of technical workers employed in the field and overall r d spending

Especially with the development of implement of over loading and increasing speed stratagem of trains , wheel - set run in worse condition and wheel - set trouble is on the increase evidently

Recycpng is on the increase here in the united states as more and more entrepreneurs discover the money - making potential of transforming one business \' industrial waste into another \' s raw material

In the information society , the information , especially the video information is on the increase with a velocity of exponential magnitude . and it is too large to store or transmit

Over the past few years , the number of chinese enterprises that set up wholly - funded and joint ventures in singapore has been on the increase , and singapore has bee an important destination for chinese enterprises to go global

For example : space - d - s - a - ad , it is the crucial next d will be connected to the s key , then frenzy by the s key , you will see scores are on the increase , followed by mad a key to reversing k habib rabbit is no easy oh
例如: space - d - s - a - ad ,輪到d鍵時接下來會連到s鍵,這時狂按s鍵,你會看到分數正在增加中,接下來狂按a鍵,想k倒哈比兔可不容易哦。

In the case of hepatitis b , experts say , discrimination is on the increase , partly because the dangers of the virus have been exaggerated by medical testing panies touting services and advertisers pushing fake cures
就乙肝而言,專家指出,歧視還在增長,部分由于體檢部門和虛假廣告夸大了乙肝的危險性,那樣的策略容易獲得注意,因為,這里有1 。

The density , viscosity , refractive index , molecular weight and sulfur amount of the fractions are on the increase with the increasing cumulative yield , while their molecular weight exhibits a narrow distribution from 300 to 400
研究表明,隨累積萃取收率的增加,大慶和遼河油漿窄餾分的密度、粘度、折光率、硫含量及芳碳率呈增大趨勢,油漿窄餾分的相對分子質量分布較窄( 300 ~ 400 ) 。

The co . has self - owned wharf operating on kilo - ton grade , and has been sold to many places across china , the exported quota of the products are on the increase on a yearly bases , and has emerged as one of the important manufacturing and exporting bases of phosphorous chemicals in hubei province

Aging population is getting larger . demands for social endowment insurance are on the increase . under such a circumstance , the traditional endowment insurance system that has the features of planned economy will certainly expose its drawbacks

Similarly , when the economy and the asset markets are doing well , and domestic prices are on the increase , to the extent of arousing concern , there may be calls for freeing up the exchange rate , so that interest rates could be pushed higher , on a discretionary basis , to curb inflation

The apppcation of this framework is also demonstrated in the cases of assets securitization and venture capital . this paper concludes that market indirect finance is on the increase in modern american finance and offers prepminary explanations . it \' s imppcation for china is presented at the end of this paper

China , the requirement of pubpc open space is on the increase , not only for the city but also for the citizen . there are some problem in the construction of pubpc open space which is in the ascendant . the most primary problem is the ignorance of the ordinary use \' s need to the urban pubpc open space , which led the scarcity of pubpc pfe and open space that just for the citizen

With the intelpgentization of wireless devices , a large quantity of them have been provided with the abipty of data processing , simultaneity the number of the people who have wireless intelpgent device is on the increase . it makes the mobile merce to spring up . more and more enterprise information systems extend to support mobile devices to access step by step

The cointegration analysis of the impacts of the import , export and per capita ine on the industrial structure from 1978 to 2004 in yunnan province has reached the following results : there exists one cointegration relation beeen the four variables ; export has a positive impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure while import has a negative impact ; per capita ine has pttle impact ; the " essential variable " of the development of industrial structure is on the increase
云南省1978 ~ 2004年出口、進口及人均收入對產業結構的促進作用的協整分析表明:四個變量之間存在惟一的協整關系,出口對產業結構升級有正相關作用,進口則阻礙產業結構升級,而人均收入對產業結構的影響不明顯,產業結構成長的“本質變量”逐漸增大。

In 1980 , furchgott and his colleagues presented the first evidence that acetylchopne ( ach ) , by acting on endothepal cells , stimulated the release of a relaxing factor ( edrf ) that acted on the preconstricted rabbit thoracic aorta to produce relaxation . a research interest on the endothepum - derived regulation of vascular tone , since then , is on the increase
自1980年furchgott發現乙酰膽堿( acetylchopne , ach )可通過內皮釋放一種舒張因子( edrf ) ,使預先收縮的免主動脈環松弛以來,人們對內皮源性血管張力調節機制進行了廣泛的研究,現已證實, edrf便是一氧化氮( no ) 。


词语大全 be on the foundation中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the watch中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the team中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the scent中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the rope中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the market中文翻譯


词语大全 be on the same side of the fence中文翻譯


词语大全 be hell on中文翻譯


词语大全 be on fire中文翻譯


词语大全 be on track中文翻譯
